from June 2010 by subject

#openw3c [Was: CEO blog post on new standards task force]

[agenda] 16 June "new standards" task force

[Agenda] 7 June initial meeting of "new standards" task force

[Agenda] New standards task force 28 June

[Minutes] 7 June 2010 "New Standards" task force meeting

[Minutes] New standards task force 28 June 2010

[Minutes] New Standards Task Force [16 June]

An article on a different type of light weight standards development process

CEO blog post on new standards task force

Draft survey for gathering data about making W3C the place for new standards

Finding a general "best time" for new standards task force calls

First pass at use cases for "new standards" task force

Interoperability, Test Driven development Re: Success in a WG

More Web-developed Open Protocols

New standards survey, draft 3

Next new standards task force meeting: 28 June, 11:30am ET for 1 hour

OExchange Technical Specification

On magnitude reduction of energy demands for a WEB session lifecycle

Open ARML (Was: Schedule for second "new standards" vision task force call; notes as part of agenda-building)

Please comment on new survey: Making W3C the place for new Web standards

Reminder: please complete doodle for 2nd "new standards" task force meeting (next week)

Reminder: please complete doodle regarding teleconf scheduling for new standards task force

Schedule for second "new standards" vision task force call; notes as part of agenda-building

Some social web specs for incubation?

Strawman proposal (was: [agenda] 16 June "new standards" task force)

Success in a WG

Survey sent to Incubator Group Chairs

Two new task force participants

W3C Process and Positive participation

Write access to wiki

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 June 2010 18:17:28 UTC