On magnitude reduction of energy demands for a WEB session lifecycle

Dear Sirs.

I found this e-mail at http://www.w3.org/QA/2010/06/best_place_new_standards.html
and hope this writings will be taken care of by the W3C.

The WEB (html,http,css,javascript) is successful invention. But it's also complex from many aspects.
Other engineering fields like IT-hardware, transportation etc are nowadays self-reflecting on their
contribution and impact on the global and local energy consumption or demands/utilization.
And they improve fast. 

But I found no such aspects in the W3C reference sites at all.
No outer demands? No inner demands?
Soon their will be, for sure.

Let me show a very common usage of the WEB and the amount of plain html 
it will manage. I think the size of the html will give a good correlation to energy.

A common usage is browsing at a daily newspaper web site.
I think 3-6 interactions is normal.

What's striking is that page 2 differs from page 1 with just only about 10%.
That's true for page 2 to page 3 also.
This pattern on content over time for a session is dominant in the WEB usage.

Of course the changes between pages are small and should be small. Otherwise the user get confused!

But the html architecture does not support partial updates of existing web pages.
It is a kind of old batch total replacer.

But consider the response from the server to the client is either a <html>..<body.../>...</html> as today
or a 
  <innerhtml id='A'>new content</innerhtml>
  <innerhtml id='B'>(no content)t</innerhtml>
  <innerhtml id='C'>
        <div id='E'>new id with content</div>
        <div id='F'>new id with content</div>

then we could reach the goal of doing fine grain updates of whatever html tags which have the attributes ID.

I think this is very easy for most web browsers to support.
Also the UAAG will welcome such a possibility I think but others like off-line spiders will complain.
But who are important users/stakeholders?

Probably the first comments of to this suggestion are
that this could be solved by mix in some brilliant javascript coding.

Yes, there are solutions and I have done it my self. 
A general script - application independent - overriding all hrefs and forms actions, sending the data to the sever using XHR
and receiving and interpreting the <updates> pattern.
And then also implementing the server side of producing this pattern for PHP, Java and ASP

My point is to avoid plenty of different solutions in javascript but
letting the server application responsible have the opportunity to express this in html
and then introduce it for a wider audience.

You shorten the distance between user and application programmer and dialogue implementer and
remove one unsecured source - the javascript and all its implications.

Better dialogue, less html to produce, transport and interpret

Mobile interactions could be much smoother and you don't need to make a bunch of different apps.

I think this suggestion could improve the usage of the WEB family of components and 
reduce the complexity and simplify the validation of the all different parts.

And most important
reduce the energy demand - for the WEB too -
which is becoming a central aspect in most engineering activities today.

Very sincerely,
Willy Svenningsson

I have a demo site at http://deciweb.se - in swedish though - where you can get some more details
and also measurings for each dialogue step.
Try translate it with Google in Chrome. They are doing a good job.
(Of course I will do a translation if you are interested)

Willy Svenningsson
Johannas Väg 28
S-425 42 Hisings Kärra

+46 31 57 97 20

+46 0768 22 20 26


Willy Svenningsson
Johannas Väg 28
S-425 42 Hisings Kärra

+46 31 57 97 20

+46 0768 22 20 26


Received on Wednesday, 23 June 2010 06:13:43 UTC