from May 2021 by thread

[CfP] Workshop on Probabilistic Logic Programming (Deadline August 1st) Rafael Penaloza Nyssen (Friday, 28 May)

ESSLLI 2022: Second Call for Course and Workshop Proposals Nickles, Matthias (Friday, 28 May)

[CfP] MrICHE 2021, the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Mixed reality Implications on Cultural Heritage Experience, Bari, Italy, October 4, 2021 Lorenzo Carnevale (Thursday, 27 May)

Problem with cycles when transforming an *.obo file to rdf or owl. Luis Gasco Sanchez (Thursday, 27 May)

2nd Call for Papers: NMR 2021 Richard Booth (Wednesday, 26 May)

Third workshop on Semantics and the Web For Transport at SEMANTiCS-EU Pieter Colpaert (Tuesday, 25 May)

User Interaction with Linked Data Patterns - Masters Dissertation Mariana Barbosa Aguiar (Monday, 24 May)

[CfP] IEEE International Conference on ICT Solutions for e-Health, ICTS4eHealth 2021 - Athens, Greece, September 5-8, 2021 Lorenzo Carnevale (Monday, 24 May)

2nd cfp - Demo track - FOIS 2021, September 13-16, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy Maria Hedblom (Monday, 24 May)

Second [CfP] WOP2021@ISWC2021, Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns Karl Hammar (Monday, 24 May)

URGENT: due date in 1 week! SI: Elsevier CAEE (IF: 2.663) Atilla Elçi (Sunday, 23 May)

All the Agents Challenge (ATAC) at ISWC 2021 Tobias Käfer (Friday, 21 May)

CFP: Springer icSoftComp2021 K. K. Patel (Friday, 21 May)

CfP: SI on Semantic Web and the Global Food System Pascal Hitzler (Thursday, 20 May)

[CALL TO ACTION] Support the W3C LDS WG Charter Manu Sporny (Wednesday, 19 May)

[Deadline extended - FIRM] ISCC 2021 - the 26th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (Wednesday, 19 May)

K-CAP 2021: First call for papers - deadline Marieke van Erp (Tuesday, 18 May)

Logica Universalis Webinar - May 19 - A Bunch of Diagrammatic Methods for Syllogistic by Frank Sautter Antje Herbst (Tuesday, 18 May)

SciReC2021 Challenge - Call for participation (with prize for top performing submission) Francisco M Couto (Tuesday, 18 May)

[CfP] Call for Papers: 15th International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (Virtual) NeSy’2021 Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz (Tuesday, 18 May)

[CfP] SWIB21 online - 13th Semantic Web in Libraries Conference, 29.11. - 3.12.2021 Neubert, Joachim (Monday, 17 May)

1st CfP - CAOS: Cognition And OntologieS @FOIS - September - Bolzano, Italy Maria Hedblom (Sunday, 16 May)

Detailed Program Announced for ESWC 2021 Cogan Shimizu (Friday, 14 May)

CDVE2021 paper deadline approaching cdve .org (Thursday, 13 May)

Causal Modeling and N-ary Relations Adam Sobieski (Thursday, 13 May)

[CfP] First workshop on Squaring the circle on graphs Pierre-Antoine Champin (Wednesday, 12 May)

Semantic Reasoning Evaluation Challenge (SemREC) at ISWC 2021 Raghava Mutharaju (Wednesday, 12 May)

CFP: Springer icSoftComp2021 K. K. Patel (Wednesday, 12 May)

Call for papers FCA4AI 2021 Workshop co-located with IJCAI 2021, August 21 2021 Amedeo Napoli (Tuesday, 11 May)

14 funded open PhD positions in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Udine, Italy Dario Della Monica (Wednesday, 12 May)

Standardising CDT? was RE: [External] Re: UCUM licensing [was Re: Blank nodes must DIE! ] Cox, Simon (L&W, Clayton) (Wednesday, 12 May)

CFP: 16th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2021) Galina Akmayeva, ICITST (Tuesday, 11 May)

CfP - Showcase track - FOIS 2021, September 13-16, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy Maria Hedblom (Tuesday, 11 May)

Semantic Hashing Sebastian Samaruga (Monday, 10 May)

CfP ISWC 2021 - Call for Industry papers, Posters, Demos and Lightning Talks International Semantic Web Conference (Monday, 10 May)

CfP: VOILA 2021 - Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data Catia Pesquita (Monday, 10 May)

[CfP] SEMANTiCS 2021 EU || Open Calls Tassilo Pellegrini (Monday, 10 May)

Logica Universalis Webinar - May 12 - Graded Structures of Opposition in Fuzzy Natural Logic by Petra Murinová Antje Herbst (Monday, 10 May)

TOTh 2021 Disputatio - François Gaudin : "Hilary Putnam, pour une vision sociolinguistique de la référence" - 4 June 2021 Christophe Roche (Monday, 10 May)

Call for contribution of a chapter for the book "Semantic Models in IoT and eHealth Applications" (Elsevier) Dr. Sanju Tiwari (Monday, 10 May)

A case for a datatype for identifying RDF graphs Antoine Zimmermann (Friday, 7 May)

UCC 2021 - the 14th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (Friday, 7 May)

13 four-year PhD grants at the Faculty of Computer Science of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in Italy Enrico Franconi (Friday, 7 May)

[SIAS 2021, Last Call] Symposium on Intelligent and Autonomous Systems Symposium IAS (Friday, 7 May)

Overlay 2021: Call For Papers Dario Della Monica (Friday, 7 May)

1st Call for Papers: NMR 2021 Richard Booth (Wednesday, 5 May)

TOTh 2021 Opening Talk - Nicola Guarino: "Events and their names" - 3 June 2021 Christophe Roche (Wednesday, 5 May)

[CfP] Special SWJ issue on Commonsense Knowledge and Reasoning Filip Ilievski (Tuesday, 4 May)

[ANN] COLID - Linked Data conform Enteprise Data Catalog Goekhan Coskun (Tuesday, 4 May)

Tools and approaches supporting the generation of Shapes Constraints Kashif Rabbani (Tuesday, 4 May)

[10 days left] ISCC 2021 - the 26th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (Tuesday, 4 May)

Ontology for ETL pipeline descriptions Dirk RIEHLE (Monday, 3 May)

Development of Mobile Semantic Apps using Punya: ISWC Challenge William Van Woensel (Monday, 3 May)

CfP: 20th IEEE/WIC/ACM Int Conf. Web Intelligence & Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT '21) 14-17 Dec 2021, Melbourne, Australia Rainer Unland Uni (Monday, 3 May)

OWL Shortcuts? Henry Story (Sunday, 2 May)

Reasoning Web Summer School 2021 Ivan José Varzinczak (Saturday, 1 May)

[SIAS 2021, Extended deadline] Symposium on Intelligent and Autonomous Systems Symposium IAS (Saturday, 1 May)

Re: Chartering work has started for a Linked Data Signature Working Group @W3C Dan Brickley (Saturday, 1 May)

URLIs for OWL 2 Primer syntaxes Henry Story (Saturday, 1 May)

Last message date: Monday, 31 May 2021 17:57:40 UTC