Re: [whatwg] Proposal for a debugging information API

Recent blog posts that coincidentally may be useful in this discussion:

On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 12:07 AM, David Barrett-Kahn <> wrote:

> Hi whatwg.  I have a proposal for a new web standard, and would value your
> feedback.  This is based on my experiences working on Google Docs, which
> has a well developed ability to send crash reports back to the server for
> analysis.  We often find these crash reports to be lacking in crucial
> information though, because that information is not available on the JS
> APIs.
> My proposal is to have a class of information which can be made available
> to an app only after the display of a generic 'this application has
> crashed' dialog, which could be drilled into to show what is being
> disclosed, and which of course can be denied.
> Good examples of the information in question are the system's precise
> hardware and network configuration, what Chrome extensions it has
> installed, and perhaps a screenshot of the failed application.
> I've fleshed this out in the following document, and would value opinions
> on the value of a feature of this kind, and the merits of this particular
> approach.
> Thanks!
> -Dave

Gordon P. Hemsley

Received on Thursday, 15 November 2012 05:13:43 UTC