Re: ACTION to integrate more refined view of non-resolvable URIs and linking

Hey Jeff,

A few quibbles...

-http or HTTP?
-The DBpedia resource for is a good example.
I would expect either "The DBpedia resource, , is a good example." or
"The DBpedia resource for Jane Austen ( ) is a good example."

I'm still a little worried that people might not know what URIs are -- especially since you talk about non-http URIs:
"That uncertainty was the basis for inventing some new URI schemes like URNs and "info" URIs, but were eventually resolved by RFC 3305 and httpRange-14"

You seem to be specifically advocating (even non-resolveable) HTTP URIs, as opposed to any URIs (including URNs). This is a little unclear -- as is whether you continue to consider URNs and info URIs to be acceptable (it would in fact be possible to read this and wonder whether those are still URIs!)


On 12 Aug 2011, at 16:03, Young,Jeff (OR) wrote:

> I have this action:
> ACTION: Jeff to integrate more refined view of
>   non-resolvable URIs and linking. [recorded in
>   [32]
>   tes.html#action08]
> The updated wording can be reviewed here:
> _Technologies&diff=5746&oldid=5294
> I also removed the reference to bulk access because it didn't seem to
> fit well under this heading. If somebody feels bulk delivery should be
> included as part of "relevant technologies", I would be tempted to
> create another small section and could try to explain why it's relevant.
> Maybe this is done elsewhere, though.
> Comments and suggestions are welcome.
> Jeff

Received on Tuesday, 16 August 2011 13:02:47 UTC