Re: Draft: Executive Summary

+1, Antoine. I'd say - go ahead and make those changes. - kc

Quoting Antoine Isaac <>:

> Hi Emma,
> I was just about to make remarks that would lead to a similar  
> re-write, so a big +1 :-)
> I think there's also some redundancy in this pragraph:
> [
> This report contains an analysis of current state of library linked  
> data, including detailed inventories of available vocabularies and  
> technologies. The analysis was based on a set of use cases  
> contributed by a variety of parties ranging from small, independent  
> projects to activities in national libraries. From these the group  
> extracted benefits, a brief report of the current state of library  
> linked data, and recommendations for next steps.]
> I'd propose
> [
> Our work originates from a set of use cases contributed by a variety  
> of parties ranging from small, independent projects to activities in  
> national libraries. From these the group extracted benefits, a brief  
> report of the current state of library linked data, and  
> recommendations for next steps. Our analysis also features detailed  
> inventories of available vocabularies and technologies.
> ]
> Finally, I'm afraid I'll argue for downplaying the last paragraph of  
> the second part, on the Community Group. As we don't know when, or  
> even, whether, such a group will happen, I suggest instead of the  
> current:
> [
> The Incubator Group will transition to a W3C community group to  
> provide an ongoing focal point for this activity. The community  
> group will form shortly after the ending date for the incubator  
> group. At that point the founders of the community group will  
> solicit membership and ideas for directions and activities.
> ]
> by
> [
> To accompany such efforts, the members of the Incubator Group will  
> seek to continue its activities and provide an ongoing focal point  
> for these, for instance by transitioning to a W3C community group.  
> At that point the founders of the community group would solicit  
> membership and ideas for directions and activities.
> ]
> Would that work?
> Antoine
>> Hi Karen & all,
>> I propose some rewriting on the first paragraph of the executive  
>> summary, trying to make it both shorter and more easily  
>> understandable to an outsider (for instance I think the quotes for  
>> the phrase extracted from the charter are irrelevant here). Also I  
>> tried to reflect the broader scope of our definition of Libraries.
>> currently:
>> This is the report of the W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group.  
>> Working from May 2010 until August 2011, the group was given the  
>> charge to " increase global interoperability of library data  
>> on the Web, by bringing together people involved in Semantic Web  
>> activities—focusing on Linked Data—in the library community and  
>> beyond, building on existing initiatives, and identifying  
>> collaboration tracks for the future."
>> The reason for the existence of this group at this time is the  
>> great interest in sharing bibliographic data on the Web using  
>> Linked Data technologies. For this to be successful it will be  
>> necessary to publish library data on the web using semantic web  
>> standards.
>> I propose:
>> The W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group worked from May 2010  
>> until August 2011, this final report being the main outcome of this  
>> activity. The mission of the incubator group was to help increase  
>> global interoperability of library data on the Web. At this time,  
>> libraries and other cultural heritage or memory institutions,  
>> including museums and archives, show a great interest in sharing  
>> data on the Web. Existing use cases and library applications  
>> showcase the benefits of adopting Semantic Web standards and Linked  
>> Data principles, in order to publish valuable information assets  
>> that library create and curate, such as bibliographic data, lists  
>> of concepts, names, persons, etc.
>> What do you think ?
>> Emma
>> On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 3:05 PM, Jodi Schneider  
>> < <>> wrote:
>>    It's very good to have a start on this! I think what's there is  
>> rather discouraging, particularly in the summary of analysis.  
>> Unfortunately I don't have time to look closer and possibly fix it  
>> -- but perhaps someone else can push further the start Karen has  
>> given us?
>>    I'm not sure whether, for our readers, Linked Data is obvious as  
>> a starting point -- so I'd rather that we talk about "great  
>> interest in sharing bibliographic data on the Web" rather than the  
>> "great interest in sharing bibliographic data on the Web using  
>> Linked Data technologies". This is a pretty significant change so I  
>> didn't just make it!
>>    -Jodi
>>    On 11 Aug 2011, at 15:35, Karen Coyle wrote:
>>>    There is now a very drafty Executive Summary in the transcluded  
>>> report. This should stimulate a discussion of what information  
>>> should be included in the ExecSum. Please read and comment.
>>>    Our goal is to keep the ExecSum within a single page, so be  
>>> aware that any information included in this section must be very  
>>> succinct. However, there is room for expansion as the current  
>>> draft is especially short.
>>>    --
>>>    Karen Coyle
>>> <>
>>>    ph: 1-510-540-7596 <tel:1-510-540-7596>
>>>    m: 1-510-435-8234 <tel:1-510-435-8234>
>>>    skype: kcoylenet

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Wednesday, 24 August 2011 15:24:43 UTC