Re: capitalization etc?

Jodi, good questions -

Quoting Jodi Schneider <>:

> I recently reread the full report. It's looking good! Here are a few  
> small questions about picky things...
> We've been putting off a few decisions about capitalization -- how  
> do we want to handle these?

I would suggest trying to fit things into two categories: proper nouns  
(naming something) and not proper nouns. e.g.

Proper Nouns
Semantic Web (when referring to the W3C effort and standards)
Linked Library Data (when talking about the topic of the report)
Web (when referring to THE World Wide Web)
Incubator Group

linked data (when referring to a general concept)
library linked data (when talking about library linked data, not the group)
web (as a general adjective: a web of links)

One caveat: in a sentence, "Linked Data" provides more emphasis than  
"linked data". That is an advantage, but I'm not sure if LD has real  
"thingness" at this point. It seems to have multiple meanings and  
there isn't a single thing we can point to that is linked data, not in  
the sense of the Semantic Web, which has a specific meaning given to  
it by W3C.

> I also noticed that we use a variety of terminology for libraries. I  
> think that's fine, but it struck me.

Could you point out some of these? I'm not sure what you mean.

> Finally, assuming people want to print the report, will we have  
> footnotes to the inline hyperlinks?

Actually, although it is more work, I think that a print version would  
not be a bad idea. HTML is lousy for printing and PDF is becoming the  
standard for commenting and note-taking software. I'll look into  
translators from html to pdf, but if anyone has experience with this  
(I don't), please advise.


> -Jodi
> ===Capitalization===
> semantic web or Semantic Web?
> linked data or Linked Data?
> Library data or Library Data or library data?
> web or Web?
> ===Terminology===
> Libraries vs. "cultural organizations (including libraries)" vs.   
> libraries, archives, and museums ("memory institutions")
> "library and memory-institution professionals"
> ===External Hyperlinks===
> How will we handle hyperlinks in the printed version of the report?  
> As footnotes? (e.g. 'principles' link to  
> , 'Open Bibliographic  
> Data' link to ,  
> <ref></ref>, among  
> others)

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Saturday, 20 August 2011 18:09:41 UTC