Re: Restructuring the "available data" section (s)

Thanks, Antoine! I think that's really nice!

I think I was mainly confused because there are two subsubsections there, under the heading "Available Vocabularies and Datasets":
-An inventory of existing library linked data resources
-The linking issue
Are these two subsections part of some larger whole? If so *that*, to me, is what requires an introduction (i.e. explaining the larger whole). Alternately, perhaps they are each subsections, and we can get rid of the heading "Available Vocabularies and Datasets"?


On 19 Aug 2011, at 22:02, Antoine Isaac wrote:

> Hi Jodi,
> I feel there was already a kind of introduction in the section you're pointing at. Anyway, as it was missing some of your point, I've extended it: the result can be seen at
> I hope it is better now!
> Cheers,
> Antoine
>> Hi Antoine -- sorry I wasn't clear.
>> It's here:
>> (aka this section:
>> )
>> The inventory isn't introduced. I think it would help to explain why it's important and why people should read it.
>> :) -Jodi
>> On 17 Aug 2011, at 23:30, Antoine Isaac wrote:
>>> Hi Jodi,
>>> Thanks for the feedback! I think these are good ideas to take onboard, but as the material on available data has changed quite a lot in the past weeks, I'd like to be sure for which part, you'd suggest this introductory paragraph :-)
>>> - the "Data availability" sub-section (in "current situation") of the main report
>>> has a small introduction
>>> [
>>> The success of linked library data relies on the ability of its practitioners to identify, re-use or connect to existing datasets and data models. Linked datasets and vocabularies that are essential in the library and related domains, however, have previously been unknown or unfamiliar to many. The LLD XG has thus initiated an inventory of available library-related linked data, which is presented in further detail in Section @@TODO@@ and has lead to the observations below.
>>> ]
>>> - the "Available Vocabularies and Datasets" technical section at the end of the main report
>>> also has stuff presenting the inventory
>>> I agree that both may not address all your points. But together they already give a lot. If I'm to adapt one of them, which one would you recommend?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Antoine
>>>> Thanks, Antoine! :)
>>>> I think it would be useful to add an introductory paragraph to the inventory, giving a motivation for providing it. Motivations might include
>>>> -having a convenient place for librarians to become more familiar with key vocabularies
>>>> --due to general lack of familiarity
>>>> --due to the importance of reusing vocabularies
>>>> -showing the adoption of semweb and the maturity of existing vocabularies
>>>> --there are many areas with mature vocabularies
>>>> --there are other areas where libraries could participate in the innovation if they desire
>>>> Maybe there are other reasons? The intro would help clarify the importance of this section in the whole report, as well as indicate the appropriate audience for it.
>>>> -Jodi
>>>> On 12 Aug 2011, at 23:23, Antoine Isaac wrote:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> In the last telecon it was agreed that the former "available data" section [1] could live in the final report, on the condition that it is split in two parts:
>>>>> - one fitting the new "current situation" section [2]
>>>>> - the other being put at the end of the report, to give more details [3]
>>>>> To address complains about the length of the proposed sub-section for "current situation", I've tried to shorten it, and put some of the material in the separate section at the end [5]. I've also created a small intro in the "current situation" sub-section, which refers to our survey and the appendix section.
>>>>> Feedback is much welcome. The paragraphs are still the longest ones in the "current situation" section, but I do hope they fit better now...
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Antoine
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> [2]
>>>>> [3]
>>>>> [4]
>>>>> [5]

Received on Saturday, 20 August 2011 10:03:20 UTC