New standards survey, draft 3

Hello all,

I've incorporated your feedback into the survey (edited in place):

You've also suggested that personalized outreach is also important.  
Dom suggested action items for people to talk to other people; +1 to  
that. Let's talk about that on Monday's call.

We can road-test the survey by asking current and former Incubator  
Group (XG) participants to take it (and provide feedback as well).  
That does not preclude having individual conversations with them as  

I propose to "finalize" the survey at Monday's meeting, then send to  
the XG chairs.

One other note: should we ask the Members to complete the survey? I am  
sure that many Members have thought about lightweight processes and  
improvements to W3C for a long time.

  _ Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                                      +1 718 260 9447

Received on Thursday, 24 June 2010 22:07:16 UTC