svg2: Fixes for pubrules.

changeset: 663:71b3b40f103a
user:      Cameron McCormack <>
date:      Fri Apr 11 06:42:21 2014 +1000
Fixes for pubrules.


 specs/integration/master/Overview.html |  4 ++++
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (38 lines):

diff --git a/specs/integration/master/Overview.html b/specs/integration/master/Overview.html
--- a/specs/integration/master/Overview.html
+++ b/specs/integration/master/Overview.html
@@ -753,30 +753,34 @@ the image from shades of yellow to shade
 in the smile.  Time-based (as opposed to interactivity-based) declarative
 animation is supported if the left eye is winking.</p>
 <table class="ref_modes">
+      <!--
+      -->
       <th>CSS background</th>
         <object class="embedcontext" type="image/svg+xml" data="smiley.svg">Please use FF1.5+, Opera 9+, WebKit/Safari3.0, or IE with an SVG plugin!</object>
         <iframe class="embedcontext" src="smiley.svg" style="border: 0">Please use FF1.5+, Opera 9+, WebKit/Safari3.0, or IE with an SVG plugin!</iframe>
+      <!--
         <embed class="embedcontext" src="smiley.svg" type="image/svg+xml">
+      -->
         <img class="embedcontext" alt="smiley face" src="smiley.svg" />
       <td><div class="bg">&#xA0;</div></td>

Received on Thursday, 10 April 2014 20:43:12 UTC