Re: Social and Emergent Uses Cluster use cases

A correction: There is extracted use case summary (re Social and Emergent
Uses). It is included in:

It is a draft and your suggestions are very welcome.


On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 12:34 PM, Uldis Bojars <> wrote:

> Hi,
> All descriptions of use cases in the Social and Emergent Uses Cluster are
> completed.
> Could you please look at them and provide feedback if they make sense,
> summaries are understandable, etc?
> The use cases are linked from [1]. Attached below are use case names and
> summaries.
> [1]
> P.S. A task that we have remaining is to complete the extracted use cases
> section.
> Thanks,
> Uldis and Jodi
> ---
> ===Social===
> * [[Use Case Community Information Service]] (shared
> w/[[Use_Cases#Cluster:_Bibliographic_data|Bibliographic data cluster]])
> : Collaboratively curate metadata, in order to announce recently published
> books, articles, photographs, videos, etc. which would be of interest to a
> designated community. This involves selection, remixing, and republication.
> * [[Use Case Crowdsourced Catalog]]
> : Distributed individuals (possibly volunteers) improve and enhance catalog
> records, and create new ones
> * [[Use Case Mendeley Research Networks for linking researchers and
> publications]]
> : Collect a crowdsourced scientific publication data base, including user
> annotations, tags and usage data. Use this information for discovering new
> metadata (e.g., relations). Provide API to this data.
> * [[Use Case Open Library Data]] (Jeff) (shared
> w/[[Use_Cases#Cluster:_Bibliographic_data|Bibliographic data cluster]]) -
> wiki editing
> : Make Open Library bibliographic metadata reusable by publishing as linked
> data. Use this information in other applications (e.g., for locating full
> text of items). In consequence, users who encounter references to books on
> the Internet, in a variety of environments, are able to link to a source of
> access to the book, e.g. a full text version available at the Internet
> Archive.
> * [[Use Case Peer to Peer Bookswapping]]
> : Facilitate the swapping of e-books and paper books (Uldis to amend the
> use case re paper books) among members of a community. Use linked data for
> aggregating distributed catalog holdings made by individuals.
> * [[Use Case Ranking Search Results by Popularity using Circulation Data]]
> (Jodi)
> : Publish circulation data as linked data. Use the open, aggregated
> circulation data for ranking search results (e.g., in OPACs).
> * [[Use Case Social Annotation]]
> : Use linked data to publish and share user annotation to works and
> fragments of works (e.g., paragraphs). Use this crowdsourced information in
> new and existing applications.
> * [[Use Case Social Recommendations]]
> : Provide users with recommendations or search rankings based on
> information available about item popularity and user activity. Help the
> exchange of user activity [and item circulation] data by expressing it in a
> machine-readable form (RDF).
> * [[Use Case Support This Book Button]]
> :Websites use a button which users can click to indicate interest in
> helping bring a book into the public domain. This distributed information is
> collected and centralized by Gluejar, who negotiate with publishers based on
> the interest.
> ===Other Emergent and New Uses===
> * [[Use Case Crosslinking Environment Data and the Library]]
> : A non-library system which makes extensive use of a classification system
> (a thesaurus, a gazetteer and a chronicle) is interlinked with a library
> classification system.
> * [[Use Case Publish Data for Lightweight Application Development]]
> : Linked data is used to support mashups, with less upfront understanding
> of data formats required.
> * [[Use Case SEO]] (elements of this may belong in other clusters, too)
> : Structured data is exposed from library catalogs to ensure that library
> data is searchable through Web search engines.

Received on Thursday, 11 August 2011 09:49:02 UTC