[w3c/clipboard-apis] Arbitrary clipboard types (Issue #165)
[w3c/editing] [Delayed Clipboard Rendering] What happens to the clipboard data on Tab/Browser Close? (Issue #424)
[w3c/editing] Delayed clipboard rendering API shape. (Issue #423)
[w3c/editing] Seeking feedback on delayed clipboard rendering proposal (Issue #417)
[w3c/gamepad] Add -1 to the set of allowed indices (PR #158)
[w3c/gamepad] Add support for a PCM buffer to the gamepad actuator (Issue #186)
[w3c/gamepad] GamepadHapticActuator.playEffect() algorithm seems wrong with regards to `[[playingEffectPromise]]` (Issue #179)
[w3c/gamepad] Update playingEffectPromise synchronously (PR #182)
[w3c/IndexedDB] [WIP] Initial algorithms / methods for putAll (#343)
[w3c/IndexedDB] Adjust links to ECMAScript specifications (PR #401)
[w3c/IndexedDB] Define Indexed DB as a storage endpoint, use hooks (#334)
[w3c/IndexedDB] Initial sketch of manual commit flag for transactions (#331)
[w3c/IndexedDB] Normalize negative zero (PR #386)
[w3c/IndexedDB] Rename 'array key' to 'composite key'. For #360 (PR #392)
[w3c/IndexedDB] Sketch out IDBCursor.close() (#302)
[w3c/IndexedDB] Speculative getAllEntries() spec (#280)
[w3c/IndexedDB] Track ES BigInt work (#230)
[w3c/manifest] [meta] Don't require merge queue for PRs (Issue #1075)
[w3c/manifest] Allow manifest processing to be invoked without going through an HTML document (PR #1069)
- Matt Giuca (Thursday, 27 April)
- Matt Giuca (Thursday, 27 April)
- Matt Giuca (Thursday, 27 April)
- Matt Giuca (Thursday, 27 April)
- Matt Giuca (Thursday, 27 April)
- Matt Giuca (Thursday, 27 April)
- Matt Giuca (Thursday, 27 April)
- Matt Giuca (Thursday, 27 April)
- Marcos Cáceres (Thursday, 27 April)
- Marcos Cáceres (Thursday, 27 April)
- Marcos Cáceres (Thursday, 27 April)
- Marcos Cáceres (Thursday, 27 April)
- Marcos Cáceres (Thursday, 27 April)
- Marcos Cáceres (Thursday, 27 April)
- Marcos Cáceres (Thursday, 27 April)
- Marcos Cáceres (Thursday, 27 April)
- Marcos Cáceres (Thursday, 27 April)
- Marcos Cáceres (Thursday, 27 April)
- Aaron Gustafson (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Matt Giuca (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Matt Giuca (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Matt Giuca (Monday, 24 April)
- Matt Giuca (Monday, 24 April)
- Matt Giuca (Monday, 24 April)
- Aaron Gustafson (Friday, 21 April)
- Matt Giuca (Friday, 21 April)
- Matt Giuca (Friday, 21 April)
[w3c/manifest] editorial: Move the definition of display-mode back to APPMANIFEST. (PR #1039)
[w3c/manifest] Manifest: property 'src' ignored, URL is invalid. (Issue #1059)
[w3c/manifest] Ran tidy. (PR #1076)
- Matt Giuca (Wednesday, 26 April)
- github-merge-queue[bot] (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Daniel Murphy (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Daniel Murphy (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Daniel Murphy (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Aaron Gustafson (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Matt Giuca (Wednesday, 26 April)
- github-merge-queue[bot] (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Matt Giuca (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Matt Giuca (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Aaron Gustafson (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Matt Giuca (Wednesday, 26 April)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Angle not consistently implemented (Issue #247)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Editorial: combine safety check steps into new section (PR #251)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Editorial: fix queue a task to fire change an event (PR #250)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Example of usage is incorrect (Issue #245)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Fix error in example usage (PR #246)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Should we standardize window.orientation? (Issue #249)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Standardize angle orientations counter-clockwise (PR #248)
[w3c/selection-api] collapse() and extend() should not exit early when called with a node within a shadow tree (Issue #162)
[w3c/selection-api] getComposedRange() review (Issue #161)
[w3c/selection-api] Serialization of the current selection, when that selection crosses shadow roots (Issue #163)
[w3c/selection-api] Should TreeWalker be expanded to support shadow roots in support of the selection API? (Issue #164)
[w3c/selection-api] toString should return the selected text in input / textarea element (Issue #165)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] Avoid executing the code in the All Fetch Listeners Are Empty algorithm. (PR #1676)
- Jake Archibald (Tuesday, 11 April)
- Jake Archibald (Tuesday, 11 April)
- Yoshisato Yanagisawa (Tuesday, 11 April)
- Yoshisato Yanagisawa (Monday, 3 April)
- Jake Archibald (Monday, 3 April)
- Yoshisato Yanagisawa (Monday, 3 April)
- Yoshisato Yanagisawa (Monday, 3 April)
- Yoshisato Yanagisawa (Monday, 3 April)
- Yoshisato Yanagisawa (Monday, 3 April)
- Yoshisato Yanagisawa (Monday, 3 April)
- Jake Archibald (Monday, 3 April)
- Jake Archibald (Monday, 3 April)
- Yoshisato Yanagisawa (Monday, 3 April)
- Yoshisato Yanagisawa (Monday, 3 April)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] Batch Cache Operations can't return an empty list (Issue #1677)
[w3c/uievents-key] update the reference to UAX15 (PR #62)
[w3c/uievents-key] Update UAX #15 to the latest version (Issue #59)
[w3c/uievents] "keyCode" is the only way to work with KeyboardEvents now (#267)
[w3c/uievents] Need property which gives the (base) unmodified key (#247)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] (Document Subtitle): Early review for adding a new value to the standard list of `name`s for a meta tag (Issue #819)
- hober (Thursday, 20 April)
- hober (Thursday, 20 April)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] [FYI] Report Critical-CH caused restart in NavigationTiming (Issue #833)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Background Blur API (Issue #826)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Compute Pressure Specification Review (Issue #795)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] COOP: restrict-properties early review (Issue #760)
- hober (Wednesday, 19 April)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Design Review: Speculation Rules (Prefetch) (Issue #721)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Detect UA Transitions on Same-Document Navigations (Issue #834)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Disabling UA transitions for same-document navigations (Issue #835)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Early design review for the Topics API (Issue #726)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Early design review request: IPA (Issue #823)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] early design review: bfcache/prerendering eviction APIs (Issue #786)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Early design review: Document Picture-in-Picture (Issue #798)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Early Design Review: Pending Beacon API (Issue #776)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Early design review: scheduler.yield() (Issue #827)
- hober (Wednesday, 19 April)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Eligibility for autofill (Issue #831)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Entry and Exit Animations (Issue #829)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] FedCM Auto Re-authentication API (Issue #813)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] FedCM: LoginHint, UserInfo, and RPContext (Issue #839)
- npm1 (Wednesday, 26 April)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] First-Party Sets (#342)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Moving local files with the File System Access API (Issue #805)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Pre-CR review: HTML Review Draft — Published 18 January 2021 (#657)
- hober (Wednesday, 19 April)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] requestStorageAccessFor (Issue #808)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Review of IMSC-HRM (Issue #788)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Review request for TURTLEDOVE (Issue #723)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Shared Storage API (Issue #747)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Specification review for fenced frames (Issue #838)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] TAG review of the proposal to use the RegExp `v` flag instead of `u` for the HTML `pattern` attribute (Issue #832)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] text-wrap: balance (Issue #822)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] The web platform needs a service discovery mechanism (#240)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Two changes to Secure Payment Confirmation prior to CR (Issue #802)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Web Authentication: Large Blob extension (Issue #820)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Web Bluetooth exclusionFilters option in requestDevice() (Issue #830)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] WebAssembly Garbage Collection extensions (Issue #814)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] WebRTC Codec selection API (Issue #836)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] WebRTC-SVC (Scalable Video Coding) (Issue #837)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Wildcards in Permissions Policy Origins (Issue #765)
[whatwg/dom] Add AbortSignal.any() (PR #1152)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 28 April)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 28 April)
- Scott Haseley (Wednesday, 12 April)
- smaug---- (Wednesday, 12 April)
- Scott Haseley (Tuesday, 4 April)
- Scott Haseley (Tuesday, 4 April)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 4 April)
- Scott Haseley (Monday, 3 April)
- Scott Haseley (Monday, 3 April)
- Domenic Denicola (Monday, 3 April)
[whatwg/dom] Add before removing steps (PR #1185)
[whatwg/dom] Attribute change steps should run after setting the value, not before (Issue #1190)
[whatwg/dom] Clarification for <link> behavior in Declarative Shadow DOM (Issue #1187)
[whatwg/dom] Clarification on document tree and DOM tree (Issue #1188)
[whatwg/dom] Consider adding a timeout parameter to the AbortController constructor (Issue #1110)
[whatwg/dom] Disconnect single target instead of all (#126)
[whatwg/dom] Does the currentEvent variable make a sense in Inner Invoke? (Issue #1191)
[whatwg/dom] Handle attribute changes after changing attribute (PR #1176)
[whatwg/dom] Introducing Direct Navigation to Client-Side JavaScript-Generated HTML Documents (Issue #1192)
[whatwg/dom] Proposal: A new way to do feature detection for members (Issue #1181)
[whatwg/dom] Proposal: Allow WebIDL binding to expose parameters' types and enums' values (Issue #1183)
[whatwg/dom] Proposal: Allow WebIDL bindings to expose method parameters' types (Issue #1182)
[whatwg/dom] Second chance to find respectively type of event handler (Issue #1184)
[whatwg/dom] Should TreeWalker be expanded to support shadow roots in support of the selection API? (Issue #1189)
[whatwg/dom] Specify that AbortController#abort() be bound to AbortController instance (#981)
[whatwg/dom] Yoshua is King (Issue #1186)
[whatwg/encoding] Editorial: use leading and pending surrogate (PR #309)
[whatwg/fetch] "consume body" step disagrees with "fully read" on whether the error callback accepts an argument (Issue #1636)
[whatwg/fetch] `fetch` should have definition for server side stuff, like `dnsLookup` and `socketPath` (Issue #1635)
[whatwg/fetch] A (Issue #1643)
[whatwg/fetch] Access-Control-Max-Age not effective in preflight request caching when Authorization header is programatically defined (#1278)
[whatwg/fetch] Add a way to have cookie origin and CORS origin be different (Issue #1637)
- npm1 (Thursday, 20 April)
[whatwg/fetch] Add http method to fetch timing info (PR #1632)
[whatwg/fetch] add missing bracket (315cbb7)
[whatwg/fetch] Add more timing iformation about (interim) responses (PR #1483)
[whatwg/fetch] add step for upgrades, still missing fallback (ec498bd)
[whatwg/fetch] Add unsafe-no-cors mode (PR #1533)
[whatwg/fetch] Authorization-removal change was compatibility-breaking (Issue #1631)
[whatwg/fetch] Clarify priority between blob.type and Content-Type in headers for request/response.blob() (Issue #1630)
[whatwg/fetch] Consider shifting the "bad port list" to an allowlist. (#1189)
[whatwg/fetch] Define preconnect and dns-prefetch with CSP (PR #1620)
[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: Pass recursive=false to manual navigation redirect (PR #1638)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 24 April)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 24 April)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 24 April)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 24 April)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 24 April)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 24 April)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 24 April)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 24 April)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 24 April)
- Noam Rosenthal (Sunday, 23 April)
[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: update args for collect an HTTP quoted string (PR #1641)
[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: use "pull from bytes" algorithm (4502481)
[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: Use "pull from bytes" algorithm (PR #1628)
[whatwg/fetch] fix: Add http method to fetch timing info (PR #1632)
[whatwg/fetch] HTTP-redirect does not call processResponse and breaks navigation expectations (Issue #1629)
[whatwg/fetch] Pass in content type to resource-timing (PR #1481)
[whatwg/fetch] Pass recursive=false to manual navigation redirect (PR #1638)
[whatwg/fetch] Proposal: `Viewport` header for early hints (Issue #1640)
[whatwg/fetch] R (Issue #1642)
[whatwg/fetch] Rename "extract-value flag" to "extract-value" and define it as a boolean (Issue #1567)
[whatwg/fetch] Separate DNS timing info from proxy resolution (PR #1429)
[whatwg/fetch] Specify how/if response status code & content type are exposed for cross-origin navigations (Issue #1602)
[whatwg/fetch] The fetch pull algorithm does not pass proper bytesWritten to ReadableByteStreamControllerRespond (Issue #1610)
[whatwg/fetch] Use internalResponse at end of fetch handover (PR #1645)
[whatwg/fetch] What is meant by "It is initially « »" (Issue #1634)
[whatwg/fetch] Why does the Fetch standard forbid GET Body when it's not against REST? (Issue #1644)
[whatwg/fullscreen] Hide popovers when making an element fullscreen (PR #204)
- Tim Nguyen (Friday, 28 April)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 28 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Tuesday, 25 April)
- Joey Arhar (Monday, 10 April)
- Joey Arhar (Monday, 10 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Thursday, 6 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Thursday, 6 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Thursday, 6 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Thursday, 6 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Thursday, 6 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Thursday, 6 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Thursday, 6 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Thursday, 6 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Thursday, 6 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Thursday, 6 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Thursday, 6 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Thursday, 6 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Thursday, 6 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Thursday, 6 April)
[whatwg/fullscreen] Remove top layer definitions, now that CSS Position 4 contains them. (PR #223)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Friday, 28 April)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Friday, 28 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Friday, 28 April)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Tuesday, 25 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Tuesday, 25 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Tuesday, 25 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Tuesday, 25 April)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Thursday, 20 April)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Thursday, 20 April)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Thursday, 20 April)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Thursday, 20 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Wednesday, 19 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Wednesday, 19 April)
- Philip Jägenstedt (Wednesday, 19 April)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Friday, 14 April)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Thursday, 13 April)
[whatwg/fullscreen] Unfullscreening unconditionally removes from top layer, ignoring other qualities (Issue #222)
[whatwg/storage] Add "fileSystem" as a registered storage endpoint (PR #163)
[whatwg/storage] Ensure storage endpoints are defined as storage endpoints (#90)
[whatwg/storage] Meta: update repository files (d5dbe0b)
[whatwg/streams] @albasha96 (Issue #1267)
[whatwg/streams] Add an abstraction to pull from buffer into ReadableStream (PR #1263)
[whatwg/streams] Add support for ReadableStream "owning" type (PR #1271)
- Adam Rice (Monday, 24 April)
- youennf (Friday, 21 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 20 April)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 20 April)
- Adam Rice (Wednesday, 19 April)
- Adam Rice (Tuesday, 18 April)
- youennf (Tuesday, 18 April)
- youennf (Monday, 17 April)
- youennf (Monday, 17 April)
- youennf (Monday, 17 April)
- Adam Rice (Monday, 17 April)
- youennf (Friday, 14 April)
- youennf (Friday, 14 April)
- youennf (Friday, 14 April)
- youennf (Friday, 14 April)
- youennf (Friday, 14 April)
- Adam Rice (Friday, 14 April)
- youennf (Friday, 14 April)
- youennf (Friday, 14 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 13 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 13 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 13 April)
[whatwg/streams] Add support for ReadableStream "transfer" type (PR #1271)
- youennf (Thursday, 13 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 13 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 13 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 13 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 13 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 13 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 13 April)
- youennf (Thursday, 13 April)
- Domenic Denicola (Thursday, 13 April)
- Adam Rice (Thursday, 13 April)
- youennf (Wednesday, 12 April)
- youennf (Wednesday, 12 April)
- youennf (Wednesday, 12 April)
- Adam Rice (Wednesday, 12 April)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 12 April)
- Adam Rice (Wednesday, 12 April)
- youennf (Wednesday, 12 April)
- youennf (Wednesday, 12 April)
- youennf (Wednesday, 12 April)
- youennf (Wednesday, 12 April)
- youennf (Wednesday, 12 April)
- youennf (Wednesday, 12 April)
- youennf (Wednesday, 12 April)
- youennf (Wednesday, 12 April)
- Adam Rice (Wednesday, 12 April)
- Adam Rice (Wednesday, 12 April)
- youennf (Tuesday, 11 April)
- youennf (Tuesday, 11 April)
- youennf (Tuesday, 11 April)
- youennf (Tuesday, 11 April)
- youennf (Tuesday, 11 April)
- youennf (Tuesday, 11 April)
- youennf (Tuesday, 11 April)
- youennf (Tuesday, 11 April)
- youennf (Tuesday, 11 April)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 11 April)
- Adam Rice (Monday, 10 April)
- youennf (Sunday, 9 April)
[whatwg/streams] Add support for TransformStream "owning" writable/readable types (PR #1274)
[whatwg/streams] Add support for writablestream owning type (PR #1272)
[whatwg/streams] async iteration over a ReadableStream containing a rejected Promise will not clean up (Issue #1266)
[whatwg/streams] Can pipeTo() be synchronous? (Issue #1243)
[whatwg/streams] cancelAlgorithmWrapper does not handle cancellation argument (Issue #1273)
[whatwg/streams] Editorial: Add missing argument to cancel and abort wrapper algorithms (PR #1275)
[whatwg/streams] Editorial: update WPT (PR #1264)
[whatwg/streams] Efficient mapping to Unix-style APIs with pollable readers and writers (Issue #1265)
[whatwg/streams] Latency-bounded reads (Issue #1270)
[whatwg/streams] Life-time management of VideoFrame when used with streams (Issue #1185)
[whatwg/streams] ReadableStream.from(asyncIterable) (#1083)
[whatwg/streams] Specify realm for object creation (Issue #1213)
[whatwg/streams] Synchronous WritableStream Writer to avoid heap allocations from Promises returned by WritableStreamDefaultWriter's write (Issue #1276)
[whatwg/streams] writeSync function on WritableStreamDefaultWriter to avoid unnecessary heap allocations from Promises returned by write (Issue #1276)
[whatwg/url] Add URL.canParse() (ae3c28b)
[whatwg/url] Consider defining a primitive for a host-and-port parser (Issue #767)
[whatwg/webidl] async iteration can produce promises, which the ES spec generally avoids (Issue #1288)
[whatwg/webidl] ByteString text should not talk about UTF-8 (Issue #1295)
[whatwg/webidl] Detect whether a dictionary member was set by default or not (Issue #1300)
[whatwg/webidl] Does [NewObject] do anything? (Issue #1289)
[whatwg/webidl] Editorial: Define the WebIDL string types in terms of Infra types. (PR #1287)
- Anne van Kesteren (Saturday, 22 April)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 21 April)
- Jeffrey Yasskin (Friday, 21 April)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 21 April)
- Jeffrey Yasskin (Thursday, 20 April)
- Jeffrey Yasskin (Thursday, 20 April)
- Jeffrey Yasskin (Thursday, 20 April)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 20 April)
- Dominic Farolino (Tuesday, 4 April)
- Jeffrey Yasskin (Tuesday, 4 April)
- Dominic Farolino (Tuesday, 4 April)
- Jeffrey Yasskin (Tuesday, 4 April)
- Jeffrey Yasskin (Tuesday, 4 April)
[whatwg/webidl] Editorial: Fix typo in the overload resolution algorithm (PR #1299)
[whatwg/webidl] Editorial: remove remaining UTF-8 and UTF-16 references (PR #1298)
[whatwg/webidl] Export "an exception was thrown" (PR #1293)
[whatwg/webidl] Improperly pluralized verb in "The [LegacyNamespace] extended attribute take an identifier" (Issue #1296)
[whatwg/webidl] Intent to use Constants (Issue #1297)
[whatwg/webidl] Normative: Match ECMA‑262 function property enumeration order (#914)
[whatwg/webidl] Purpose of call-a-user-object’s-operation’s opName parameter (Issue #1282)
[whatwg/webidl] Revamp ByteString, DOMString, and USVString (#335)
[whatwg/webidl] ym962529@gmail.com (Issue #1292)
[whatwg/webidl] “Define the (static|unforgeable regular) attributes” algs say namespace is a possible argument (Issue #1291)
[whatwg/webidl] تم ايقاف الخط للاتصالات والمكالمات والرسائل النصية القصيرة SMS01128336635 ارجو المساعده (Issue #1294)
[WICG/webcomponents] "open-stylable" Shadow Roots (#909)
[WICG/webcomponents] "The problematic position" when Custom Elements throw errors? (#547)
[WICG/webcomponents] <iframe> and the History API (#184)
[WICG/webcomponents] [a11y]: An exhaustive look at support for using HTMLInputElement with Web Components (Issue #996)
[WICG/webcomponents] [declarate-custom-elements] Capabilities needed and open questions (Issue #1009)
[WICG/webcomponents] [declarative-custom-elements] Capabilities needed and open questions (Issue #1009)
- Rob Eisenberg (Friday, 28 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Friday, 28 April)
- Bruce B. Anderson (Friday, 28 April)
- Bruce B. Anderson (Friday, 28 April)
- Rob Eisenberg (Friday, 28 April)
- Matthew Phillips (Friday, 28 April)
- Bruce B. Anderson (Thursday, 27 April)
- Bruce B. Anderson (Thursday, 27 April)
- Matthew Phillips (Thursday, 27 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Thursday, 27 April)
- Bruce B. Anderson (Thursday, 27 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Thursday, 27 April)
- Bruce B. Anderson (Thursday, 27 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Thursday, 27 April)
- Bruce B. Anderson (Thursday, 27 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Bruce B. Anderson (Wednesday, 26 April)
[WICG/webcomponents] [declarative-custom-elements] how does the class get associated with the definition (#884)
[WICG/webcomponents] [declarative-custom-elements] how would SSR work? (#886)
[WICG/webcomponents] [declarative-custom-elements] shorter syntax (#885)
[WICG/webcomponents] [dom-parts] Browser updating parts list from `getParts()` (Issue #993)
[WICG/webcomponents] [dom-parts] Declarative API for defining DOM parts (Issue #990)
[WICG/webcomponents] [dom-parts] Declarative syntax for creating DOM Parts (Issue #1003)
[WICG/webcomponents] [dom-parts] Remove `.value` and `.commit()`, add `replaceChildren` (Issue #991)
[WICG/webcomponents] [dom-parts] Tree structure of parts in the DOM (Issue #992)
[WICG/webcomponents] [element-internals] How to get internals in base class and subclass, without leaking it to public (Issue #962)
[WICG/webcomponents] [idea] Lifecycle method: beforeDisconnectedCallback (#825)
[WICG/webcomponents] [idea] shadowattach event (#893)
[WICG/webcomponents] [scoped-registries] Concerns about non-construction of scoped elements (Issue #987)
- Nicolas Gilbert (Friday, 21 April)
- Keith Cirkel (Friday, 21 April)
- Nicolas Gilbert (Wednesday, 19 April)
- Xiaocheng Hu (Tuesday, 18 April)
- Xiaocheng Hu (Monday, 17 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Saturday, 15 April)
- Nicolas Gilbert (Friday, 14 April)
- Xiaocheng Hu (Friday, 14 April)
- Nicolas Gilbert (Friday, 14 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Friday, 14 April)
- Darien Maillet Valentine (Friday, 14 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Friday, 14 April)
- Xiaocheng Hu (Wednesday, 12 April)
- Nicolas Gilbert (Wednesday, 12 April)
- Xiaocheng Hu (Wednesday, 12 April)
[WICG/webcomponents] [scoped-registries] Describe interaction with declarative shadow DOM (#915)
- Justin Fagnani (Monday, 24 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Monday, 24 April)
- Mason Freed (Monday, 24 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Monday, 24 April)
- Mason Freed (Monday, 24 April)
- Mason Freed (Monday, 24 April)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Monday, 24 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Monday, 24 April)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Monday, 24 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Monday, 24 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Monday, 24 April)
[WICG/webcomponents] [scoped-registries] Element upgrade ordering (#923)
[WICG/webcomponents] [scoped-registries] How does customElements.upgrade() work? (Issue #1001)
[WICG/webcomponents] [scoped-registries] Interaction with declarative shadow DOM (#914)
[WICG/webcomponents] [scoped-registries] Proposal for registry extension (Issue #989)
[WICG/webcomponents] [scoped-registries] Should WC be usable as "views"? (Issue #998)
[WICG/webcomponents] [scoped-registries] What does `new` mean for elements in multiple registries? (Issue #1007)
[WICG/webcomponents] `customElements.upgrade` does not upgrade node subtrees cloned from `template` contents via `cloneNode` (Issue #946)
[WICG/webcomponents] Add delegatesLabel and a content attribute to specify the label element within a shadow tree (#916)
[WICG/webcomponents] Alternative to customized built-in - Element custom enhancements (Issue #1000)
[WICG/webcomponents] Cascading Style Sheet module scripts (#759)
[WICG/webcomponents] components v1 native implementation - inner components problem (#615)
[WICG/webcomponents] CSS selector to style slots with slotted elements (#936)
[WICG/webcomponents] Custom 'void' or self-closing elements (HTML parser changes) (#624)
[WICG/webcomponents] custom pseudo elements like ::before ::after, but using custom elements (Issue #983)
[WICG/webcomponents] Declarative CSS Module Scripts (#939)
[WICG/webcomponents] Document "layers" for single-use components (#806)
[WICG/webcomponents] elementsFromPoint behavior is unclear (#735)
[WICG/webcomponents] Empty innerHTML/textContent in connectedCallback, but the actual content is rendered (#903)
[WICG/webcomponents] Form-associated custom elements: being a submit button (#814)
[WICG/webcomponents] fullscreenchange should be dispatched on each ancestor shadow root (#614)
[WICG/webcomponents] Functionally complete declarative templating (Issue #997)
- Sasha Firsov (Sunday, 30 April)
- Keith Cirkel (Friday, 21 April)
- Sasha Firsov (Friday, 7 April)
- Bruce B. Anderson (Thursday, 6 April)
- Sasha Firsov (Wednesday, 5 April)
- Sasha Firsov (Wednesday, 5 April)
- Sasha Firsov (Wednesday, 5 April)
- Sasha Firsov (Wednesday, 5 April)
- Sasha Firsov (Wednesday, 5 April)
- Bruce B. Anderson (Tuesday, 4 April)
- Keith Cirkel (Tuesday, 4 April)
- Sasha Firsov (Tuesday, 4 April)
[WICG/webcomponents] How should autofill work for inputs generated inside shadow roots (#572)
[WICG/webcomponents] How should various document internal references work when SVG is being used in shadow DOM (#179)
[WICG/webcomponents] HTML parser: align custom elements with the template element (#630)
[WICG/webcomponents] Interaction between ElementInternals (e.g. default ARIA) and declarative shadow DOM (Issue #972)
[WICG/webcomponents] Interaction between imperative slotting and declarative shadow DOM (Issue #967)
[WICG/webcomponents] Introducing Direct Navigation to Client-Side JavaScript-Generated HTML Documents (Issue #1008)
[WICG/webcomponents] Isolated web components (Issue #1002)
[WICG/webcomponents] JavaScript bundlers, HMR and customElements.define() (#829)
[WICG/webcomponents] Lazy Custom Element Definitions (#782)
- Rob Eisenberg (Thursday, 27 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Thursday, 27 April)
- Rob Eisenberg (Thursday, 27 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Thursday, 27 April)
- Keith Cirkel (Thursday, 27 April)
- Rob Eisenberg (Thursday, 27 April)
- Keith Cirkel (Thursday, 27 April)
- Cory LaViska (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Rob Eisenberg (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Russell Bicknell (Wednesday, 26 April)
- S.A.N (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Rob Eisenberg (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Renoir Boulanger (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Rob Eisenberg (Wednesday, 26 April)
- S.A.N (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Renoir Boulanger (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Rob Eisenberg (Wednesday, 26 April)
- S.A.N (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Rob Eisenberg (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Rob Eisenberg (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Rob Eisenberg (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Sasha Firsov (Monday, 24 April)
- Renoir Boulanger (Monday, 24 April)
- Keith Cirkel (Friday, 21 April)
[WICG/webcomponents] mousedown on a light DOM element should be able to focus on a shadow container (#773)
[WICG/webcomponents] Need a callback for when children changed or parser finished parsing children (#809)
[WICG/webcomponents] observedAttributes should be converted to ASCII lowercase (#838)
[WICG/webcomponents] Provide a lightweight mechanism to add styles to a custom element (#468)
[WICG/webcomponents] registry: Add an API to retrieve the localName given a custom element constructor (#566)
[WICG/webcomponents] Serialize shadow DOM for use in javascript disabled user agents (#788)
[WICG/webcomponents] Spring 2023 "F2F" (Issue #978)
- Renoir Boulanger (Monday, 24 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Thursday, 20 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Thursday, 20 April)
- Nolan Lawson (Thursday, 20 April)
- Sasha Firsov (Thursday, 20 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Wednesday, 19 April)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Monday, 17 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Monday, 17 April)
- Rob Eisenberg (Monday, 17 April)
- Muhammad Salem (Sunday, 16 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Friday, 14 April)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Friday, 14 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Friday, 14 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Friday, 14 April)
- Mason Freed (Wednesday, 12 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Tuesday, 11 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Tuesday, 11 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Tuesday, 11 April)
- Peter Burns (Tuesday, 11 April)
- Westbrook Johnson (Tuesday, 11 April)
- Michael Warren (Monday, 10 April)
- James Garbutt (Sunday, 9 April)
- Westbrook Johnson (Tuesday, 4 April)
- Sasha Firsov (Tuesday, 4 April)
[WICG/webcomponents] Spring 2023 Cross-Root ARIA F2F (Issue #1005)
[WICG/webcomponents] Spring 2023 DOM Parts F2F (Issue #999)
- Tom Wilkinson (Thursday, 20 April)
- Justin Fagnani (Thursday, 20 April)
- Bruce B. Anderson (Thursday, 20 April)
- Keith Cirkel (Thursday, 20 April)
- Bruce B. Anderson (Thursday, 20 April)
- Tom Wilkinson (Thursday, 20 April)
- Bruce B. Anderson (Wednesday, 19 April)
- Bruce B. Anderson (Wednesday, 19 April)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Wednesday, 19 April)
- Bruce B. Anderson (Tuesday, 18 April)
- Tom Wilkinson (Tuesday, 18 April)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Monday, 17 April)
[WICG/webcomponents] Spring 2023 Styling and Theming F2F (Issue #1006)
[WICG/webcomponents] Supporting `<noscript>` when FACE is in play (Issue #1004)
[WICG/webcomponents] SVG use element can't reference an element within the same shadow tree (#772)
[WICG/webcomponents] Template/part proposals - Naming for DOM Parts API (#902)
[WICG/webcomponents] Template/part proposals should explain how and why they improve performance (#901)
[WICG/webcomponents] Templates are currently half a solution to web component HTML (Issue #994)
[WICG/webcomponents] Theming options for shadow roots (#864)
[WICG/webcomponents] There is no way to navigate to a fragment inside a shadow tree (#924)
[WICG/webcomponents] Web components should be able to easily adapt to the host page while maintaining enapsulation (Issue #986)
Last message date: Sunday, 30 April 2023 23:25:47 UTC