Re: focus on the functions, not whether it's an "emergency", "crisis" or "disaster" [was] Re: Proposal for a domain wrote:
> Hello CH
> Thanks for the insights, my quick replies to main issues (apols for top 
> posting)
> - proposed definitions are useful, and surely add wider dimensions to 
> the discourse
> please do add your stuff to the wiki, for future reference, (just try 
> not to wipe everything else in the process). I think this would be a 
> good opportunity to start a glossary, or some kind of related resource. 
> Shall we keep the original links also? where did you obtain those nice 
> definitions from?
I think a glossary will be a good start. Lets use the WIKI setup for us 
at: ( however a sub topic of 
this preferably)

Additionally I recommend we gather and catalog all existing ontologies 
and interop standards (e.g. PFIF, EDXL) in the WIKI so that we do not 
re-invent the wheel and hopefully align ourselves to existing terminology.

> - your three proposed 'subdomains' point to the beginning of 
> categorization, which is
> the natural thing that happens when defining a new domain. you say 
> pandemic, hurricane, and conflict.  I read categories (disease, weather, 
> social) - note that I am not sure the names for these categories are 
> appropriate at this stage, lets think
I do believe we need both. A generalization that allows for sharing of 
data across disaster events and a specialization (inherited from the 
generalization) per disaster type. The prior provides more value in 
allowing us to share data across multiple disasters, whilst the latter 
provides more value specific to the disaster type.

> believe to create a global conceptual and semantic framework that can be 
> referenced by systms developers and implementers). Btw, let me take a 
> look at our mission statement, we do have one somewhere dont' we?
Renato and I took an initial stab at it.

Let us know what you think?

BTW we have the commitment of 3 W3C members and Renato has volunteered 
to take the lead on setting the group up as an official W3C incubator group.

Chamindra de Silva

Received on Monday, 11 June 2007 04:56:41 UTC