First pass at use cases for "new standards" task force

Hi all,

I've written down seven use cases [1]:

	• [Core] Develop a new Web standard
	• [Ontology] Develop an industry-specific ontology
	• [Competition] Develop a competing specification
	• [Brainstorm] Experiment (new format or extension)
	• [Profile] Create a profile of one or more specifications
	• [Sunset] Revise a W3C Recommendation without a Working Group
	• [Rubberstamp] Reset expectations between W3C Recommendation and de  
facto standard

I welcome your comments on the list. What's missing? Are there any you  
think should be "out of scope" for this task force?

Feel free to go in and edit the wiki (and if you can't get write  
access, please let me know).

  _ Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                                      +1 718 260 9447

Received on Monday, 21 June 2010 17:57:28 UTC