from December 2006 by subject

Accessibility (was: Re: Integrating the chrome (Was: ACTION6: URL display as anti-pattern))

Action 22: Voice Browser Use Case...

ACTION 33: Goals / Non Goals

ACTION 51: new out of scope bullet...

Action Item 18 - understand/visualize the strength of SSL

ACTION-11 SSO & Federated Identity

ACTION-13: Elaborate on multiple certificates & domains for session servers case

ACTION-22 Voice Browser Use Case...

ACTION-32: consideration of non HTTP threats...

ACTION-5 - mistyping a URL

ACTION-8 - redirection use case

ACTION-9 (misuse/misappropriation of padlock icon)

Action-9, "Padlock Icon Misuse"

ACTION6: URL display as anti-pattern

addition to Shared Bookmarks in wiki

Agenda for our Jan f2f - Recommendation examples solicited

Agenda, 02 Jan, WSC Call

Agenda, 05 Dec 2006, WSC Call

Agenda, 12 Dec, WSC Call

Agenda, 19 Dec, WSC Call

answer for ACTION-19 in the wiki

Apologies, I'm back :-)

Appropriateness; authoring and deployment techniques

Browser security warning

Content based detection out of scope (Was: What problems are we trying to solve?)

Design principles to Note

Guttman phishing reference in SharedBookmarks

hashes in browser history

In/out of scope drafted

Integrating the chrome (Was: ACTION6: URL display as anti-pattern)

Lists we did in our f2f

locus of attention (Was: Design principles to Note)

minor adjustment in wiki to NoteProblemsWithCurrentUserInterface

Minutes WSC WG weekly 2006-12-05

Minutes: WSC WG weekly 2006-11-21

Minutes: WSC WG weekly 2006-12-12

MySpace Shuts Down User Profiles Due To Worm Infection

Next Meeting: 12 December

Next meeting: 2 January.

Non-web protocols (Was: What problems are we trying to solve?)

Note In Scope

Note Section - Design Principles

Note structure (Was: Design principles to Note)

Opera updates browser with phishing filter

Opera's three security levels

Phones in scope...

Problems with the current user interface

Register your intentions for our January face to face THIS WEEK

Section 6 - User Test Verification

Security Context Available section of our Note

Site-to-User communication, Presentation of Security Information

Slightly off topic - summary of problems with SSL from dotCrime Manifesto

Subject: ACTION-16 Formalize the use case of flowing security information as a part of the document mark.

the petname tool reference in SharedBookmarks

The Sasse link in SharedBookmarks

User (mis)education [was: Problems with the current user interface]

User training [was: Integrating the chrome]

Volunteer needed - start on section 9

What is a secure page?

What problems are we trying to solve?

Who is "the user"?

Widgets spec (ACTION-37)

Wiki available

Last message date: Sunday, 31 December 2006 18:01:49 UTC