Schedule for second "new standards" vision task force call; notes as part of agenda-building

Hello all,

Based on your doodle input [1], the next "new standards" task force  
meeting will take place:

Wednesday, 16 June at 12:00pm ET.
Where: +1.617.761.6200, +, or +44.117.370.6152 (more  
info [1]) Code 63978 (NEWST)

It looks like only Harry is unable to attend. Harry and I can connect  
before then.

I will send out an agenda later today or on Monday. By the end of  
Wednesday's meeting I would like to have clear expectations and  
actions about gathering use cases (from real-world sources of "new  
work"); I don't want to design process devoid of real audiences and  

To that end, please send ideas for:

* Groups we should contact
* Specs of interest.

As an example, see Harry's email [2].

Our wiki includes some draft proposals from previous discussions:

Before we plunge into concrete proposals, I'd like to be sure we are  
clear about our use cases and target audiences. Some possible audiences:

* IT companies
* Individual developers doing cool new stuff
* Verticals (e.g., energy, health care, finance, publishing) who want  
to create ontologies
* Research groups who want to get more exposure to some of their ideas

Do you agree with these audiences? Are they described sufficiently  

Thank you,

_ Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                                      +1 718 260 9447

Received on Friday, 11 June 2010 15:09:00 UTC