Draft XG Charter

Dear all, we have posted the "straw-person" Draft XG Charter to the  
wiki for comment [1].

Some important notes:
1 - We have used the name "Emergency Information Interoperability  
Framework" and we stress the *broad* and *inclusive* scope of the  
term "Emergency"
2 - We propose three deliverables and this will drive the schedule of  
work over 12 months.

Next steps: Please send in comments and feedback to this list and  
directly reference the draft Charter
if you are proposing modifications and enhancements.

Look forward to your feedback...

Cheers...  Renato Iannella

[1] <http://esw.w3.org/topic/DisasterManagement? 

Received on Wednesday, 27 June 2007 02:14:21 UTC