Re: Section on available data--Jodi's comments

Thanks, Antoine! I had forgotten about those comments, but I think that this really addresses " what's different when talking about vocabularies and datasets in the Semantic Web context, compared to earlier treatments of metadata schemes"

a record from a dataset for a given book could have a Subject element drawn from Dublin Core, and a value for Subject drawn from LCSH.
the same dataset may contain records for authors as first-class entities that are linked from their book, described with elements like "name" from FOAF.
a dataset may be self describing in that it contains information about itself as a distinct entity for example with a modified date and maintainer/curator elements drawn from Dublin Core.


On 4 Aug 2011, at 22:33, Antoine Isaac wrote:

> Hi Jodi,
> The discussion page on the section on available data still has one comment from you:
> I've tried to address it in
> "Though Linked Data technology changes the way to consider traditional library data categorization, we could classify these available resources into three[...]"
> But in fact in the meantime some details were also added by Marcia, Jeff, William and me into the different definitions in the separate deliverable
> I hope it's good enough!
> Antoine

Received on Thursday, 4 August 2011 21:42:44 UTC