from February 2010 by subject

 expanding to LF

[whatwg] :valid / :invalid only works in forms

[whatwg] <% text %> and <? text ?> in corporate intranet html content

[whatwg] <form method="DELETE"> and 307 redirects

[whatwg] <keygen> tag

[whatwg] <object> behavior

[whatwg] <video> feedback

[whatwg] @sandbox and navigation top

[whatwg] [html5] r4627 - [e] (0) some editorial improvements to 'the indicated part...'

[whatwg] [html5] r4685 - [e] (0) Add an example of forcing fallback from <source>.

[whatwg] [hybi] Websocket algorithmic specification

[whatwg] Adding FormData support to <form>

[whatwg] an odd example of the meter element

[whatwg] api for fullscreen()

[whatwg] api for fullscreen() - security issues

[whatwg] Canvas flash-powered implementation for IE

[whatwg] Canvas size and double buffering.

[whatwg] canvas, img, file api and blobs

[whatwg] Codecs for <audio> and <video>

[whatwg] comments on SCRIPT ASYNC and DEFER

[whatwg] Customize HTML5 forms placeholder style

[whatwg] Disable Offline ApplicationCache programmatically?

[whatwg] DOMContentLoaded and stylesheets

[whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

[whatwg] Error: Stray doctype.

[whatwg] Event handlers - Pointer Devices

[whatwg] External link and new window policy [was: @sandbox and navigation top]

[whatwg] Fixing the submit event by exposing submitter and data set

[whatwg] Form submission feedback

[whatwg] Form-based HTTP Authentication Proof of Concept

[whatwg] global object in onmessage event? Really?

[whatwg] History API, pushState(), and related feedback

[whatwg] history.back()

[whatwg] HTML Cookie API

[whatwg] HttpOnly cookie for WebSocket?

[whatwg] Internet Game Standard and Working Group

[whatwg] isindex as a parser macro

[whatwg] Lists and legal documents

[whatwg] Making cross-domain overlays more user-friendly

[whatwg] Mistyping of title end tag causes white page

[whatwg] Multiple file download

[whatwg] Notification API

[whatwg] Offscreen canvas (or canvas for web workers).

[whatwg] outputting audio from java-script

[whatwg] Parser-related feedback

[whatwg] Possible compremise for namespaces in html5

[whatwg] Prevent abuse of data-*

[whatwg] prompts, alerts and showModalDialog during beforeunload/unload events

[whatwg] Qs about <details> element

[whatwg] Removing multiple attribute from <input type=file multiple> with selected files

[whatwg] Request to reconsider <input minlength="">

[whatwg] script postonload

[whatwg] Script-invokable copy action

[whatwg] should async scripts block the document's load event?

[whatwg] some thoughts on sandboxed IFRAMEs

[whatwg] Step base for <input type=week>

[whatwg] stepMismatch with value < min or value > max

[whatwg] Structured clone for an Error object

[whatwg] Suddenly, ~40% of IE users get HTML5 Theora with no effort

[whatwg] Supporting eviction in WebStorage

[whatwg] The examples of the list attribute of the input element is incorrect

[whatwg] Uploading directories of files

[whatwg] URN or protocol attribute

[whatwg] validationMessage

[whatwg] Video source selection based on quality

[whatwg] Video source selection based on quality (was: <video> feedback)

[whatwg] Video tag in IE

[whatwg] Weaning the Web off of Session Cookies

[whatwg] Web Workers: include simple example for shared workers

[whatwg] Websocket algorithmic specification

[whatwg] whatwg Digest, Vol 71, Issue 72

[whatwg] Why are video's width & height DOMString?

[whatwg] Window id - a proposal to leverage session usage in web application

[whatwg] Window id - a proposal to leverage session usage in webapplication

[whatwg] XSS safe templating

Last message date: Sunday, 28 February 2010 22:32:56 UTC