Re: [whatwg/fetch] Editorial: Reword how-to section to explain how to use callbacks & controller (PR #1614)

@noamr commented on this pull request.

-<p>Aside from a <a for=/>request</a> the <a for=/>fetch</a> operation takes several optional
-arguments. For those arguments that take an algorithm: the algorithm will be called from a task (or
-in a <a for=/>parallel queue</a> if <a for=fetch><i>useParallelQueue</i></a> is true).
+<p>Once the <a for=/>request</a> is set up, determine how you would like to process the
+<a for=/>response</a>, and in particular at what stage you would like to receive a callback:

@annevk which introduction is missing? The previous "invoking fetch" section was mainly a description of the different parameters. This PR still describes all the parameters, but from the point of view of "what is the caller trying to do". Which part is missing in your opinion?

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Message ID: <whatwg/fetch/pull/1614/review/>

Received on Monday, 1 May 2023 05:53:01 UTC