Re: [whatwg/webidl] Editorial: Define the WebIDL string types in terms of Infra types. (PR #1287)

@domfarolino commented on this pull request.

> @@ -7471,12 +7474,11 @@ value when its bit pattern is interpreted as an unsigned 64 bit integer.
 <div id="USVString-to-es" algorithm="convert an USVString to an ECMAScript value">
-    An IDL {{USVString}} value is [=converted to an ECMAScript value|converted=]
-    to an ECMAScript value by running the following algorithm:
-    1.  Let |scalarValues| be the sequence of [=scalar values=] the {{USVString}} represents.
-    1.  Let |string| be the sequence of [=code units=] that results from encoding |scalarValues| in UTF-16.
-    1.  Return the String value that represents the same sequence of [=code units=] as |string|.
+    The result of [=converted to an ECMAScript value|converting=]
+    an IDL {{USVString}} value to an ECMAScript
+    value is the String
+    value that represents the sequence of [=code units=]
+    in the IDL {{USVString}}.

Do we have to consider the String length limit in ECMAScript at all?

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Message ID: <whatwg/webidl/pull/1287/review/>

Received on Tuesday, 4 April 2023 02:14:02 UTC