Re: Library Data Resources and Library Standards wiki pages and official deliverables


Just to let you know that in the absence of objection, the changes below have been implemented!


> Hi everyone,
> Here's a first mail on:
> ACTION: Karen and Antoine to relate Library Data Resources and Library Standards and Linked data [recorded in]
> --
> --
> To start with, this action is strangely worded :-). Now, I can only understanding it as "try to relate these two pages to the deliverables of the group".
> Also these two pages may have been overlapping in the past. But now they are nicely orthogonal, so we can consider them in isolation, I think.
> This first mail will focus on
> As already noticed a while ago, this doc is a great introduction into library domain initiatives. The suggestion would be to point to it, from the "Available data" report section and side deliverable, to give more information and pointers to an interested reader.
> Links would be:
> from
> to
> from
> to
> from the specific bit on RDA at
> to
> Taking into account
> We can also update
> with a couple of vocabularies at LOC, which are not yet in our side deliverable (because they're not mentioned in any use case)
> - MARC list for geographic areas
> - Thesaurus of graphic materials
> Finally, we can mention the vocabulary mapping framework ( in the paragraph on linking (between metadata element sets or between MES and value vocabularies) in the report's "Available data" section.
> In that perspective, it would be really nice if Gordon would make a sanity check, at least one last time. Just to check in case there's stuff that is now obsolete. In fact I see that on June 16 (the time we recorded the action) that Gordon had promised an update ;-)
> Cheers,
> Antoine

Received on Wednesday, 10 August 2011 09:31:34 UTC