Re: [whatwg/fetch] Editorial: Reword how-to section to explain how to use callbacks & controller (PR #1614)

@noamr commented on this pull request.

> -
-  <p>If the <a for=/>request</a>'s <a for=request>mode</a> is "<code>navigate</code>" and its
-  <a for=request>redirect mode</a> is "<code>manual</code>", then callers need to follow a very
-  specific flow with this algorithm to get the intended behavior. They should compute the
-  appropriate <a for=response>location URL</a>, and if it is non-null or failure, then they should
-  call <a for="fetch controller">process the next manual redirect</a>. This will result in
-  <a for=fetch><i>processResponse</i></a> being called again, with the next <a for=/>response</a>
-  in the redirect chain.
- <dt><a for=fetch><i>processResponseEndOfBody</i></a>
- <dd><p>Takes an algorithm that will be passed a <a for=/>response</a>. Indicates the network is
- done transmitting the response. This does not read <a for=/>response</a>'s
- <a for=response>body</a>.
+  <p>This is the most common way in whochclients handle a <a for=/>response</a>, for example scripts
+  and styles. The <a for=/>response</a>'s <a for=response>body</a> is downloaded in its entirety
+  into a <a>byte sequence</a>, and then processed by the <a for=request>client</a>.

Renamed to invokers

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Message ID: <whatwg/fetch/pull/1614/review/>

Received on Tuesday, 9 May 2023 11:10:26 UTC