(regrets) Agenda - Aug 4 2011 - LLD XG telecon - 1000 EDT
[ID.LOC.GOV] New Vocabularies Added to ID.LOC.GOV
ACTION to integrate more refined view of non-resolvable URIs and linking
Adding back the essence of the Stone Soup analogy to the Benefits section
Agenda - Aug 11 2011 - LLD XG telecon - 1000 EDT
Agenda - Aug 18 2011 - LLD XG telecon - 1000 EDT
Agenda - Aug 25 2011 - LLD XG telecon - 1000 EDT
Agenda - Aug 4 2011 - LLD XG telecon - 1000 EDT
Answering comments via blog
AW: Agenda - Aug 18 2011 - LLD XG telecon - 1000 EDT
AW: Minutes of 2011-08-25 LLD meeting
AW: References to "application profiles"
Bulk Download of Names Available
capitalization etc?
Categorization for metadata element sets
changed heading levels in draft vocabularies section
Changes to "Benefits" section
Comment on "Current situation" - traditional library data section
comments from a readthrough of the whole report
- Jodi Schneider (Thursday, 25 August)
- Emmanuelle Bermes (Thursday, 25 August)
- Jodi Schneider (Wednesday, 24 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Wednesday, 24 August)
- Karen Coyle (Tuesday, 23 August)
- Jodi Schneider (Tuesday, 23 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Monday, 22 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Monday, 22 August)
- Karen Coyle (Monday, 22 August)
- Jodi Schneider (Monday, 22 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Monday, 22 August)
- Jodi Schneider (Saturday, 20 August)
Comments on Benefits section
Draft: Executive Summary
Handling remaining comments on the former "Available Vocabularies and Datasets" section
Late comments on blog
Library Data Resources and Library Standards wiki pages and official deliverables
Library Journal publishes article on W3C LLD incubator group work
Minutes for 2011-08-11 W3C LLD-XG Meeting
Minutes of 2011-08-04 LLD meeting
Minutes of 2011-08-18 LLD meeting
Minutes of 2011-08-25 LLD meeting
New data (was Re: [ID.LOC.GOV] New Vocabularies Added to ID.LOC.GOV)
new draft report with transclusion
Open Data definition in Scope (was: Re: Changes to "Benefits" section)
Proposal for restructuring the final deliverables
- Karen Coyle (Wednesday, 10 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Wednesday, 10 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Wednesday, 10 August)
- Karen Coyle (Friday, 5 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Friday, 5 August)
- Jodi Schneider (Friday, 5 August)
- Emmanuelle Bermes (Friday, 5 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Thursday, 4 August)
- Jodi Schneider (Thursday, 4 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Thursday, 4 August)
- Thomas Baker (Wednesday, 3 August)
References to "application profiles"
- Tom Baker (Monday, 29 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Monday, 29 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Monday, 29 August)
- Jodi Schneider (Monday, 29 August)
- Tom Baker (Sunday, 28 August)
- Tom Baker (Monday, 29 August)
- Tom Baker (Monday, 29 August)
- Young,Jeff (OR) (Sunday, 28 August)
- Karen Coyle (Sunday, 28 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Sunday, 28 August)
- Thomas Baker (Sunday, 28 August)
- Young,Jeff (OR) (Sunday, 28 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Sunday, 28 August)
- Young,Jeff (OR) (Friday, 26 August)
- Karen Coyle (Thursday, 25 August)
- ZENG, MARCIA (Thursday, 25 August)
- Young,Jeff (OR) (Thursday, 25 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Thursday, 25 August)
- Thomas Baker (Thursday, 25 August)
Regrets (AW: Agenda - Aug 4 2011 - LLD XG telecon - 1000 EDT)
Restructuring the "available data" section (s)
- Antoine Isaac (Thursday, 25 August)
- Jodi Schneider (Thursday, 25 August)
- ZENG, MARCIA (Thursday, 25 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Monday, 22 August)
- Karen Coyle (Monday, 22 August)
- ZENG, MARCIA (Monday, 22 August)
- Emmanuelle Bermes (Monday, 22 August)
- Karen Coyle (Monday, 22 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Monday, 22 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Monday, 22 August)
- Jodi Schneider (Saturday, 20 August)
- ZENG, MARCIA (Saturday, 20 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Saturday, 20 August)
- Jodi Schneider (Saturday, 20 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Friday, 19 August)
- Jodi Schneider (Thursday, 18 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Wednesday, 17 August)
- Jodi Schneider (Tuesday, 16 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Friday, 12 August)
Review of relevant technologies section of final report
Section on available data--Jodi's comments
Social and Emergent Uses Cluster use cases
terminology for libraries (was Re: capitalization etc?)
Visualizing metadata element sets in side deliverable -- quite urgent feedback request
- Antoine Isaac (Saturday, 27 August)
- Young,Jeff (OR) (Saturday, 27 August)
- Thomas Baker (Saturday, 27 August)
- Thomas Baker (Saturday, 27 August)
- Daniel Vila (Friday, 26 August)
- Karen Coyle (Friday, 26 August)
- ZENG, MARCIA (Friday, 26 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Friday, 26 August)
- Jodi Schneider (Friday, 26 August)
- Antoine Isaac (Friday, 26 August)
Last message date: Wednesday, 31 August 2011 18:45:37 UTC