from June 2010 by thread

Survey sent to Incubator Group Chairs Ian Jacobs (Wednesday, 30 June)

[Minutes] New standards task force 28 June 2010 Ian Jacobs (Monday, 28 June)

[Agenda] New standards task force 28 June Ian Jacobs (Saturday, 26 June)

Success in a WG Robin Berjon (Thursday, 24 June)

New standards survey, draft 3 Ian Jacobs (Thursday, 24 June)

On magnitude reduction of energy demands for a WEB session lifecycle Willy Svenningsson (Tuesday, 22 June)

Next new standards task force meeting: 28 June, 11:30am ET for 1 hour Ian Jacobs (Tuesday, 22 June)

Please comment on new survey: Making W3C the place for new Web standards Ian Jacobs (Tuesday, 22 June)

First pass at use cases for "new standards" task force Ian Jacobs (Monday, 21 June)

[Minutes] New Standards Task Force [16 June] Ian Jacobs (Monday, 21 June)

Reminder: please complete doodle regarding teleconf scheduling for new standards task force Ian Jacobs (Friday, 18 June)

CEO blog post on new standards task force Ian Jacobs (Friday, 18 June)

Finding a general "best time" for new standards task force calls Ian Jacobs (Wednesday, 16 June)

W3C Process and Positive participation Karl Dubost (Wednesday, 16 June)

[agenda] 16 June "new standards" task force Ian Jacobs (Tuesday, 15 June)

Draft survey for gathering data about making W3C the place for new standards Ian Jacobs (Tuesday, 15 June)

Write access to wiki Ian Jacobs (Monday, 14 June)

OExchange Technical Specification Karl Dubost (Saturday, 12 June)

Schedule for second "new standards" vision task force call; notes as part of agenda-building Ian Jacobs (Friday, 11 June)

Schedule for second "new standards" vision task force call; notes as part of agenda-building Ian Jacobs (Friday, 11 June)

Some social web specs for incubation? Ian Jacobs (Thursday, 10 June)

Reminder: please complete doodle for 2nd "new standards" task force meeting (next week) Ian Jacobs (Wednesday, 9 June)

Two new task force participants Ian Jacobs (Wednesday, 9 June)

[Minutes] 7 June 2010 "New Standards" task force meeting Ian Jacobs (Tuesday, 8 June)

[Agenda] 7 June initial meeting of "new standards" task force Ian Jacobs (Friday, 4 June)

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 June 2010 18:17:28 UTC