Re: A case for a datatype for identifying RDF graphs

I'm talking about a datatype that identifies RDF graphs, as defined by 
the standard. The triple I provide does not say that the graph is 
published in Turtle. I could write:

<antoine> <madePublication> [
   <inFormat> "RDF/XML";
   <content> "ex:x a owl:Thing"^^rdf:turtle
] .

If the datatype IRI rdf:turtle is too confusing, it could be 
rdf:GraphLiteral, as suggested by Ivan in his draft. The point is not on 
the specific IRI that we use to recognise the datatype. The point is on 
the idea of recognising a datatype that identifies graphs (or rather, 
the equivalent class of graphs wrt the isomorphism relation, such that 
the change of blank nodes does not affect the value of the literal).


Le 07/05/2021 à 19:00, Frans Knibbe a écrit :
> Op vr 7 mei 2021 om 17:09 schreef Antoine Zimmermann 
> < <>>:
>     <antoine>  <published>  "ex:x a owl:Thing"^^rdf:turtle
> What if Antoine published his triple or graph in a triple store that 
> supports multiple RDF formats (of which Turtle could or could not be one)?
> In other words: isn't there a significant difference between a graph and 
> the format in which a graph may be expressed?
> Greetings,
> Frans

Antoine Zimmermann
École des Mines de Saint-Étienne
158 cours Fauriel
CS 62362
42023 Saint-Étienne Cedex 2
Tél:+33(0)4 77 42 66 03

Received on Friday, 7 May 2021 18:04:18 UTC