Re: to get more participation, elaborate the vision

Hi Craig.

On Sat, 23 Jun 2007, C H wrote:


> Obviously, if someone wants to undertake a rewrite, I
> suggest we do that on the mailing list, as not all are
> very familiar with moinmoin (a rather obsolete wiki I
> wish W3 would replace with semantic mediawiki soon).

[Hmm, 'obselete' is hardly accurate (2007-05-13 moin 1.5.8 released), but 
I will leave that for now.]

The W3C Systems Team is evaluating the migration of MoinMoin wiki to 
Mediawiki, but there is a revision history migration issue in that the 
revision history cannot be easily, conveniently migrated (D'oh!).

We have about 40 wikis with very mature user bases using the MoinMoin wiki 
software and we cannot just migrate the data without some agreement as to 
what to do with the revision history.  The systeam has been discussing 
options, but we need to get Membership feedback before we can proceed.

Concurrently, those users have spent some time getting the wikis to use 
the features they need via macros, and other tools.  It would be 
non-trivial to satisfy all of the requirements inherent in this situation.

Neither do we want to just start new wikis on Mediawiki as that puts us in 
the position of having to manage two wiki systems, with all the inherent 
issues that imples.

For now, we will continue to use the widely deployed, and still 
well-supported, MoinMoin wiki software while we continue to examine how we 
can make a transition to a different platform possible.

We, of course, understand the desire to use the Semantic Mediawiki 
software, but it is not feasible, at this moment, from the systems 
support perspective to make this transition W3C-wide.

Ivan will be apprised if this situation changes.


Simon J. Hernandez    |

Received on Sunday, 24 June 2007 17:10:03 UTC