from November 2012 by subject

[whatwg] 'datetime-local' and 'datetime' comments

[whatwg] <canvas> and high-density displays

[whatwg] <main> UA style sheet

[whatwg] <ruby> markup problems

[whatwg] <script> features

[whatwg] [canvas] inner shadows

[whatwg] [canvas] Proposal isPointInStroke(x, y)

[whatwg] [html-media-capture] capture vs. accept ( LC-2642)

[whatwg] [mimesniff] Audio and video sniffing

[whatwg] [mimesniff] Handling container formats like Ogg

[whatwg] [mimesniff] Review requested on MIME Sniffing Standard

[whatwg] [mimesniff] Sniffing archives

[whatwg] [mimesniff] The X-Content-Type-Options header

[whatwg] [mimesniff] Treating application/octet-stream as unknown for sniffing

[whatwg] [URL] DOM API Feedback

[whatwg] A <link rel=stylesheet scoped> usecase

[whatwg] A plea to Hixie to adopt <main>

[whatwg] A plea to Hixie to adopt <main>, and main element parsing behaviour

[whatwg] Adding crossorigin="" to more elements

[whatwg] AppCache Error events

[whatwg] Autocomplete and autofill features and feedback thereon

[whatwg] Canvas in Workers

[whatwg] Checkboxes that control other checkboxes

[whatwg] Declarative Inert DOM (e.g. the <template> element)

[whatwg] Declarative web worker creation and communication?

[whatwg] Default scope for table headers

[whatwg] Deferring javascript download and execution until after onload

[whatwg] Define MessagePort.isConnected or MessagePort.ondisconnect

[whatwg] Document.setCapture/releaseCapture

[whatwg] Enabling LCD Text and antialiasing in canvas

[whatwg] Enabling LCD Text in 2D canvases.

[whatwg] Exposing framerate / statistics of <video> playback and related feedback

[whatwg] Feature Request: Media Elements as Targets for Links

[whatwg] Features for responsive Web design

[whatwg] Feedback on Web Worker specification

[whatwg] Font Resize Event

[whatwg] Forms-related feedback

[whatwg] Fw: Feature Request: Media Elements as Targets for Links

[whatwg] header body footer

[whatwg] hidden="" should be "display:none !important" in the UA stylesheet

[whatwg] HTML5 video seeking

[whatwg] iframe sandbox and top navigation

[whatwg] Improving autocomplete

[whatwg] Including

[whatwg] Incomplete user-input in some input types

[whatwg] Load events fired during onload handlers

[whatwg] Location object identity and navigation behavior

[whatwg] main element parsing behaviour

[whatwg] main spec updated with suggested changes to parser behaviour and rendering

[whatwg] Make DOMStringMap constructable, and el.dataset writeable?

[whatwg] Make stepUp() and stepDown() more developer-friendly

[whatwg] Menus and Toolbars

[whatwg] Meta "bugreport" proposal

[whatwg] metadata attribute for media

[whatwg] New CSS Properties

[whatwg] Notifications API: minor change

[whatwg] Prerendering and APIs

[whatwg] Proposal for a debugging information API

[whatwg] proposal for a location.domain property

[whatwg] Proposal for window.DocumentType.prototype.toString

[whatwg] Proposal: Add window.getLastError (or modify invocation arguments of window.onerror)

[whatwg] Proposal: implement a <usescookies> tag.

[whatwg] Proposal: Link prerender events

[whatwg] Proposal: location.parentOrigin

[whatwg] Proposals for better support of Tables

[whatwg] Provide data chunk with the ProgressEvent

[whatwg] Question on Limits in Adaption Agency Algorithm

[whatwg] Request for network diagnostic API

[whatwg] restricted palette for input type=color

[whatwg] SecurityError with parent, top, window, self and opener members of Window

[whatwg] Should scrollbars move focus?

[whatwg] Sortable Tables

[whatwg] Spec for handling runtime script errors doesn't seem to match reality

[whatwg] Spec for location object needs to make some properties unforgeable; need supporting WebIDL changes

[whatwg] Support of link rel=prefetch

[whatwg] URL testing

[whatwg] URL: file: URLs

[whatwg] URL: IPv6 parsing and model/serializing

[whatwg] URL: Parsing URLs without relative scheme

[whatwg] URL: percent-encoded host

[whatwg] URL: query string

[whatwg] URL: URLQuery

[whatwg] Use of article to identify the main content of a web page

[whatwg] Use of article to identify the main content of a web page (was Re: A plea to Hixie to adopt <main>)

[whatwg] web preprocessing

Last message date: Friday, 30 November 2012 23:55:16 UTC