from April to June 2014 by thread

[Publish][css-masking-1] Publish CSS Masking Level 1 Candidate Recommendation Dirk Schulze (Thursday, 26 June)

svg2: ACTION-3633: Add text for getPointAtLength and getPathSegAtLeng... SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 26 June)

Call for Exclusions: Geometry Interfaces Module Level 1 Coralie Mercier (Thursday, 26 June)

svg2: ACTION-3632: Remove altGlyph, altGlyphDef, altGlyphItem and gly... SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 26 June)

Minutes, 26 June 2014 SVG WG telcon Brian Birtles (Thursday, 26 June)

agenda: 26 June 2014 SVG WG telcon Cameron McCormack (Wednesday, 25 June)

reminder: agenda requests for 26 June 2014 SVG WG telcon Cameron McCormack (Tuesday, 24 June)

regrets this week Richard Schwerdtfeger (Tuesday, 24 June)

svg2: Replace IRI with URL as CSS and other specs do SVG Working Group repository (Friday, 20 June)

svg2: GlyphRef no longer has an xlink:href attribute => remove sentence. SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 19 June)

svg2: Remove FuncIRI from spec and replace it with url SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 19 June)

Agenda, 19 June 2014 SVG WG telcon Erik Dahlström (Wednesday, 18 June)

reminder: agenda requests for 19 June 2014 SVG WG telcon Cameron McCormack (Tuesday, 17 June)

Minutes, 12 June 2014 SVG WG telcon Brian Birtles (Thursday, 12 June)

svg2: ACTION-3624: allow the global css keywords like inherit and ini... SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 5 June)

Minutes: June 5, 2014 SVG Working Group Meeting Richard Schwerdtfeger (Thursday, 5 June)

moving getSVGDocument to the HTML spec Cameron McCormack (Thursday, 5 June)

Agenda, 5 June 2014 SVG WG / WebAppSec WG telcon Erik Dahlström (Wednesday, 4 June)

Apologies for this week's telcon Brian Birtles (Wednesday, 4 June)

svg2: Remove <tref> per resolution at SVG Working Group repository (Tuesday, 3 June)

dates for the London F2F Cameron McCormack (Sunday, 1 June)

[geometry] Review request Dirk Schulze (Thursday, 29 May)

No telcon this week (May 29, 2014) Erik Dahlström (Wednesday, 28 May)

svg2: More wsp/comma-wsp cleanups. SVG Working Group repository (Monday, 26 May)

svg2: Make path data grammar reference the wsp and comma-wsp definitions SVG Working Group repository (Monday, 26 May)

svg2: 2 new changesets SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 22 May)

Call for Exclusions: Geometry Interfaces Module Level 1 Coralie Mercier (Thursday, 22 May)

Call for Exclusions: CSS Masking Module Level 1 Coralie Mercier (Thursday, 22 May)

svg2: Missed one SVGMatrix usage. SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 22 May)

svg2: All appearance of SVGMatrix were replaced by DOMMatrix or DOMMa... SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 22 May)

svg2: All appearance of SVGPoint were replaced by DOMPoint or DOMPoin... SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 22 May)

Minutes, 22 May 2014 SVG WG telcon Erik Dahlström (Thursday, 22 May)

SVG Accessibility Task Force work statement Richard Schwerdtfeger (Thursday, 22 May)

svg2: Force rebuilding the spec. SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 22 May)

svg2-tools: Add self links for headings. SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 22 May)

svg2: Add style sheets information for heading self links. SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 22 May)

Agenda, 22 May 2014 SVG WG telcon Erik Dahlström (Wednesday, 21 May)

Agenda, 8 May 2014 SVG WG telcon Erik Dahlström (Wednesday, 7 May)

SVG2 Accesibility API Mapping guide Richard Schwerdtfeger (Thursday, 1 May)

SVG WG telcon cancellations Erik Dahlström (Tuesday, 29 April)

svg2: 3 new changesets SVG Working Group repository (Tuesday, 29 April)

new SVG Working Group representative from Microsoft Cameron McCormack (Saturday, 26 April)

Re: Closed: Action 130 Remove postpone from resource priorities Satoru Takagi (Thursday, 24 April)

vacation Cameron McCormack (Wednesday, 23 April)

SVG WG telcon cancelled this week Cameron McCormack (Wednesday, 23 April)

new SVG WG teleconference time Cameron McCormack (Wednesday, 23 April)

Call for Exclusions: SVG Integration Coralie Mercier (Thursday, 17 April)

svg2: Clarifications for width/height presentation attributes. SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 17 April)

ISSUE-2459: Consider loosening the requirements for stroke dashing shape, since platforms differ in edge cases. SVG Working Group Issue Tracker (Thursday, 17 April)

no SVG WG telcon this week Cameron McCormack (Wednesday, 16 April)

svg2: Fix publication date. SVG Working Group repository (Friday, 11 April)

svg2: 2 new changesets SVG Working Group repository (Friday, 11 April)

Heartbleed and Cameron McCormack (Friday, 11 April)

svg2: Fixes for pubrules. SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 10 April)

svg2: Fixes for pubrules. SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 10 April)

svg2: Fixes for pubrules. SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 10 April)

svg2-tools: Pubrules update. SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 10 April)

svg2: Prepare for SVG Integration FPWD. SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 10 April)

svg2: c/e SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 10 April)

svg2: Tweak SotD and specification name / shortname. SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 10 April)

svg2: Tweaks for comments from Dirk, and References section changes. SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 10 April)

svg2: Version control front page. SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 10 April)

svg2: First shot at simplifying SVG Integration. SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 10 April)

svg2: Removed 'baseProfile' and 'version'. SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 10 April)

svg2: ACTION-3576: Make width and height attributes presentation attr... SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 10 April)

svg2: ACTION-3606: various tweaks for 'overflow' SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 10 April)

svg2: move woff parts of font chapter into text chapter, blow off fon... SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 10 April)

List of rx/ry for rounded rectangles Chris Lilley (Thursday, 10 April)

ISSUE-2458: Check the svg2 spec for consistent use of the terms 'outermost svg element' and 'rootmost svg element' do we need both? SVG Working Group Issue Tracker (Thursday, 10 April)

Draft charter Chris Lilley (Thursday, 10 April)

svg2: ACTION-3614: make width and height presentation attributes on f... SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 10 April)

svg2-tools: Make <edit:with> disambiguate bare names to an attribute ... SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 10 April)

minutes, SVG WG Leipzig F2F 2014 minutes, day 3 Cameron McCormack (Wednesday, 9 April)

minutes, SVG WG Leipzig F2F 2014 minutes, day 2 Dirk Schulze (Tuesday, 8 April)

minutes, SVG WG Leipzig F2F 2014 minutes, day 1 Cameron McCormack (Monday, 7 April)

svg2: Add stroke-dashcorner and stroke-dashadjust properties. (ACTION... SVG Working Group repository (Thursday, 3 April)

svg2: remove aria and navigation support from hkern as SVG fonts are ... SVG Working Group repository (Wednesday, 2 April)

3 April 2014 SVG WG telcon cancelled Erik Dahlström (Wednesday, 2 April)

Re: SVG2 Accessibility User Agent Implementation Guide Dirk Schulze (Tuesday, 1 April)

svg2: SVGElement.tabIndex should not be readonly. SVG Working Group repository (Tuesday, 1 April)

svg2-tools: Check whether node should be called as "node" or "nodejs". SVG Working Group repository (Tuesday, 1 April)

Last message date: Thursday, 26 June 2014 19:41:52 UTC