Draft XG Charter
the UN cluster approach, what it did in 2006, what it's not doing very well (yet) including IT
changing name , asap please?
- Re: changing name , asap please?
- Re: changing name , asap please?
The UN cluster approach, how it may relate to local utilities, and some questions about both
contribution to ontology
Raising some points of concern
legals and disclaimenrs [was review all terms by cluster? refine the clusters? copyright? [was] Re: Proposal for a domain
- Re: legals and disclaimenrs [was review all terms by cluster? refine the clusters? copyright? [was] Re: Proposal for a domain
Core data concerning disaster response
posts turning out late in my inbox?
Ontology of disaster management
suggested process for vocabulary
categorization of finformation/priority
- Re: categorization of information/priority
Re: "Mailing List Subject Line" (1 message in thread)
Mailing List Subject Line
Re: focus on the functions, not whether it's an "emergency", "crisis" or "disaster" [was] Re: Proposal for a domain
- Re: focus on the functions, not whether it's an "emergency", "crisis" or "disaster" [was] Re: Proposal for a domain
- Re: focus on the functions, not whether it's an "emergency", "crisis" or "disaster" [was] Re: Proposal for a domain
Charter For a Proposed W3C Incubator Group
- Re: Charter For a Proposed W3C Incubator Group
- Re: Charter For a Proposed W3C Incubator Group
- Proposal for a domain
- RE: Proposal for a domain
- Re: Proposal for a domain
- Re: Proposal for a domain
- Re: Proposal for a domain
- Re: Proposal for a domain
- review all terms by cluster? refine the clusters? copyright? [was] Re: Proposal for a domain
- Re: review all terms by cluster? refine the clusters? copyright? [was] Re: Proposal for a domain
- Re: review all terms by cluster? refine the clusters? copyright? [was] Re: Proposal for a domain
- Re: Proposal for a domain
- Proposal for a domain