W3C Process and Positive participation

There were a few questions this morning on IRC about this task force and what was its goals.

I gave a few pointers and invited people to comment. You can read the IRC log of the discussions. One thing which was concerning people was how to find a positive mechanism for participation. Basically, the mechanism (to create) would rely on "good" and positive actions when participating to a group. The more you get credentials in different areas of participation, the more you have access to more responsibilities. Basically, you showed step by step that you had a positive attitude toward the work and where in the spirit of contributing for moving forward the work.

This model looks a lot like some opensource models where a contributor will gain access to more responsibilities step by step and even more so the StackOverflow[2] model which gives wider possibilities when you are a good player in the community. 

Slightly related, Mozilla has published its new commit access policy, which has also an interesting group dynamics.

[1]: http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20100615#l-460
[2]: http://stackoverflow.com/
[3]: http://www.mozilla.org/hacking/commit-access-policy/

Karl Dubost
Montréal, QC, Canada

Received on Wednesday, 16 June 2010 01:12:33 UTC