[w3c/clipboard-apis] Arbitrary clipboard types (Issue #165)
[w3c/clipboard-apis] Mark up definition of events following bikeshed conventions (PR #181)
[w3c/clipboard-apis] Remove clipboard-write permission (PR #164)
[w3c/editing] [Delayed Clipboard Rendering] Does macOS support setting the data for the requested pasteboard item asynchronously? (Issue #425)
[w3c/editing] [Delayed Clipboard Rendering] What happens to the clipboard data on Tab/Browser Close? (Issue #424)
[w3c/editing] [EditContext] Issues for May 11 meeting (Issue #426)
[w3c/editing] Define behavior of pressing enter in inline editing host (Issue #430)
[w3c/editing] Mark the copy of the EditContext explainer in this repo as archived (PR #431)
[w3c/editing] TPAC 2023 participation (Issue #427)
[w3c/editing] TPAC 2023 participation (Issue #428)
[w3c/editing] TPAC 2023 participation (Issue #429)
[w3c/editing] Update meeting invite link (PR #391)
[w3c/FileAPI] Add method to read file into user given Uint8Array (#83)
[w3c/FileAPI] Proposal: Add a capability to create a Blob URL with a unique (non-opaque) origin (Issue #192)
[w3c/FileAPI] Return a byte stream from "get stream" algorithm (PR #188)
[w3c/FileAPI] Specify actual byte reading algorithm for Blob.stream() (Issue #194)
[w3c/gamepad] Enhance Gamepad interface description for Touch (PR #168)
[w3c/gamepad] Please don't restrict to a secure context (#145)
[w3c/IndexedDB] Consider adding a simple(ish) query engine (Issue #403)
[w3c/IndexedDB] Could we drop the spec versioning? (Issue #402)
[w3c/IndexedDB] TPAC 2022 status report (Issue #389)
[w3c/manifest] "internationalization" section (Issue #1090)
[w3c/manifest] "localizable members" should be defined separately? (Issue #1080)
[w3c/manifest] "security sensitive" items interaction with localization (Issue #1086)
[w3c/manifest] `name` and `short_name` relationship to localization and accessibility (Issue #1085)
[w3c/manifest] Allow manifest processing to be invoked without going through an HTML document (Issue #1068)
[w3c/manifest] Allow manifest processing to be invoked without going through an HTML document (PR #1069)
[w3c/manifest] Application name section might need localization support (Issue #1088)
[w3c/manifest] Description of `lang` incorrect (Issue #1082)
[w3c/manifest] Description of language tags incorrect (Issue #1083)
[w3c/manifest] editorial: Move the definition of display-mode back to APPMANIFEST. (PR #1039)
[w3c/manifest] JSON "commonly" encoded in Unicode (Issue #1089)
[w3c/manifest] No language/direction metadata for shortcuts? (Issue #1078)
[w3c/manifest] No way to localize icons? (Issue #1077)
[w3c/manifest] Reference to BIDI should probably use SpecRef reference to UAX9 (editorial) (Issue #1081)
[w3c/manifest] shortcuts and localizability (Issue #1087)
[w3c/manifest] Themed/colored icons for web apps (Issue #1091)
[w3c/manifest] Use of `CanonicalizeUnicodeLocaleId` (Issue #1084)
[w3c/manifest] Value `auto` for `dir` probably shouldn't say "no explicit directionality" (Issue #1079)
[w3c/manifest] We should add a character limit to `name` and `short_name` (Issue #1070)
[w3c/pointerlock] Can we drop the spec version? (Issue #83)
[w3c/pointerlock] Should movementX/Y move to UI Events? (Issue #82)
[w3c/push-api] Best practices to dismiss web push notifications cross devices (Issue #359)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Add can-lock-orientation media feature to detect if locking is possible (Issue #206)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Consume user activation (PR #218)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Editorial: combine safety check steps into new section (PR #251)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Editorial: fix queue a task to fire change an event (PR #250)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Promise for unlock()? (#104)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Require a gesture? (Issue #210)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Screen orientation change need to queue a task to fire an event properly (Issue #244)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Should we standardize window.orientation? (Issue #249)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Split out the safety checks into a shared algorithm (Issue #237)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Use "user attention" of top-level traversable (Issue #252)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] @MMMMCCCCBOT (Issue #1682)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] Declarative routing (#1373)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] Editorial: pass signal to Request/create (PR #1678)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] FetchEvent: Add origin check before setting replacesClientId (Issue #1679)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] Introduce a parallel queue for running Jobs (#1229)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] Preventing server-forced updates (#822)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] Support subresource integrity for service workers (Issue #1680)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] Use an AbortController instead of signaling abort on AbortSignal (PR #1683)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] السلام عليكم (Issue #1681)
[w3c/uievents-code] Broken references in UI Events KeyboardEvent code Values (Issue #37)
[w3c/uievents-code] CFC to publish UI Events KeyboardEvent code Values as a CR in the WebApps WG (Issue #40)
[w3c/uievents-code] Get horizontal review for UIEvents KeyboardEvent Code (Issue #32)
[w3c/uievents-code] Link implementation report from spec (#31)
[w3c/uievents-code] Needs clearer definition of virtual keyboard's KeyboardEvent.code value if it doesn't emulate physical key event completely (#2)
[w3c/uievents-code] Possible error: "Backspace" is listed in the Writing System Keys instead of Functional Keys table (Issue #34)
[w3c/uievents-code] Possible typo: "Page Down" listed as key name for "End" (Issue #33)
[w3c/uievents-code] Updating Travis Leithead affiliation (PR #39)
[w3c/uievents-key] CFC to publish UI Events KeyboardEvent key Values as a CR in the WebApps WG (Issue #64)
[w3c/uievents-key] Definition of 'string' (Issue #58)
[w3c/uievents-key] Key mapping specification for Mac JIS Kana / Eisu, Windows ImeOn / ImeOff, Android KANA (virtual) keys (Issue #55)
[w3c/uievents-key] Link implementation report from spec (#54)
[w3c/uievents-key] Updating Travis Leithead affiliation (PR #63)
[w3c/uievents] Added a new event to communicate context menu dismissal. (PR #322)
[w3c/uievents] Added Insert and Delete to the Location table (PR #348)
[w3c/uievents] Clarify `keypress` event handling for keys that map to non-BMP Unicode symbols (Issue #346)
- Pauan (Wednesday, 31 May)
- drwez (Wednesday, 31 May)
- drwez (Wednesday, 31 May)
- Mathias Bynens (Wednesday, 31 May)
- Pauan (Wednesday, 31 May)
- Masayuki Nakano (Wednesday, 31 May)
- Pauan (Tuesday, 30 May)
- drwez (Tuesday, 30 May)
- Masayuki Nakano (Friday, 26 May)
- Masayuki Nakano (Friday, 26 May)
- Masayuki Nakano (Friday, 26 May)
- jrandolf (Thursday, 25 May)
- jrandolf (Thursday, 25 May)
- Masayuki Nakano (Thursday, 25 May)
- Mathias Bynens (Wednesday, 24 May)
[w3c/uievents] Create jekyll-docker.yml (PR #345)
[w3c/uievents] Figure out what to do with focusin/focusout (#88)
[w3c/uievents] Introduce contextmenuclose or similar event. (#309)
[w3c/uievents] Missing "Insert" and "Delete" keys from the Event Key Location table (Issue #347)
[w3c/uievents] Reflect the reality for the focus event order (#290)
[w3c/uievents] Remove dblclick text selection default action to match browsers (Issue #328)
[w3c/uievents] Remove text selection from the dblclick default action - #328 (PR #329)
[w3c/uievents] Specify wheel event groups (PR #344)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Background Blur API (Issue #826)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] COOP: restrict-properties early review (Issue #760)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Cross-document View Transitions API (Issue #851)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Design review: AbortSignal.any() (Issue #737)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Design Review: Speculation Rules (Prefetch) (Issue #721)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Early design review for the Topics API (Issue #726)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Early design review: Document Picture-in-Picture (Issue #798)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Element.checkVisibility review (Issue #734)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Entry and Exit Animations (Issue #829)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] FedCM Auto Re-authentication API (Issue #813)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Fullscreen Popup Windows (Issue #840)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] I have reviewed the TAG's Web Platform Design Principles (Issue #847)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Incremental Font Transfer: Patch Subset (Issue #849)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Isolated Web Apps (Issue #842)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Moving local files with the File System Access API (Issue #805)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Multiple Readers and Writers in File System Access API (Issue #845)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Private Aggregation API (Issue #846)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] requestStorageAccessFor (Issue #808)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Review of DPUB-ARIA 1.1 and DPUB-AAM 1.1 (Issue #821)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Review of IMSC-HRM (Issue #788)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Shared Storage API (Issue #747)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Spec review for Scroll-driven Animations (Issue #828)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Specification review for CSS Anchor Positioning (Issue #848)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Specification review request for Verifiable Credential Data Integrity (Issue #850)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Sync Methods for FileSystemSyncAccessHandle in File System Access API (Issue #772)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Tabbed web apps (Issue #841)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Update 010-specification-review.md (PR #844)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] VISS (Vehicle Information Service Specification) 2 Core and VISS 2 Transport (Issue #768)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Web Audio API: RenderCapacity API (Issue #843)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Web of Things (WoT) Profile - Review Requested (Issue #818)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] WebAssembly Garbage Collection extensions (Issue #814)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] WebRTC Codec selection API (Issue #836)
[whatwg/dom] `AbortController` / `AbortSignal` was updated in a somewhat breaking way (Issue #1059)
[whatwg/dom] Add AbortSignal.any() (PR #1152)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Scott Haseley (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Scott Haseley (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Chris Dumez (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Scott Haseley (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Chris Dumez (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Chris Dumez (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Scott Haseley (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Sunday, 7 May)
- Benjamin Gruenbaum (Sunday, 7 May)
- Scott Haseley (Sunday, 7 May)
- Benjamin Gruenbaum (Saturday, 6 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 5 May)
- Scott Haseley (Thursday, 4 May)
- Scott Haseley (Thursday, 4 May)
- Scott Haseley (Thursday, 4 May)
- Scott Haseley (Thursday, 4 May)
- Andreu Botella (Thursday, 4 May)
- Benjamin Gruenbaum (Thursday, 4 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 4 May)
- Benjamin Gruenbaum (Thursday, 4 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 4 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 4 May)
- Scott Haseley (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Scott Haseley (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Scott Haseley (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Benjamin Gruenbaum (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Benjamin Gruenbaum (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Benjamin Gruenbaum (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Benjamin Gruenbaum (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Benjamin Gruenbaum (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Scott Haseley (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Scott Haseley (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Scott Haseley (Monday, 1 May)
[whatwg/dom] Add before removing steps (PR #1185)
[whatwg/dom] Add convenient, ergonomic, performant API for sorting siblings (#586)
[whatwg/dom] Allow more characters in element/attribute names and prefixes (PR #1079)
[whatwg/dom] Allow other specs to add event listeners ergonomically (#878)
[whatwg/dom] Attribute change steps should run after setting the value, not before (Issue #1190)
[whatwg/dom] Consider adding a timeout parameter to the AbortController constructor (Issue #1110)
[whatwg/dom] Consider adding AbortController.prototype.follow(signal) (#920)
[whatwg/dom] const paragraphs = document.querySelectorAll("p"); // paragraphs[0] is the first <p> element // paragraphs[1] is the second <p> element, etc. alert(paragraphs[0].nodeName); (Issue #1193)
[whatwg/dom] Correct undefined variable in add an event listener (PR #1204)
[whatwg/dom] Declarative Shadow DOM (#831)
- Darien Maillet Valentine (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Dan Fabulich (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Dan Fabulich (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Justin Ridgewell (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Mason Freed (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Mason Freed (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Mason Freed (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Edward Irby (Monday, 15 May)
[whatwg/dom] Define XPath's lang() as ASCII case-insensitive (Issue #1199)
[whatwg/dom] Editorial: Split attachShadow element list into separate definition (PR #1200)
- Mason Freed (Friday, 26 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 22 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 22 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 22 May)
- Dan Clark (Friday, 19 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 19 May)
- Dan Clark (Thursday, 18 May)
- Dan Clark (Thursday, 18 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 18 May)
- Dan Clark (Thursday, 18 May)
- Dan Clark (Thursday, 18 May)
[whatwg/dom] Event.composedPath() inconsistency between implementors. (Issue #1201)
[whatwg/dom] Export AbortController's signal (PR #1202)
[whatwg/dom] Filtering only trusted events in addEventListener (#1016)
[whatwg/dom] Handle attribute changes after changing attribute (PR #1176)
[whatwg/dom] Import HTML's XPath and XSLT monkey patches (Issue #1198)
[whatwg/dom] Proposal: AbortSignal.wrap (Issue #1147)
[whatwg/dom] Proposal: Allow WebIDL binding to expose parameters' types and enums' values (Issue #1183)
[whatwg/dom] Requirement for AbortSignal argument to be named 'signal' can be confusing for some APIs. (Issue #1112)
[whatwg/dom] Robust events (#1016)
[whatwg/dom] Stop exporting AbortSignal's signal abort (Issue #1194)
[whatwg/dom] Undefined variable in the "add an event listener" algorithm (Issue #1203)
[whatwg/dom] Undeprecate document.all (Issue #1196)
[whatwg/dom] Userland AbortSignal (Issue #1195)
[whatwg/fetch] "consume body" step disagrees with "fully read" on whether the error callback accepts an argument (Issue #1636)
[whatwg/fetch] [Question] What is the expected behavior for reusing the Request body in a HTTP redirect fetch (status code 307 / 308)? (Issue #1662)
[whatwg/fetch] Account for removal of AbortSignal's follow (086e35f)
[whatwg/fetch] Add a way to have cookie origin and CORS origin be different (Issue #1637)
[whatwg/fetch] Add more timing iformation about (interim) responses (PR #1483)
[whatwg/fetch] Add more timing information about (interim) responses (PR #1483)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 8 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 8 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 8 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 8 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Sunday, 7 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Sunday, 7 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Sunday, 7 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 5 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 4 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 4 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 4 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 4 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 4 May)
[whatwg/fetch] Add WebDriver BiDi network request logging (PR #1540)
[whatwg/fetch] Be more selective with handing out the internal response (PR #1661)
[whatwg/fetch] Clarify priority between blob.type and Content-Type in headers for request/response.blob() (Issue #1630)
[whatwg/fetch] Consider shifting the "bad port list" to an allowlist. (#1189)
[whatwg/fetch] correction en tete (Issue #1658)
[whatwg/fetch] Deferred fetching (PR #1647)
- Ming-Ying Chung (Monday, 29 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Friday, 19 May)
- fergald (Friday, 19 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 18 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 18 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 18 May)
- fergald (Thursday, 18 May)
- fergald (Thursday, 18 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Ming-Ying Chung (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Ming-Ying Chung (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Ming-Ying Chung (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Ming-Ying Chung (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 8 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 8 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 8 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 8 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 8 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 4 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 2 May)
[whatwg/fetch] Define preconnect and dns-prefetch with CSP (PR #1620)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 8 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 8 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 8 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 8 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 8 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 8 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 8 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Sunday, 7 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Sunday, 7 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 4 May)
[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: account for removal of AbortSignal's follow (PR #1646)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Scott Haseley (Sunday, 7 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 4 May)
- Scott Haseley (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Scott Haseley (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Scott Haseley (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 2 May)
[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: clarify how to get MIME type for request and response (PR #1657)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 31 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 31 May)
- cybai (Haku) (Friday, 26 May)
- cybai (Haku) (Friday, 26 May)
- cybai (Haku) (Friday, 26 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 26 May)
- cybai (Haku) (Friday, 26 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 24 May)
- cybai (Haku) (Wednesday, 24 May)
- cybai (Haku) (Wednesday, 24 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 24 May)
- cybai (Haku) (Wednesday, 24 May)
- cybai (Haku) (Wednesday, 24 May)
- cybai (Haku) (Wednesday, 24 May)
- cybai (Haku) (Wednesday, 24 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 22 May)
- cybai (Haku) (Thursday, 18 May)
[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: define return types of most header list algorithms (PR #1660)
[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: name variable internalResponse consistently (PR #1652)
[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: Reword how-to section to explain how to use callbacks & controller (PR #1614)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 11 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 11 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 11 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 11 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Domenic Denicola (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 8 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 8 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 8 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 8 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 8 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 1 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 1 May)
[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: share a conditional in fetch response handover (PR #1653)
[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: update args for collect an HTTP quoted string (PR #1641)
[whatwg/fetch] FetchObserver (for a single fetch) (#607)
[whatwg/fetch] Fully read's processBodyError argument needs to take an exception (PR #1650)
[whatwg/fetch] Header list "get" return type is unclear (Issue #1659)
[whatwg/fetch] Hola (Issue #1648)
[whatwg/fetch] HTTPS Upgrades (Issue #1654)
[whatwg/fetch] HTTPS upgrades proposal (PR #1655)
[whatwg/fetch] Keep track of errors so they can be exposed (if desired) in UX (and maybe API at some point) (#352)
[whatwg/fetch] Pass in content type to resource-timing (PR #1481)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 8 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 8 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 8 May)
- Abin K Paul (Monday, 8 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 5 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 5 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 5 May)
- Abin K Paul (Thursday, 4 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 4 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 4 May)
[whatwg/fetch] Pause readable stream reader (Issue #1651)
- Alex Darby (Thursday, 18 May)
- Kagami Sascha Rosylight (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Kagami Sascha Rosylight (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Kagami Sascha Rosylight (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Adam Rice (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Kagami Sascha Rosylight (Monday, 8 May)
- Alex Darby (Monday, 8 May)
- Kagami Sascha Rosylight (Saturday, 6 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Saturday, 6 May)
- Alex Darby (Friday, 5 May)
[whatwg/fetch] Prevent requests to HTTP(S) URLs containing raw `\n` and `<`. (#546)
[whatwg/fetch] Proposal to block 4190 (sieve) and 6679 (osaut, irc+tls alternate) (Issue #1663)
[whatwg/fetch] Provide opt-in for Expect = "100-continue" (#41)
[whatwg/fetch] Rename "extract-value flag" to "extract-value" and define it as a boolean (Issue #1567)
[whatwg/fetch] Request with GET/HEAD method cannot have body. (#551)
[whatwg/fetch] Response static methods use null this value to specify the realm (Issue #1603)
[whatwg/fetch] Review Draft Publication: December 2022 (3b6fcf6)
[whatwg/fetch] Separate DNS timing info from proxy resolution (PR #1429)
[whatwg/fetch] Should `processResponse` also receive the internal response, similar to `processResponseConsumeBody`? (Issue #1664)
[whatwg/fetch] The end of fetch response handover needs to operate on the internal response (Issue #1512)
[whatwg/fetch] Use internalResponse at end of fetch handover (PR #1645)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 22 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 22 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 11 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 11 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 11 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 11 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 8 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 8 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 8 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 8 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 8 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Sunday, 7 May)
- Noam Rosenthal (Sunday, 7 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 4 May)
[whatwg/fetch] Use the current realm for Response's static methods (PR #1649)
[whatwg/fetch] Why does the Fetch standard forbid GET Body when it's not against REST? (Issue #1644)
[whatwg/fullscreen] Consume user activation in `element.requestFullscreen()` (#153)
[whatwg/fullscreen] Consume user gestures in requestFullscreen (#152)
[whatwg/fullscreen] Editorial: align @namespace declaration with HTML (PR #225)
[whatwg/fullscreen] Flatten requestFullscreen() error conditions (PR #224)
[whatwg/fullscreen] Hide popovers when making an element fullscreen (PR #204)
[whatwg/fullscreen] Remove top layer definitions, now that CSS Position 4 contains them. (PR #223)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Tim Nguyen (Monday, 22 May)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Monday, 22 May)
- Tim Nguyen (Monday, 22 May)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Monday, 22 May)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Monday, 22 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 22 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Monday, 22 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Monday, 22 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Monday, 22 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 22 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Monday, 22 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Monday, 22 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Monday, 22 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Monday, 22 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Monday, 22 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Monday, 22 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Monday, 22 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Monday, 22 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Monday, 22 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Mason Freed (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Tim Nguyen (Monday, 15 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Monday, 15 May)
- Tim Nguyen (Monday, 15 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Monday, 15 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Monday, 15 May)
- Tim Nguyen (Friday, 12 May)
- Tim Nguyen (Friday, 12 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Mason Freed (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Thursday, 4 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Thursday, 4 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 4 May)
- Mason Freed (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Mason Freed (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Tuesday, 2 May)
[whatwg/storage] Application file system (Issue #164)
[whatwg/storage] Sandboxed application file system (Issue #164)
[whatwg/streams] Add support for ReadableStream "owning" type (PR #1271)
- youennf (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 16 May)
- youennf (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Adam Rice (Tuesday, 16 May)
- youennf (Tuesday, 16 May)
- youennf (Wednesday, 10 May)
- youennf (Wednesday, 10 May)
- youennf (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Kagami Sascha Rosylight (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Kagami Sascha Rosylight (Wednesday, 10 May)
- youennf (Wednesday, 10 May)
- youennf (Wednesday, 10 May)
- youennf (Wednesday, 10 May)
- youennf (Wednesday, 10 May)
- youennf (Wednesday, 10 May)
- youennf (Wednesday, 10 May)
- youennf (Wednesday, 10 May)
- youennf (Wednesday, 10 May)
- youennf (Wednesday, 10 May)
- youennf (Wednesday, 10 May)
- youennf (Wednesday, 10 May)
- youennf (Wednesday, 10 May)
- youennf (Wednesday, 10 May)
- youennf (Wednesday, 10 May)
- youennf (Friday, 5 May)
- Kagami Sascha Rosylight (Friday, 5 May)
- youennf (Friday, 5 May)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey (Thursday, 4 May)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey (Thursday, 4 May)
- youennf (Thursday, 4 May)
[whatwg/streams] Editorial: account for removal of AbortSignal's follow (PR #1277)
[whatwg/streams] Editorial: update WPT (PR #1264)
[whatwg/streams] Proposal: ReadableStream tee() backpressure (Issue #1235)
[whatwg/streams] Recoverable error from failed parameter validation? (Issue #1280)
[whatwg/streams] Update terminology and example of the streams-for-raw-video explainer according proposed spec PR (PR #1278)
[whatwg/streams] Use an AbortController instead of signaling abort on AbortSignal (PR #1279)
- Adam Rice (Wednesday, 31 May)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 30 May)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 30 May)
- Adam Rice (Monday, 29 May)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 25 May)
- Scott Haseley (Thursday, 25 May)
- Scott Haseley (Thursday, 25 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 25 May)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 25 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 25 May)
- Scott Haseley (Wednesday, 24 May)
- Scott Haseley (Wednesday, 24 May)
[whatwg/url] 9388414819 (Issue #774)
[whatwg/url] Add file as allowed scheme for blob origin (PR #775)
[whatwg/url] Add value argument to URLSearchParams's has() and delete() (PR #735)
[whatwg/url] invalid-reverse-solidus error definition has character mixed up. (Issue #772)
[whatwg/url] IP (Issue #773)
[whatwg/url] Jdp (Issue #769)
[whatwg/url] Return null origin of "blob:" URL containing inner "blob:" URL (PR #771)
- Adam Rice (Wednesday, 24 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 24 May)
- Valentin Gosu (Wednesday, 24 May)
- Simon Pieters (Wednesday, 24 May)
- Adam Rice (Wednesday, 24 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Rimas Misevičius (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Rimas Misevičius (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Rimas Misevičius (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Rimas Misevičius (Monday, 22 May)
[whatwg/url] Return null origin of "blob:" URL containing inner non-"http(s):" URL (PR #771)
[whatwg/url] Skipping an item while iterating is undefined (Issue #768)
[whatwg/url] The origin of "blob:" URL containing inner "blob:" URL (Issue #770)
[whatwg/url] URLSearchParams delete all vs delete one (#335)
[whatwg/webidl] Float16Array integration (Issue #1310)
[whatwg/webidl] Give SharedArrayBuffer a dedicated type (PR #1311)
[whatwg/webidl] Hh (Issue #1308)
[whatwg/webidl] It is unclear if [AllowShared] BufferSource is valid (#961)
[whatwg/webidl] luy$ (Issue #1304)
[whatwg/webidl] Null (Issue #1309)
[whatwg/webidl] Probar WebIDL (Issue #1305)
[whatwg/webidl] The new rules would require a special permit (Issue #1307)
[whatwg/webidl] Throwing DOMExceptions in the context of a promise returning operation (Issue #1301)
[whatwg/webidl] what? (Issue #1303)
[whatwg/xhr] Failed to load (Issue #374)
[whatwg/xhr] xhr (Issue #375)
[WICG/webcomponents] [a11y]: permit aria-hidden=true on focusable shadow elements in FACE (Issue #1014)
[WICG/webcomponents] [custom-elements] Proposal for definition-time validation of dependencies (Issue #988)
[WICG/webcomponents] [dom-parts] Attribute Grouping (Issue #1011)
[WICG/webcomponents] [dom-parts] cloneWithParts / cloneTree (Issue #1012)
[WICG/webcomponents] [dom-parts] Creation API (Issue #1010)
[WICG/webcomponents] [dom-parts] Declarative syntax for creating DOM Parts (Issue #1003)
[WICG/webcomponents] [scoped-registries] Interaction with HTML element's overridden constructor steps (Issue #969)
[WICG/webcomponents] Document "layers" for single-use components (#806)
[WICG/webcomponents] Functionally complete declarative templating (Issue #997)
[WICG/webcomponents] Lazy Custom Element Definitions (#782)
[WICG/webcomponents] Move imperative parts of DOM-Parts.md to DOM-Parts-Imperative.md (f35141f)
- Tom Wilkinson (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Tom Wilkinson (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Tom Wilkinson (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Tom Wilkinson (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Tom Wilkinson (Tuesday, 16 May)
- iteriani (Tuesday, 16 May)
- iteriani (Tuesday, 16 May)
- iteriani (Monday, 15 May)
- iteriani (Monday, 15 May)
- iteriani (Monday, 15 May)
[WICG/webcomponents] Need a callback for when children changed or parser finished parsing children (#809)
[WICG/webcomponents] Scoped Custom Element Registries (#716)
[WICG/webcomponents] Should shadow host have `display: block` by default? (#426)
[WICG/webcomponents] Spring 2023 Cross-Root ARIA F2F (Issue #1005)
- Benny Powers (Tuesday, 30 May)
- Nolan Lawson (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Friday, 19 May)
- Nolan Lawson (Thursday, 18 May)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Thursday, 18 May)
- Nolan Lawson (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Alice (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Nolan Lawson (Monday, 15 May)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Thursday, 11 May)
- Benny Powers (Thursday, 11 May)
- Nolan Lawson (Thursday, 11 May)
- Alice (Thursday, 11 May)
- Nolan Lawson (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Rob Eisenberg (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Nolan Lawson (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Mason Freed (Monday, 8 May)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Monday, 8 May)
- Justin Fagnani (Monday, 8 May)
- Nolan Lawson (Monday, 8 May)
- Westbrook Johnson (Thursday, 4 May)
- Nolan Lawson (Thursday, 4 May)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Nolan Lawson (Monday, 1 May)
[WICG/webcomponents] Spring 2023 DOM Parts F2F (Issue #999)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Thursday, 25 May)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Wednesday, 24 May)
- Tom Wilkinson (Wednesday, 24 May)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Tom Wilkinson (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Mason Freed (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Saturday, 6 May)
- Justin Fagnani (Friday, 5 May)
- Tom Wilkinson (Thursday, 4 May)
- Justin Fagnani (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Rob Eisenberg (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Mason Freed (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Sasha Firsov (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Brian Kardell (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Rob Eisenberg (Tuesday, 2 May)
[WICG/webcomponents] Template Instantiation Support for Microdata (Issue #1013)
[WICG/webcomponents] Why do we really need hyphens? (#658)
Last message date: Wednesday, 31 May 2023 23:44:33 UTC