- From: Soenke Ziesche <sziesche@gmx.net>
- Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 19:10:16 +0200
- To: public-disaster-management-ont@w3.org
Dear all, I have just made the following addition to the Disaster Management Wiki: http://esw.w3.org/topic/DisasterManagement. Your comments are welcome. Best regards, Soenke Humanitarian Affairs Liaison Officer Head of Resident Coordinator's Office Damazine, Blue Nile State, Sudan soenke.ziesche@undp.org +249-9-12178326 Core data concerning disaster response The essential questions to get an overview of a disaster response (and potential gaps and overlaps) are typically "Who is doing what where?" and "What is needed where?". The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has developed a system which comprises for the three issues the following sub-items, which could be incorporated in an ontology: Who: * Organization Name * Implementing Partner * Donor * Contact Person * Phone no * Email What: * Cluster * Project ID * Project Title * Project Description * Project Type * Project Status * Project Start Date * Project End Date * Primary Beneficiary Type * No of Primary Beneficiary * Secondary Beneficiary Type * No of Secondary Beneficiary * No of Projects * Funding Amount (1,000$) * Funding Status Where: * State * State- P Code * Locality/County * Locality/County- P Code * Place Name * Place Name P Code The items cluster (under "what") and P codes (under "where") need further elaboration: The cluster approach has been established by the UN Inter-Agency Standing Committee in order to "to improve the predictability, timeliness, and effectiveness of humanitarian response, and pave the way for recovery". The following nine clusters have been introduced: * Camp Coordination and Management * Early Recovery * Emergency Shelter * Emergency Telecommunications * Health * Logistics * Nutrition * Protection * Water and Sanitation For locations it is recommended to use the P-code system, which is similar to a common zip code system and is usually introduced by UN Humanitarian Information Centres in disaster areas, see here for Pakistan. P-codes provide unique reference codes to locations while the use of the names of places as identifiers can easily lead to confusion over spelling, different languages or scripts as well as duplication. -- Ist Ihr Browser Vista-kompatibel? Jetzt die neuesten Browser-Versionen downloaden: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/browser
Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2007 17:10:29 UTC