Re: Outcomes of the XG

I too support the outcomes.

How many individuals are currently signed up for this, and do we need  
to consider shoulder-tapping some others to join us?

Cheers Gavin

On 14/06/2007, at 22:17, Chamindra de Silva wrote:

> I agree to the outcomes.
> Chamindra de Silva
> Renato Iannella wrote:
>> Hi all - the W3C Incubator groups have a life-span of one year.  
>> This may sound like
>> a long time, but in reality it goes very quickly in 'standards time'.
>> The most important aspects are the outcomes. As these are used to  
>> inform and kick-start
>> any new work as a (potential) fully fledged Working Group.
>> I would like to see 2 main deliverables:
>> 1 - A current state-of-the-art of vocabularies used in the crisis/ 
>> disaster/emergency/resilience sector.
>> 2 - Towards an interoperability framework for the crisis/disaster/ 
>> emergency/resilience sector
>> The first deliverable gives a good idea of what is happening  
>> today, which we can use in the second deliverable
>> to setup the roadmap towards interoperability. The latter will  
>> also pose the questions and drivers for future work.
>> As an example, the current W3C Multimedia Semantics Incubator  
>> Group [1] is working on:
>>  - Multimedia Semantics on the Web: Vocabularies [2]
>>  - Multimedia Annotation Interoperability Framework [3]
>> I believe that we should set a realistic scope - driven by  
>> outcomes - for the XG
>> for this effort to deliver benefits to our community.
>> Cheers...  Renato Iannella
>> [1] <>
>> [2] <>
>> [3] <>

Received on Thursday, 14 June 2007 10:39:36 UTC