Re: Late comments on blog

We modified the section on rights issues based on Adrian's comments.  
he was assuming that by "rights" we meant "copyright", which is not  
the case. The opening sentence now reads:

"Some library data has restricted usage based on local policies,  
contracts and conditions, and cannot therefore be published openly."

for example, libraries purchase bibliographic data from their book  
vendors, and are not allowed to share that data.

This was his comment on para. 40 on the wiki.

Some of his other comments go to sections that have been removed:

sec. #26, #22

The remaining comments are about differentiating between linked data  
and open data. Tom added a statement about Open Data in the scope  
section. Do we think more needs to be done?

As far as I can tell, Johann's comments were all on sections that have  
since been removed. (Maybe this shortens the time of the call by a few  
minutes :-))


Quoting Antoine Isaac <>:

> Hi everyone,
> I'd like to raise the attention of the editors of the "issues" and  
> "recommendations" parts on last-minute comments that could be  
> relevant.
> - 5 last comments from Adrian Pohl (at the top of the list at  
>  )
> - 3 comments from Johan Oomen  
> They look like they can be addressed quite quickly. Perhaps they  
> even don't apply anymore, as a result of the drastic changes in  
> these parts of the report. But maybe that's worth a quick check!
> Cheers,
> Antoine

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Tuesday, 23 August 2011 00:04:35 UTC