Re: Visualizing metadata element sets in side deliverable -- quite urgent feedback request

OK, thanks for the feedback everyone. I think this is a clear go-ahead sign :-)


> I also think the tag cloud is good.  I see that changing the browser
> window resizes the tag cloud dynamically, as in the attached screenshot.
> We would need to describe the simple method used to derive the tags
> and of course be sure to give credit to Paul...!
> Tom
> On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 08:04:19PM +0200, Daniel Vila wrote:
>> I also agree that the tag cloud is useful.
>> Daniel
>> 2011/8/26 Karen Coyle<>
>>> Quoting Antoine Isaac<>:
>>>   Plus I'm quite sure that many other
>>>> package curators don't know such tags exists.
>>>> In fact I'm not sure how the LOD Cloud guys could create
>>>> http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.**de/lodcloud/state/#terms<>.
>>>> Perhaps by analysing the dumps, which is of course impossible for us.
>>> Now you've made me want to see a tag cloud with property names!
>>> :-)
>>> kc
>>> p.s. I think including this is useful as a visualization, but we shouldn't
>>> pretend that it means more than it does.
>>>>   Yes, and yes. It will also need a short paragraph explaining what the
>>>>> tagcloud represents.

Received on Saturday, 27 August 2011 11:28:36 UTC