Re: Browser security warning

> There's another use case that isn't really captured here, due to the
> limitations of the commercial CA structure. For example, if I own the
>, and am not planning on using it for public purposes but want
> an SSL channel for various services like and
> and and, I might want a *
> certificate. That's far more expensive to purchase (note: expensive
> enough to be a reason why a lot of banks don't SSLify their front
> pages) and so I might just not bother since I can make my own.

   Yes.  $79 for a cheap one.

> SSL was never, AIUI, intended to be a "you must pay to play"
> situation. I think you're being a little unfair in use cases (2), (3)
> and (4) with your wording, and as someone else pointed out, leaning
> heavily towards commercial CAs as being the only solution.

   I absolutely don't think commercial CAs are the only viable solution.  If
I bought my domain name for $10/year, I'm not terribly keen on paying again
for the cryptographic receipt that says I own it.

   IETF RFC 4398 provide a mechanism with which to use DNSSEC to
authenticate a site certificate using DNSSEC.  No commercial CA needed.

Received on Wednesday, 27 December 2006 21:47:29 UTC