CEM, 6R, CLUSTER as alternative names [was] RE: changing name , asap please?

Sadly it may now be late to change the name of the
incubator (though not too late to change the name of
the standard).  Once there was a single post to a
mailing list with the name
"public-disaster-management-..." it became inevitable.
 Words are much more persistent than persons or
infrastructures, as any student of history or theology

I have accordingly changed the name back on the wiki
page despite its obvious failings ("disaster" is a
dangerously narrow scope and "management" of same
simply an oxymoron).  I offer three alternatives:

 - "comprehensive emergency management" (NZ usage)

 - "readiness, reduction, response, relief, recovery
and resilience" or "6R", inspired by the NZ 4Rs

 - "comprehensive logistics-unifying semantics towards
emergency resilience" or "CLUSTER", inspired by this
oddly abstract and meaningless (but standard!) UN term

I like this last one best as:
- it actually does describe the purpose of the effort
- like any acronym it can be changed if required later
(say to "crisis and logistics uniform semantic types
enabling relief" or whatever else satisfies the
- the wise will recognize it's the underlying terms
all clusters must agree on to achieve their objectives
- the stupid will think the W3 ontology is already
used by the UN and will just rubber stamp its use
- those in between will have to fight to define some
other standard meaning for "CLUSTER" uphill against
the stupid, rather than the wise having to do that
- it lends itself well to qualified usage like "camp
CLUSTER", "nutrition CLUSTER", etc.

It's also easy to just brush off as a trollish cheesy
bit of propaganda intended to suck up to the UN, so it
should satisfy those who don't like the final ontology
and wish merely to dismiss it.

6R is even more flexible and abbreviates very short
but has the problem of not being used by anyone yet.

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Received on Saturday, 23 June 2007 23:53:16 UTC