w3c-dist-auth@w3.org from October to December 2001 by subject

52nd IETF - WWW Distributed Authoring and Versioning WG (webdav)

52nd IETF Agenda - As of Novermber 06.

[ACL] Principal Identity


[ACL] Searching principal properties proposal

[Fresher to webdav] How to implement WebDav http extension methods in Java

[Interop] quick poll on the Translate field

[Interop] quick poll on the Translate field]

[Mathias.Picker@virtual-earth.de: Re: [Interop] quick poll on the Translate field]

[Moderator Action] cnonce computing ?

[Moderator Action] Re: RFC2518 (WebDAV) / RFC2396 (URI) inconsistency

[Moderator Action] The bindings specification...

[Moderator Action] Webdav .ASP

[Moderator Action] Webdav and php

Access Control Protocol -07 submitted

Adding a new Co-Chair: Lisa Dusseault

Announcing new Co-Chair: Lisa Dusseault

another RFC issue: value of GETETAG property

content type for WebDAV request/response bodies, was: [ACL] A ccess Control Protocol -07 submitted

content type for WebDAV request/response bodies, was: [ACL] Access Control Protocol -07 submitted

Content-Type / charset in RFC2518, deltaV and ACL specs

COPY/MOVE and live properties

DASL - who wants to use it? (requirements spec?)


Digest Authentication

Drafts of interest to WebDAV...

End: WG Last Call on ACL specification


How to avoid a PROPFIND method

How to implement WebDav http extension methods in Java

How to patch with SQUID?

I command you to support Digest!!!

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-webdav-acl-07.txt


issue: XML Namespace Concatenation

Issues/questions about the bindings protocol specification...

java DAV

Last Call: Access Control Protocol

Locking, moving and deleting

Metadata Interoperability for Electronic Records Management Workshop

mod_dav: 1.0.3 release, a birthday, and a retrospective

More detail on the DAV:bindings property...

new mailing list? (was: [dav-dev] Collaborative Environments)

Possible bug mod_dav 1.0.2

PROPFIND behaviour regarding collections with non-listable me mbers

PROPFIND behaviour regarding collections with non-listable members

PROPFIND/allprop/include proposal

PropReg: Probing for Property-Registration Requirements

Protocol Action: Versioning Extensions to WebDAV to Proposed Standard

Purpose of Namespace

question about links

Remote Proofing question


Resolving Digest authentication issue

RFC2518 (WebDAV) / RFC2396 (URI) inconsistency

RFC2518 / ACL responsedescription/description vs xml:lang

RFC2518 ambiguity on creationdate/lastmodifieddate

urn:schemas:calendar:contact !!!

Using WebDav

web folders incompatibility?

WebDav and Java authorization

webdav ticket draft

WG Last Call on ACL specification

XML in RFC 2518 section 8.1.1 example

Last message date: Tuesday, 18 December 2001 00:53:56 UTC