Re: comments from a readthrough of the whole report

+1 on Jodi's suggested wording. - kc

Quoting Jodi Schneider <>:

> On 22 Aug 2011, at 21:08, Antoine Isaac wrote:
>>>>> 1) "Examples such the release of the British National  
>>>>> Bibliography show that there are indeed considerable  
>>>>> difficulties involved (many discussed in this report). However,  
>>>>> this proves not deterring enough, and the number of datasets  
>>>>> released as linked data keeps increasing at a fast pace."
>>>>> I think the difficulties need to either be directly mentioned,  
>>>>> or a report from the BNB mentioned; otherwise this stands as a  
>>>>> caution against adopting LLD.
>>>> Like this one?
>>> I only skimmed this -- but my impression is that it's a bit  
>>> promotional and not very detailed.
>> I also have this:
>> but it's a presentation... And I know no fully fledged report.
> From this I get the challenges as
> * decreasing resources
> * address multiple constituents (traditional libraries, researchers  
> wanting to data mine catalogs, linked data developers & users)
> * licensing (get attribution while allowing wide reuse)
> * collaborate with the user communities to determine appropriate  
> cross-domain formats
> * existing staff (librarians rather than IT experts), data, and hardware
> * new ways of thinking
> * "legacy data wasn't designed for this purpose so starting can be  
> problematic"
> * multiple options
> * need careful thought for data modelling, sustainability
> * need to be responsive to technical criticism
> * steep learning curve
> * iterative -- must be willing to make & learn from mistakes
> from slides 2, 8, 20, 21, 22 & 23
> Based on this, I'd say this is far too negative:
>>>>> "Examples such the release of the British National Bibliography  
>>>>> show that there are indeed considerable difficulties involved  
>>>>> (many discussed in this report). However, this proves not  
>>>>> deterring enough, and the number of datasets released as linked  
>>>>> data keeps increasing at a fast pace."
> What about replacing this with:
> "Examples such the release of the British National Bibliography show  
> that there is considerable work but also considerable benefit  
> involved in releasing bibliographic databases as Linked Data. As the  
> community's experience increases, the number of datasets released as  
> linked data keeps increasing at a fast pace."
> I think this presentation has a lot of useful info in it; I think  
> it's worth adding as a reference. Would that work?
>>> My point is that this sounds off-putting without giving any  
>>> details: "there are indeed considerable difficulties involved  
>>> (many discussed in this report)." Maybe the difficulties could be  
>>> enumerated, or otherwise referred to?
>> Would using "challenges", as proposed by Karen, solve the issue?  
>> Honestly I don't remember what the list is: probably eliciting  
>> links to URIs from MARC records, finding a good data model...
> I made a list (above) from that presentation -- thanks, that was useful.
> -Jodi
>> Antoine
>>>>> Draft Vocabularies Datasets As Current Situation
>>>>> Draft Vocabularies Datasets Section2
>>>> Thanks a lot!
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Antoine

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Tuesday, 23 August 2011 14:23:44 UTC