Adding a webid to a server side SSL cert via subjectAlternativeName
Adding additional Use Cases
ADOPTED: Web Payments CG Use Cases (vote results)
Agenda: Web Payments Telecon - Wednesday, October 15th, 2014
Agenda: Web Payments Telecon - Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014
Agenda: Web Payments Telecon - Wednesday, October 8th, 2014
Apple Pay - Security Description
Apple Pay and Innovation
Apple Pay hurdles
bitpay foxtrot
Cloud Storage: A New Implementation Style?
DATA and ID3 with MIT Media Lab Partner on New Digital Identity Frameworks
Direct debit. Re: Apple Pay hurdles
discovering an authority endpoint
Doubt about Wallet as W3C Standard
- Anders Rundgren (Thursday, 30 October)
- Anders Rundgren (Wednesday, 29 October)
- Anders Rundgren (Wednesday, 29 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Wednesday, 29 October)
- David Nicol (Wednesday, 29 October)
- Kingsley Idehen (Wednesday, 29 October)
- Anders Rundgren (Wednesday, 29 October)
- Anders Rundgren (Wednesday, 29 October)
- Joseph Potvin (Wednesday, 29 October)
- Anders Rundgren (Wednesday, 29 October)
- Adrian Hope-Bailie (Wednesday, 29 October)
- Anders Rundgren (Wednesday, 29 October)
- Joseph Potvin (Tuesday, 28 October)
- Mountie Lee (Tuesday, 28 October)
- Dave Raggett (Tuesday, 28 October)
- Anders Rundgren (Tuesday, 28 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Tuesday, 28 October)
- Mountie Lee (Tuesday, 28 October)
Dwolla's Ben Milne says it like a boss...
Electronic Commerce Interoperability Standard (updated)
foreign-exchange benchmarks
Fwd: Persona 2015 through 2016
Heads up: Identity/Credentials Use Cases
Legacy systems vs blockchains - what is the spec impact?
- David Nicol (Friday, 24 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Friday, 24 October)
- Daniel.Buchner (Friday, 24 October)
- David Nicol (Friday, 24 October)
- Joseph Potvin (Friday, 24 October)
- Anders Rundgren (Friday, 24 October)
- Reutzel, Bailey (Friday, 24 October)
- Manu Sporny (Friday, 24 October)
- Manu Sporny (Friday, 24 October)
- Eric Martindale (Thursday, 23 October)
- Joseph Potvin (Thursday, 23 October)
- Daniel.Buchner (Thursday, 23 October)
- Manu Sporny (Thursday, 23 October)
- David Nicol (Thursday, 23 October)
- Joseph Potvin (Thursday, 23 October)
- Daniel.Buchner (Thursday, 23 October)
Less than 48 hours left on Web Payments Use Cases vote
Loyalty cards - Trust, Privacy, Security and Convenience issues
mozPay - The future?
My Linked Data and Web Payments Presentation
New commerce vocab published
Possible Use Cases
Presentation to Web Payments IG
- Brent Shambaugh (Saturday, 25 October)
- Joseph Potvin (Friday, 24 October)
- Manu Sporny (Friday, 24 October)
- Joseph Potvin (Thursday, 23 October)
- Manu Sporny (Sunday, 19 October)
- Manu Sporny (Sunday, 19 October)
- Anders Rundgren (Sunday, 19 October)
- Jorge Zaccaro (Saturday, 18 October)
- Kingsley Idehen (Saturday, 18 October)
- Kingsley Idehen (Saturday, 18 October)
- Eric Korb (Saturday, 18 October)
- Joseph Potvin (Saturday, 18 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Saturday, 18 October)
- Kingsley Idehen (Saturday, 18 October)
- Kingsley Idehen (Saturday, 18 October)
- David Ezell (Saturday, 18 October)
- Anders Rundgren (Saturday, 18 October)
- Joseph Potvin (Saturday, 18 October)
- Anders Rundgren (Saturday, 18 October)
- Mark Leck (Friday, 17 October)
- Manu Sporny (Friday, 17 October)
Presentations page added to website
Push Payment solution?
Reminder: vote on use cases
Slides: High-level intro to Web Payments (W3C TPAC)
The missing link - WAYF
This is Interesting: Paypal Freezes Account Of Swiss Gold Initiative Organization
Universal payment API. Re: Legacy systems vs blockchains - what is the spec impact?
Use case issues now in Github
Vague "Digital Wallet" terminology
Vague "Digital Wallet" terminology (was: Re: W3C officially launches Web Payments initiative)
W3C officially launches Web Payments initiative
- Gregg Kellogg (Sunday, 19 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Sunday, 19 October)
- Manu Sporny (Sunday, 19 October)
- 조경호 (Friday, 17 October)
- Jorge Zaccaro (Friday, 17 October)
- Anders Rundgren (Thursday, 16 October)
- Sam Mbale (Thursday, 16 October)
- Mark Leck (Wednesday, 15 October)
- Randall Leeds (Wednesday, 15 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Wednesday, 15 October)
- Manu Sporny (Wednesday, 15 October)
W3C TPAC Agenda Draft
W3C Web Payments CG Roadmap proposal
Web Payments Schema & RDF
- Manu Sporny (Sunday, 12 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Friday, 10 October)
- Kingsley Idehen (Thursday, 9 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Thursday, 9 October)
- Manu Sporny (Thursday, 9 October)
- Manu Sporny (Thursday, 9 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Thursday, 9 October)
- Dave Longley (Thursday, 9 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Thursday, 9 October)
- Manu Sporny (Thursday, 9 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Thursday, 9 October)
- Manu Sporny (Thursday, 9 October)
- Kingsley Idehen (Wednesday, 8 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Wednesday, 8 October)
- Kingsley Idehen (Wednesday, 1 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Wednesday, 1 October)
- Kingsley Idehen (Wednesday, 1 October)
- Kingsley Idehen (Wednesday, 1 October)
- Sam Mbale (Wednesday, 1 October)
- Manu Sporny (Wednesday, 1 October)
Web Payments Telecon Minutes for 2014-10-01
Web Payments Telecon Minutes for 2014-10-08
Web Payments Telecon Minutes for 2014-10-15
Web Payments Telecon Minutes for 2014-10-22
WebCrypto-enabled Payment Demo
What is a Digital Wallet?
Where does loyalty cards enter in the transaction?
White House: You have 18 months to fix secure transactions
WPIG - Deliverables
Last message date: Friday, 31 October 2014 13:53:58 UTC