Re: Chartering work has started for a Linked Data Signature Working Group @W3C

But I thought that the main idea behind the WG is to select a signing
method for RDF / LD.   That is, to make it impossible to use JCS by
itself as the JSON-LD canonicalizer and be within the bounds of the

Of course, this certainly does not prevent the use of JCS to sign JSON-
LD documents - it is just that this would not conform to the


On Thu, 2021-05-06 at 19:01 +0200, Ivan Herman wrote:
> Peter,
> just to make it clear (and that was, I believe, Manu's intentions,
> too). 
> The WG charter does not, will not, shall not propose JCS as an
> alternative; the proposed work is on the RDF abstract syntax. The
> only thing we have to acknowledge is that there are communities out
> there that do that, and we cannot ignore this. It does not have a
> bearing on what the WG would do except, maybe, to be sure that it
> does not make it actively _impossible_ for someone to follow that
> route on a JSON-LD serialization of the RDF Data (although, to be
> honest, I would not even know what we would do that would make that
> impossible).
> Cheers
> Ivan

Received on Thursday, 6 May 2021 17:22:12 UTC