Re: Action Item 18 - understand/visualize the strength of SSL

"Doyle, Bill" <>, 2006-12-08 08:58 -0500:

> In reading replies I can think of two situations where low grade cipher
> suites can be negotiated and impact the user.
> [...]
> My feeling is that if the browser blocks the site and does not provide
> feedback as to why and how to proceed,

Exactly what feedback would you suggest for this case?

> the user will find another browser that works and will stop
> using the "broken" browser. If feedback is not provided, the
> user learns nothing other than a particular browser blocked the
> site.

I'm inclined to think that most users will find another browser
even if our browser provides feedback/details about why it's
blocking the site.


Received on Monday, 11 December 2006 07:02:11 UTC