Re: W3C Process and Positive participation

Le 16 juin 2010 à 10:10, Ian Jacobs a écrit :
> Do you have a recommendation for how to phrase that?  The participant list is publicly available:

In my usual broken English ;)

	This task force will be useful if we are successful collecting 
	use cases and experiences of different communities. We are welcoming 
	the contributions of any persons who would have concrete proposals 
	for moving forward. These proposals need to be documented 
	and explained and focus on get the things done. We are not interested
	by passive participation, because it is exactly one of the issues we 
	are trying to solve.

It is a bit rough and direct but at least it sets the expectations right and it forces ourselves to stand by what is proposed here.

Karl Dubost
Montréal, QC, Canada

Received on Wednesday, 16 June 2010 15:10:35 UTC