svg2: Replace IRI with URL as CSS and other specs do

changeset: 685:236eb8810fa2
user:      Dirk Schulze <>
date:      Fri Jun 20 15:45:14 2014 +0200
Replace IRI with URL as CSS and other specs do


 master/animate.html    |   16 ++--
 master/changes.html    |    2 +-
 master/color.html      |   16 +---
 master/definitions.xml |   19 ++---
 master/embedded.html   |    4 +-
 master/interact.html   |    4 +-
 master/intro.html      |   30 ++++----
 master/linking.html    |  163 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 master/painting.html   |    6 +-
 master/pservers.html   |   20 +++---
 master/script.html     |    4 +-
 master/struct.html     |   28 ++++----
 master/text.html       |   12 +-
 master/types.html      |   10 +-
 14 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 171 deletions(-)

diffs (1493 lines):

diff --git a/master/animate.html b/master/animate.html
--- a/master/animate.html
+++ b/master/animate.html
@@ -191,17 +191,17 @@ extensions to SMIL Animation:</p>
     as the directional tangent vector of the motion path</td>
 <p class="issue">The description of <a>'animateTransform'</a> above should
 reference the <a>'transform'</a> property.</p>
 <p>For compatibility with other aspects of the language, SVG
-uses <a>IRI references</a> via an <a>'set/xlink:href'</a> attribute to
+uses <a>URL references</a> via an <a>'set/xlink:href'</a> attribute to
 identify the elements which are to be targets of the animations,
 as allowed in SMIL 3.0.</p>
 <p>SMIL Animation requires that the host language define the
 meaning for <em id='DocumentBegin'>document begin</em> and the
 <em id='DocumentEnd'>document end</em>. Since an
 <a>'svg'</a> is sometimes the root of
 the XML document tree and other times can be a component of a
@@ -347,31 +347,31 @@ elements and identifies the target eleme
         <th>Lacuna value</th>
         <td><dfn data-dfn-type="element-attr" data-dfn-for="animate" id="HrefAttribute">xlink:href</dfn></td>
-        <td><a>&lt;iri&gt;</a></td>
+        <td><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></td>
-    <p>An <a>IRI reference</a> to the element which is the target of this
+    <p>An <a>URL reference</a> to the element which is the target of this
     animation and which therefore will be modified over
     <p>The target element must be part of the <a>current
     SVG document fragment</a>.</p>
-    <p>&lt;iri&gt; must point to exactly one target element which
+    <p>&lt;url&gt; must point to exactly one target element which
     is capable of being the target of the given animation. If
-    &lt;iri&gt; points to multiple target elements, if the
+    &lt;url&gt; points to multiple target elements, if the
     given target element is not capable of being a target of
     the given animation, or if the given target element is not
     part of the current SVG document fragment, then the
     document is in error (see <a
     <p>If the <a>'xlink:href'</a> attribute
     is not provided, then the target element will be the
@@ -1982,24 +1982,24 @@ In particular, see <a href="http://www.w
         <th>Lacuna value</th>
         <td><dfn data-dfn-type="element-attr" data-dfn-for="mpath" id="MPathElementHrefAttribute">xlink:href</dfn></td>
-        <td><a>&lt;iri&gt;</a></td>
+        <td><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></td>
-    <p>An <a>IRI reference</a> to the <a>'path element'</a> element which
+    <p>An <a>URL reference</a> to the <a>'path element'</a> element which
     defines the motion path.</p>
     <p>For <a>'animateMotion'</a>, the specified values for <a>'from'</a>,
     <a>'by'</a>, <a>'to'</a> and <a>'values'</a> consists of x, y coordinate
     pairs, with a single comma and/or white space separating the x coordinate
     from the y coordinate. For example, <span class="attr-value">from="33,15"</span>
@@ -2596,17 +2596,17 @@ is not possible.</p>
       <th><a href="types.html#DataTypeTime">&lt;time&gt;</a></th>
-      <th><a href="types.html#DataTypeIRI">&lt;iri&gt;</a></th>
+      <th><a href="types.html#DataTypeURL">&lt;url&gt;</a></th>
       <th>All other data types used in animatable attributes and
diff --git a/master/changes.html b/master/changes.html
--- a/master/changes.html
+++ b/master/changes.html
@@ -287,17 +287,17 @@ have been made.</p>
   Filter Effect specification.</li>
 <h3 id="interact">Interactivity chapter</h3>
   <li>Added the <span class="attr-name">'tabindex'</span> attribute.</li>
   <li>Corrected the definition of the <a>'cursor/xlink:href'</a> attribute on
-  the <a>'cursor element'</a> element to take an IRI that is not in a CSS-like
+  the <a>'cursor element'</a> element to take an URL that is not in a CSS-like
   functional form.</li>
   <li>Added the <span class="prop-value">bounding-box</span> keyword to <a>'pointer-events'</a>.</li>
   <li>Replaced SVGLoad, SVGAbort, SVGError and SVGUnload with load, abort, error and unload respectively.</li>
   <li>Required that only <a>structurally external elements</a> and the rootmost svg element must fire load events.</li>
   <li>Replaced SVGResize and SVGScroll with resize and scroll respectively.</li>
   <li>Removed DOMActivate.</li>
   <li>Replaced DOMFocusIn and DOMFocusOut with focusin and focusout, and added the blur event.</li>
   <li>Added keyboard events.</li>
diff --git a/master/color.html b/master/color.html
--- a/master/color.html
+++ b/master/color.html
@@ -469,20 +469,18 @@ child elements.</p>
     <div class="propdef">
         <dt id="ColorProfileSrcProperty"><span class="descdef-title property">'src'</span></dt>
           class="propinfo" >
-              <td>sRGB | &lt;local-profile&gt; | <a
-              href="types.html#DataTypeIRI">&lt;iri&gt;</a> |
-              (&lt;local-profile&gt; <a
-              href="types.html#DataTypeIRI">&lt;iri&gt;</a>)</td>
+              <td>sRGB | &lt;local-profile&gt; | <a>&lt;url&gt;</a> |
+              (&lt;local-profile&gt; <a>&lt;url&gt;</a>)</td>
@@ -514,25 +512,23 @@ child elements.</p>
     <p>where &lt;string&gt; is the profile's unique ID as
     specified by <a href="">International
     Color Consortium</a>. (Note: Profile description fields do
     <em>not</em> represent a profile's unique ID. With current
     ICC proposals, the profile's unique ID is an MD5-encoded
     value within the profile header.)</p>
-  <dt><span class='prop-value'><a
-  href="types.html#DataTypeIRI">&lt;iri&gt;</a></span></dt>
-  <dd>The source profile is an <a>IRI reference</a>
+  <dt><span class='prop-value'><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></span></dt>
+  <dd>The source profile is an <a>URL reference</a>
   to a color profile.</dd>
-  <dt>(<span class='prop-value'>&lt;local-profile&gt; <a
-  href="types.html#DataTypeIRI">&lt;iri&gt;</a>)</span></dt>
+  <dt>(<span class='prop-value'>&lt;local-profile&gt; <a>&lt;url&gt;</a>)</span></dt>
   <dd>Two profiles are specified. If &lt;local-profile&gt;
-  cannot be found on the local system, then the <a>&lt;iri&gt;</a>
+  cannot be found on the local system, then the <a>&lt;url&gt;</a>
   is used.</dd>
     <div class="propdef">
         <dt id="ColorProfileNameProperty"><span class="descdef-title property">'name'</span></dt>
diff --git a/master/definitions.xml b/master/definitions.xml
--- a/master/definitions.xml
+++ b/master/definitions.xml
@@ -1198,18 +1198,17 @@
   <symbol name='paint-source' href='types.html#typedef-paint-source'/>
   <symbol name='paint-size' href=''/>
   <symbol name='percentage' href='types.html#DataTypePercentage'/>
   <symbol name='position' href=''/>
   <symbol name='repeat-style' href=''/>
   <symbol name='shape-box' href=''/>
   <symbol name='time' href='types.html#DataTypeTime'/>
   <symbol name='transform-list' href='types.html#DataTypeTransformList'/>
-  <symbol name='iri' href='types.html#DataTypeIRI'/>
-  <symbol name='url' href='types.html#DataTypeIRI'/>
+  <symbol name='url' href='types.html#DataTypeURL'/>
   <symbol name='whitespace' href='types.html#DataTypeWhitespace'/>
   <symbol name='XML-Name' href="types.html#DataTypeXML-Name"/>
   <!-- ... terms (these will be generated later) .......................... -->
   <!-- ... elements, in alphabetic order ... -->
   <term name='animation element' href='intro.html#TermAnimationElement'/>
   <term name='animation elements' href='intro.html#TermAnimationElement'/>
   <term name='container element' href='intro.html#TermContainerElement'/>
@@ -1271,24 +1270,24 @@
   <term name='presentation attribute' href='intro.html#TermPresentationAttribute'/>
   <term name='presentation attributes' href='intro.html#TermPresentationAttribute'/>
   <term name='XLink attribute' href='intro.html#TermXLinkAttributes'/>
   <term name='XLink attributes' href='intro.html#TermXLinkAttributes'/>
   <!-- ... properties -->
   <term name='property' href='intro.html#TermProperty'/>
   <term name='properties' href='intro.html#TermProperty'/>
   <!-- ... references ... -->
-  <term name='IRI' href='intro.html#TermIRIReference'/>
-  <term name='IRIs' href='intro.html#TermIRIReference'/>
-  <term name='IRI reference' href='intro.html#TermIRIReference'/>
-  <term name='IRI references' href='intro.html#TermIRIReference'/>
-  <term name='local IRI reference' href='intro.html#TermLocalIRIReference'/>
-  <term name='local IRI references' href='intro.html#TermLocalIRIReference'/>
-  <term name='non-local IRI reference' href='intro.html#TermNonLocalIRIReference'/>
-  <term name='non-local IRI references' href='intro.html#TermNonLocalIRIReference'/>
+  <term name='URL' href='intro.html#TermURLReference'/>
+  <term name='URLs' href='intro.html#TermURLReference'/>
+  <term name='URL reference' href='intro.html#TermURLReference'/>
+  <term name='URL references' href='intro.html#TermURLReference'/>
+  <term name='local URL reference' href='intro.html#TermLocalURLReference'/>
+  <term name='local URL references' href='intro.html#TermLocalURLReference'/>
+  <term name='non-local URL reference' href='intro.html#TermNonLocalURLReference'/>
+  <term name='non-local URL references' href='intro.html#TermNonLocalURLReference'/>
   <!-- ... other, defined in intro.html ... -->
   <term name='bounding box' href='intro.html#TermBoundingBox'/>
   <term name='canvas' href='intro.html#TermCanvas'/>
   <term name='current SVG document fragment' href='intro.html#TermCurrentSVGDocumentFragment'/>
   <term name='CTM' href='intro.html#TermCTM'/>
   <term name='current transformation matrix' href='intro.html#TermCurrentTransformationMatrix'/>
   <term name='context element' href='intro.html#TermContextElement'/>
   <term name='font' href='intro.html#TermFont'/>
diff --git a/master/embedded.html b/master/embedded.html
--- a/master/embedded.html
+++ b/master/embedded.html
@@ -243,24 +243,24 @@ elements within an SVG file.</p>
         <th>Lacuna value</th>
         <td><dfn data-dfn-type="element-attr" data-dfn-for="image" id="ImageElementHrefAttribute">xlink:href</dfn></td>
-        <td><a>&lt;iri&gt;</a></td>
+        <td><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></td>
-    <p>An <a href="linking.html#IRIReference">IRI reference</a>
+    <p>An <a href="linking.html#URLReference">URL reference</a>
     identifying the image to render.</p>
     <table class="propdef attrdef">
         <th>Lacuna value</th>
diff --git a/master/interact.html b/master/interact.html
--- a/master/interact.html
+++ b/master/interact.html
@@ -1044,24 +1044,24 @@ that the cursor can be visible over most
         <th>Lacuna value</th>
         <td><dfn id="CursorElementHrefAttribute">xlink:href</dfn></td>
-        <td><a>&lt;iri&gt;</a></td>
+        <td><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></td>
-    An <a href="types.html#DataTypeIRI">IRI reference</a> to the file or element
+    An <a href="types.html#DataTypeURL">URL reference</a> to the file or element
     which provides the image of the cursor.
 <p>SVG user agents are required to support PNG format images as targets of the
 <a>'xlink:href'</a> attribute.</p>
 <p class="issue">Add an example.</p>
diff --git a/master/intro.html b/master/intro.html
--- a/master/intro.html
+++ b/master/intro.html
@@ -117,20 +117,20 @@ other W3C efforts:</p>
   <li>SVG is an application of XML and is compatible with the
   <a href=""><cite>Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0</cite></a>
   Recommendation [<a href="refs.html#ref-XML10">XML10</a>]</li>
   <li>SVG is compatible with the <a href=""><cite>Namespaces in XML</cite></a> Recommendation
   [<a href="refs.html#ref-XML-NS">XML-NS</a>]</li>
   <li>SVG utilizes <a href=""><cite>XML Linking Language (XLink)</cite></a>
-  [<a href="refs.html#ref-XLINK">XLINK</a>] for IRI
-  referencing and requires support for base IRI specifications
+  [<a href="refs.html#ref-XLINK">XLINK</a>] for URL
+  referencing and requires support for base URL specifications
   defined in <a href=""><cite>XML Base</cite></a>
-  [<a href="refs.html#ref-XML-BASE">XML-BASE</a>].
+  [<a href="refs.html#ref-XML-BASE">XML-BASE</a>].<span class="issue">Use WHATWG URL spec?</span>
   <p class="issue">The plan is to move away from XLink and use non-namespaced
   attributes for linking, while keeping <span class='attr-name'>'xlink:href'</span>
   for compatibility with existing content.  Other unrelated XLink attributes
   like <a>'xlink:role'</a> will be removed.</p></li>
   <li>SVG content can be styled by either CSS (see
   <a href=""><cite>Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Level 2 Revision 1</cite></a>
@@ -435,24 +435,24 @@ element and attribute categories and the
   to dispatch a mouse event to, which might be done in response to the user
   moving the pointing device, or by changes in the position, shape and
   other attributes of elements in the document.  Hit-testing is also known
   as <em>hit detection</em> or <em>picking</em>.  See
   <a href="interact.html#pointer-processing">hit-testing and processing
   order for user interface events</a> and the definition of the
   <a>'pointer-events'</a> property.</dd>
-  <dt id="TermIRIReference">IRI reference</dt>
-  <dd>An IRI reference is an Internationalized Resource Identifier
+  <dt id="TermURLReference">URL reference</dt>
+  <dd>An URL reference is an Internationalized Resource Identifier
   with an optional fragment identifier, as defined in
   <a href=""><cite>Internationalized Resource Identifiers</cite></a>
   [<a href='refs.html#ref-RFC3987'>RFC3987</a>].
-  An IRI reference serves as a reference to a resource or (with a
+  An URL reference serves as a reference to a resource or (with a
   fragment identifier) to a secondary resource. See 
-  <a href="linking.html#IRIReference">References</a> and
+  <a href="linking.html#URLReference">References</a> and
   <a href="struct.html#Head">References and the
   <span class="element-name">'defs'</span> element</a>.</dd>
  <dt id="TermNavigationAttribute">navigation attributes</dt>
   <dd>These are the collection of attributes which enable navigation.
   The navigation-related attributes include <edit:attributecategory name='navigation'/>.</dd>
   <dt id="TermInvalidValue">invalid value</dt>
@@ -474,23 +474,23 @@ element and attribute categories and the
   <dt id="TermLightSourceElement">light source element</dt>
   <dd>A light source element is one that can specify light source
   information for an <a>'feDiffuseLighting'</a> or <a>'feSpecularLighting'</a>
   element.  The following light source elements are defined in SVG 1.1:
   <edit:elementcategory name='light source'/>.</dd>
-  <dt id="TermLocalIRIReference">local IRI reference</dt>
+  <dt id="TermLocalURLReference">local URL reference</dt>
   <dd>An Internationalized Resource Identifier [<a href="refs.html#ref-RFC3987">RFC3987</a>] that does
-  not include an <span class="code-fragment">&lt;absoluteIRI&gt;</span> or
-  <span class="code-fragment">&lt;relativeIRI&gt;</span> and thus
+  not include an <span class="code-fragment">&lt;absoluteURL&gt;</span> or
+  <span class="code-fragment">&lt;relativeURL&gt;</span> and thus
   represents a reference to an element within the current
   document. See <a href="struct.html#Head">References and the
-  <span class="element-name">'defs'</span> element</a>.</dd>
+  <span class="element-name">'defs'</span> element</a>.<p class="issue">Unify this with other specifiction defintions of URL</p></dd>
   <dt id="TermMarkableElement">markable element</dt>
   <dd>A markable element is one that can have <a href="painting.html#Markers">markers</a>
   painted on it either through the use of the <a href="painting.html#TermMarkerProperties">marker properties</a>
   or by having a <a>'marker element'</a> element as a child.
   The following elements are markable elements:
   <edit:elementcategory name='markable'/></dd>
@@ -498,24 +498,24 @@ element and attribute categories and the
   <dd>A <a>container element</a>
   which can contain <a>graphics elements</a>
   or other container elements which define a set of graphics
   that is to be used as a semi-transparent mask for compositing
   foreground objects into the current background. See
   <a href=""><cite>CSS Masking</cite></a>
   [<a href="refs.html#ref-CSS-MASKING">CSS-MASKING</a>].</dd>
-  <dt id="TermNonLocalIRIReference">non-local IRI reference</dt>
+  <dt id="TermNonLocalURLReference">non-local URL reference</dt>
   <dd>An Internationalized Resource Identifier [<a href="refs.html#ref-RFC3987">RFC3987</a>] that
-  includes an <span class="code-fragment">&lt;absoluteIRI&gt;</span> or
-  <span class="code-fragment">&lt;relativeIRI&gt;</span> and thus
+  includes an <span class="code-fragment">&lt;absoluteURL&gt;</span> or
+  <span class="code-fragment">&lt;relativeURL&gt;</span> and thus
   (usually) represents a reference to a different document or
   an element within a different document. See
   <a href="struct.html#Head">References and the
-  <span class="element-name">'defs'</span> element</a>.</dd>
+  <span class="element-name">'defs'</span> element</a>.<p class="issue">Unify this with other specifiction defintions of URL</p></dd>
   <dt id="TermOutermostSVGElement">outermost svg element</dt>
   <dd>The furthest <a>'svg'</a> ancestor element that remains in the
   <a>current SVG document fragment</a>.</dd>
   <dt id="TermPaint">paint</dt>
   <dd>A paint represents a way of putting color values onto the
   canvas. A paint might consist of both color values and
diff --git a/master/linking.html b/master/linking.html
--- a/master/linking.html
+++ b/master/linking.html
@@ -11,34 +11,34 @@
   <link rel="alternate stylesheet" title="SVG 1.1"               type="text/css" media="screen" href="style/svg-style.css"/>
   <!-- W3C style sheet will be added here during processing. -->
-<h2 id="IRIReference">References</h2>
+<h2 id="URLReference">References</h2>
 <h3 id="HeadOverview">Overview</h3>
-<p>On the Internet, resources are identified using <a>IRIs</a>
+<p>On the Internet, resources are identified using <a>URLs</a>
 (Internationalized Resource Identifiers). For
 example, an SVG file called someDrawing.svg located at
- might have the following <a>IRI</a>:</p>
+ might have the following <a>URL</a>:</p>
-<p>An <a>IRI</a> can also address a particular element within an XML
-document by including an <a>IRI</a> fragment
-identifier as part of the <a>IRI</a>. An <a>IRI</a> which includes an
-<a>IRI</a> fragment identifier consists of an optional base <a>IRI</a>, followed by a "#" character,
-followed by the <a>IRI</a> fragment identifier. For example, the
-following <a>IRI</a> can be used to specify the element whose ID is
+<p>An <a>URL</a> can also address a particular element within an XML
+document by including an <a>URL</a> fragment
+identifier as part of the <a>URL</a>. An <a>URL</a> which includes an
+<a>URL</a> fragment identifier consists of an optional base <a>URL</a>, followed by a "#" character,
+followed by the <a>URL</a> fragment identifier. For example, the
+following <a>URL</a> can be used to specify the element whose ID is
 "Lamppost" within file someDrawing.svg:</p>
 <!-- from 1.2T - add this too?
@@ -49,128 +49,128 @@ attribute of an element in the tree is a
 animation) such that a new resource is referenced, the new resource must replace 
 the existing resource, and must be rendered as appropriate.  For specific effects
 on the scripting context when a <a>'script'</a> element's 
 <a>'script/xlink:href'</a> attribute is altered, see
 <a href="script.html#ScriptContentProcessing">Script processing</a>.</p>
-<h3 id="IRIandURI">IRIs and URIs</h3>
-<p>Internationalized Resource Identifiers (<a>IRIs</a>) are a more generalized
-complement to Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). An <a>IRI</a> is a sequence
+<h3 id="URLandURI">URLs and URIs</h3>
+<p>Internationalized Resource Identifiers (<a>URLs</a>) are a more generalized
+complement to Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). An <a>URL</a> is a sequence
 of characters from the Universal Character Set [<a href="refs.html#ref-UNICODE">UNICODE</a>].
 A URI is constructed from a much more restricted set of characters. All URIs are
-already conformant <a>IRIs</a>. A mapping from <a>IRIs</a> to URIs is defined by
-the <a>IRI</a> specification, which means that IRIs can be used instead of URIs
-in XML documents, to identify resources. <a>IRIs</a> can be converted to URIs
-for resolution on a network, if the protocol does not support <a>IRIs</a>
+already conformant <a>URLs</a>. A mapping from <a>URLs</a> to URIs is defined by
+the <a>URL</a> specification, which means that URLs can be used instead of URIs
+in XML documents, to identify resources. <a>URLs</a> can be converted to URIs
+for resolution on a network, if the protocol does not support <a>URLs</a>
-<p>Previous versions of SVG, following XLink, defined an IRI reference type
-as a URI <em>or as a sequence of characters which must result in an IRI after a
+<p>Previous versions of SVG, following XLink, defined an URL reference type
+as a URI <em>or as a sequence of characters which must result in an URL after a
 particular escaping procedure was applied</em>. The escaping procedure was repeated in the
 XLink 1.0 specification [<a href="refs.html#ref-XLINK">XLINK</a>], and in the
 W3C XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes specification [<a href="refs.html#ref-SCHEMA2">SCHEMA2</a>].
 This copying introduced the possibility of error and divergence, but was done
-because the <a>IRI</a> specification was not yet standardized.</p>
+because the <a>URL</a> specification was not yet standardized.</p>
-<p>In this specification, the correct term <a>IRI</a> is used for this "URI or sequence of characters
-plus an algorithm" and the escaping method, which turns IRIs into URIs, is defined by reference to the
-<a href="">IRI specification</a> [<a href="refs.html#ref-RFC3987">RFC3987</a>],
+<p>In this specification, the correct term <a>URL</a> is used for this "URI or sequence of characters
+plus an algorithm" and the escaping method, which turns URLs into URIs, is defined by reference to the
+<a href="">URL specification</a> [<a href="refs.html#ref-RFC3987">RFC3987</a>],
 which has since become an IETF Proposed Standard. Other W3C specifications are
 expected to be revised over time to remove these duplicate descriptions of the
-escaping procedure and to refer to <a>IRI</a> directly.</p>
+escaping procedure and to refer to <a>URL</a> directly.</p>
-<h3 id="IRIforms">Syntactic forms: IRI and FuncIRI</h3>
+<h3 id="URLforms">Syntactic forms: URL and FuncURL</h3>
-<p class="issue">FuncIRI has been removed. This section needs to be rewritten.</p>
+<p class="issue">FuncURL has been removed. This section needs to be rewritten.</p>
-<p>IRIs are used in the <a>'animate/xlink:href'</a> attribute. Some attributes
-allow both IRIs and text strings as content. To disambiguate a text string from
-a relative IRI, the functional notation
-FuncIRI is used. This is simply
-an IRI delimited with a functional notation. <strong>Note:</strong> For
+<p>URLs are used in the <a>'animate/xlink:href'</a> attribute. Some attributes
+allow both URLs and text strings as content. To disambiguate a text string from
+a relative URL, the functional notation
+FuncURL is used. This is simply
+an URL delimited with a functional notation. <strong>Note:</strong> For
 historical reasons, the delimiters are "url(" and ")", for compatibility with
-the CSS specifications. The FuncIRI form is used in <a href="styling.html#StylingUsingPresentationAttributes">presentation attributes</a><!--
+the CSS specifications. The FuncURL form is used in <a href="styling.html#StylingUsingPresentationAttributes">presentation attributes</a><!--
 not in 1.1
 and <a href="interact.html#navigation">navigation attributes</a> -->.</p>
-<p>SVG makes extensive use of <a>IRI</a> references, both absolute and relative,
+<p>SVG makes extensive use of <a>URL</a> references, both absolute and relative,
 to other objects. For example, to <a>fill</a> a rectangle with a linear
 gradient, you first define a <a>'linearGradient'</a> element and give
 it an ID, as in:</p>
 <edit:example href="images/linking/05_07.xml" image="no" link="no"/>
 <p>You then reference the linear gradient as the value of the
 <a>'fill'</a> property for the rectangle, as in the following example:</p>
 <edit:example href="images/linking/05_08.xml" image="no" link="no"/>
 <!-- old stuff from 1.1 for checking
-<p id="IRIReference">IRI references are defined in either of the
+<p id="URLReference">URL references are defined in either of the
 following forms:</p>
 <pre class='grammar'><![CDATA[
-<IRI-reference> = [ <absoluteIRI> | <relativeIRI> ] [ "#" <elementID> ]    -or-
-<IRI-reference> = [ <absoluteIRI> | <relativeIRI> ] [ "#xpointer(id(" <elementID> "))" ]
+<URL-reference> = [ <absoluteURL> | <relativeURL> ] [ "#" <elementID> ]    -or-
+<URL-reference> = [ <absoluteURL> | <relativeURL> ] [ "#xpointer(id(" <elementID> "))" ]
 <p>where <span class="grammar">&lt;elementID&gt;</span>
 is the ID of the referenced element.</p>
 <p>(Note that the two forms above (i.e.,
 <span class="code-fragment">#&lt;elementID&gt;</span> and
 <span class="code-fragment">#xpointer(id(&lt;elementID&gt;))</span>)
 are formulated in syntaxes compatible with "XML Pointer Language (XPointer)"
-[<a href="">XPTR</a>]. These two formulations of IRI
+[<a href="">XPTR</a>]. These two formulations of URL
 references are the only XPointer formulations that are required in SVG 1.1 user
-<p>SVG supports two types of IRI references:</p>
+<p>SVG supports two types of URL references:</p>
-  <li><a>local IRI references</a>, where the IRI reference does not contain an
-  <span class="grammar">&lt;absoluteIRI&gt;</span> or
-  <span class="grammar">&lt;relativeIRI&gt;</span> and thus only contains
+  <li><a>local URL references</a>, where the URL reference does not contain an
+  <span class="grammar">&lt;absoluteURL&gt;</span> or
+  <span class="grammar">&lt;relativeURL&gt;</span> and thus only contains
   a fragment identifier (i.e.,
   <span class="code-fragment">#&lt;elementID&gt;</span> or
   <span class="code-fragment">#xpointer(id&lt;elementID&gt;</span>))</li>
-  <li><a>non-local IRI references</a>, where the IRI reference does contain an
-  <span class="grammar">&lt;absoluteIRI&gt;</span> or
-  <span class="grammar">&lt;relativeIRI&gt;</span></li>
+  <li><a>non-local URL references</a>, where the URL reference does contain an
+  <span class="grammar">&lt;absoluteURL&gt;</span> or
+  <span class="grammar">&lt;relativeURL&gt;</span></li>
-<h3 id="processingIRI">Processing of IRI references</h3>
+<h3 id="processingURL">Processing of URL references</h3>
-<p>The following rules apply to the processing of IRI references:</p>
+<p>The following rules apply to the processing of URL references:</p>
-  <li>IRI references to nodes that do not exist shall be treated as
+  <li>URL references to nodes that do not exist shall be treated as
   invalid references.</li>
-  <li>IRI references to elements which are inappropriate
+  <li>URL references to elements which are inappropriate
   targets for the given reference shall be treated as invalid
   references (see list below for appropriate targets). For
   example, the <a>'clip-path'</a> property can only refer to
   <a>'clipPath'</a> elements. The property setting
   <span class="attr-value">clip-path:url(#MyElement)</span> is an
   invalid reference if the referenced element is not a <a>'clipPath'</a>.</li>
-  <li>IRI references that directly or indirectly reference
+  <li>URL references that directly or indirectly reference
   themselves are treated as invalid circular references.</li>
-<p>The following list describes the elements and properties that allow IRI
+<p>The following list describes the elements and properties that allow URL
 references and the valid target types for those references:</p>
   <li>the <a>'a'</a> element can reference any local or non-local resource</li>
   <li>the <a>'altGlyph'</a> element must reference an <a>'altGlyphDef'</a> element</li>
   <li>the <a>'animate'</a> element (see <a href="animate.html#TargetElement">Identifying the target element for an animation</a> for reference rules)</li>
   <li>the <a>'animateMotion'</a> element (see <a href="animate.html#TargetElement">Identifying the target element for an animation</a> for reference rules)</li>
   <li>the <a>'animateTransform'</a> element (see <a href="animate.html#TargetElement">Identifying the target element for an animation</a> for reference rules)</li>
@@ -190,58 +190,57 @@ references and the valid target types fo
   <li>the <a>'radialGradient'</a> element must reference a <a>'linearGradient'</a> or <a>'radialGradient'</a> element</li>
   <li>the <a>'script'</a> element must reference an external resource that provides the script content</li>
   <li>the <a>'stroke'</a> property (see <a href="painting.html#SpecifyingPaint">Specifying paint</a> for reference rules)</li>
   <li>the <a>'textPath'</a> element must reference a <a>'path'</a> element</li>
   <li>the <a>'set'</a> element (see <a href="animate.html#TargetElement">Identifying the target element for an animation</a> for reference rules)</li>
   <li>the <a>'use'</a> element can reference any local or non-local resource</li>
-<p>The following rules apply to the processing of invalid IRI references:</p>
+<p>The following rules apply to the processing of invalid URL references:</p>
-  <li>An invalid local IRI reference (i.e., an invalid references to a node
+  <li>An invalid local URL reference (i.e., an invalid references to a node
   within the current document) represents an error (see
   <a href="implnote.html#ErrorProcessing">Error processing</a>), apart from the
   <a>'a/xlink:href'</a> attribute on the <a>'a'</a> element and the properties
-  that allow for backup values in the case where the IRI reference is invalid
+  that allow for backup values in the case where the URL reference is invalid
   (see <a>'fill'</a> and <a>'stroke'</a>).</li>
-  <li>An invalid circular IRI reference represents an error (see
+  <li>An invalid circular URL reference represents an error (see
   <a href="implnote.html#ErrorProcessing">Error processing</a>).</li>
-<h3 id="xlinkRefAttrs">IRI reference attributes</h3>
+<h3 id="xlinkRefAttrs">URL reference attributes</h3>
-<p id="xlinkRefAttrsEmbed"><a>IRI references</a> are normally specified with an
+<p id="xlinkRefAttrsEmbed"><a>URL references</a> are normally specified with an
 <span class="attr-name">'href'</span> attribute in the XLink
 [<a href="">XLink</a>] namespace. For example, if the
 prefix of 'xlink' is used for attributes in the XLink namespace, then the
 attribute is <!-- not "shall be"; could also have duplicate prefixes defined.-->
 specified as <span class="attr-name">'xlink:href'</span>. The value of this
 attribute forms a reference for the desired resource (or secondary resource, if
 there is a fragment identifier).</p>
 <p>The value of the <span class="attr-name">'href'</span>
-attribute must be an
-<a href="types.html#DataTypeIRI"><span class="svg-term">Internationalized Resource Identifier</span></a>.</p>
+attribute must be an URL.</p>
-<p>If the protocol, such as HTTP, does not support <a>IRIs</a> directly,
-the <a>IRI</a> is converted to a URI by the SVG implementation, as described
-in section 3.1 of the <a href="">IRI specification</a> [<a href="refs.html#ref-RFC3987">RFC3987</a>].</p>
+<p>If the protocol, such as HTTP, does not support <a>URLs</a> directly,
+the <a>URL</a> is converted to a URI by the SVG implementation, as described
+in section 3.1 of the <a href="">URL specification</a> [<a href="refs.html#ref-RFC3987">RFC3987</a>].</p>
 <p>Because it is impractical for any application to check that
-a value is an <a>IRI reference</a>, this specification follows the lead
-of the <a href="">IRI Specification</a>
+a value is an <a>URL reference</a>, this specification follows the lead
+of the <a href="">URL Specification</a>
 in this matter and imposes no such conformance testing
 requirement on SVG applications.</p>
-<p>If the <a>IRI reference</a> is relative, its absolute version must be computed by the method described in
+<p>If the <a>URL reference</a> is relative, its absolute version must be computed by the method described in
 <a href="">XML Base</a> before use [<a href="refs.html#ref-XML-BASE">XML-BASE</a>].</p>
     <div class="adef-list">
         <dt><a id="XLinkTypeAttribute" ></a> <span
             class="adef">xlink:type</span> = "<span
         <dd><p>Identifies the type of XLink being used.  In SVG 1.1, only
@@ -251,40 +250,38 @@ requirement on SVG applications.</p>
            is optional and may be omitted on simple links.
            Refer to the <a href="">XML Linking Language (XLink)</a> [<a href="refs.html#ref-XLINK">XLINK</a>].</p>
           <p class="anim-target"><a
         <dt><a id="XLinkRoleAttribute" ></a> <span
             class="adef">xlink:role</span> = "<span
-              class="attr-value"><a
-                href="types.html#DataTypeIRI">&lt;IRI&gt;</a></span>"</dt>
-        <dd><p>An optional <a>IRI reference</a> that identifies some resource that describes
-          the intended property. The value must be an <a>IRI reference</a> as
+              class="attr-value"><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></span>"</dt>
+        <dd><p>An optional <a>URL reference</a> that identifies some resource that describes
+          the intended property. The value must be an <a>URL reference</a> as
           defined in [<a
-          except that if the <a>IRI</a> scheme used is allowed to have
-          absolute and relative forms, the <a>IRI</a> portion must be
+          except that if the <a>URL</a> scheme used is allowed to have
+          absolute and relative forms, the <a>URL</a> portion must be
           absolute. When no value is supplied, no particular role
           value shall be inferred.
           Refer to the <a href="">XML Linking Language (XLink)</a> [<a href="refs.html#ref-XLINK">XLINK</a>].</p>
           <p class="anim-target"><a
         <dt><a id="XLinkArcRoleAttribute" ></a> <span
             class="adef">xlink:arcrole</span> = "<span
-              class="attr-value"><a
-                href="types.html#DataTypeIRI">&lt;IRI&gt;</a></span>"</dt>
-        <dd><p>An optional <a>IRI reference</a> that identifies some resource that describes
-          the intended property. The value must be an <a>IRI reference</a> as
+              class="attr-value"><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></span>"</dt>
+        <dd><p>An optional <a>URL reference</a> that identifies some resource that describes
+          the intended property. The value must be an <a>URL reference</a> as
           defined in [<a
-          except that if the <a>IRI</a> scheme used is allowed to have
-          absolute and relative forms, the <a>IRI</a> portion must be
+          except that if the <a>URL</a> scheme used is allowed to have
+          absolute and relative forms, the <a>URL</a> portion must be
           absolute. When no value is supplied, no particular role
           value shall be inferred.  The arcrole
           attribute corresponds to the [<a
             href="refs.html#ref-RDF-PRIMER">RDF-PRIMER</a>] notion
           of a property, where the role can be interpreted as stating
           that "starting-resource HAS arc-role ending-resource." This
           contextual role can differ from the meaning of an ending
           resource when taken outside the context of this particular
@@ -379,17 +376,17 @@ local and one remote, with an arc going 
 <p>A simple link is defined for each separate rendered element contained
 within the <a>'a'</a> element; thus, if the <a>'a'</a> element contains
 three <a>'circle'</a> elements, a link is created for each circle. For
 each rendered element within an <a>'a'</a> element, the given rendered
 element is the local resource (the source anchor for the link).</p>
 <p>The remote resource (the destination for the link) is defined by
-an <a>IRI</a> specified by the <a>'xlink:href'</a> attribute on the <a>'a'</a>
+an <a>URL</a> specified by the <a>'xlink:href'</a> attribute on the <a>'a'</a>
 element. The remote resource may be any Web resource (e.g., an image, a video
 clip, a sound bite, a program, another SVG document, an HTML document, an
 element within the current document, an element within a different document, etc.).
 By activating these links (by clicking with the mouse, through keyboard
 input, voice commands, etc.), users may visit these resources.</p>
 <p id="ExampleLink01"><span class="example-ref">Example link01</span> assigns
 a link to an ellipse.</p>
@@ -447,24 +444,24 @@ or frame to be replaced by the W3C home 
         <th>Lacuna value</th>
         <td><dfn id="AElementXLinkHrefAttribute">xlink:href</dfn></td>
-        <td><a>&lt;iri&gt;</a></td>
+        <td><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></td>
-    The location of the referenced object, expressed as an <a>IRI reference</a>.
+    The location of the referenced object, expressed as an <a>URL reference</a>.
     <table class="propdef attrdef">
         <th>Lacuna value</th>
@@ -509,17 +506,17 @@ or frame to be replaced by the W3C home 
       <!-- Note that frame-target must be an <a href="types.html#DataTypeXML-Name">XML Name</a> [XML11]. --></dd>
     <p>Note: The value <span class="attr-value">'_new'</span> is <em>not</em> a legal value for target (use <span class="attr-value">'_blank'</span>).</p>
-<h2 id="LinksIntoSVG">Linking into SVG content: IRI fragments and SVG views</h2>
+<h2 id="LinksIntoSVG">Linking into SVG content: URL fragments and SVG views</h2>
 <p>Because SVG content often represents a picture or drawing
 of something, a common need is to link into a particular
 <em>view</em> of the document, where a view indicates
 the initial transformations so as to present a closeup of a particular
 section of the document.</p>
 <div class="ready-for-wider-review">
@@ -541,20 +538,20 @@ section of the document.</p>
       <td>Cyril (<a href="">ACTION-3442</a>)</td>
-<p>To link into a particular view of an SVG document, the IRI fragment
+<p>To link into a particular view of an SVG document, the URL fragment
 identifier needs to be a correctly formed <dfn id='svg-fragment-identifier'>SVG
 fragment identifier</dfn>. An SVG fragment identifier defines the
-meaning of the "selector" or "fragment identifier" portion of IRIs that
+meaning of the "selector" or "fragment identifier" portion of URLs that
 locate resources of MIME media type "image/svg+xml".</p>
 <p>An SVG fragment identifier can come in the following forms:</p>
   <li>Shorthand <em>bare name</em> form of addressing (e.g.,
   <span class="attr-value">MyDrawing.svg#MyView</span>).  This form of
   addressing, which allows addressing an SVG element by its ID, is compatible
@@ -636,33 +633,33 @@ viewTargetSpec ::= 'viewTarget(' ViewTar
 <p>Spaces are not allowed in fragment specifications; thus, commas
 are used to separate numeric values within an SVG view specification
 (e.g., <span class="attr-value">#svgView(viewBox(0,0,200,200))</span>)
 and semicolons are used to separate attributes (e.g.,
 <span class="attr-value">#svgView(viewBox(0,0,200,200);preserveAspectRatio(none))</span>).</p>
 <p>Semicolons used to separate 'SVGViewAttribute' in SVG fragments may be url-escaped (as %3B); 
-this is useful when animating a (semi-colon separated) list of IRIs because
+this is useful when animating a (semi-colon separated) list of URLs because
 otherwise the semicolon would be interpreted as a list separator.</p>
 <p>The five types of <span class="code-fragment">SVGViewAttribute</span> may occur
 in any order, but each type may only occur at most one time in a correctly
 formed <span class="code-fragment">SVGViewSpec</span>.</p>
 <p>When a source document performs a link into an SVG document, for example
 via an <a href="">HTML anchor element</a>
 ([<a href="refs.html#ref-HTML4">HTML4</a>], section 12.2; i.e.,
 <span class="attr-value">&lt;a href=...&gt;</span> element in HTML) or an
 XLink specification [<a href="refs.html#ref-XLINK">XLINK</a>], then
 the SVG fragment identifier specifies the initial view into the SVG document,
 as follows:</p>
-  <li>If no SVG fragment identifier is provided (e.g, the specified IRI did
+  <li>If no SVG fragment identifier is provided (e.g, the specified URL did
   not contain a "#" character, such as <span class="attr-value">MyDrawing.svg</span>),
   then the initial view into the SVG document is established using the view
   specification attributes (i.e., <a>'viewBox'</a>, etc.) on the
   <a>outermost svg element</a>.</li>
   <li>If the SVG fragment identifier addresses a <a href="">space segment</a> 
   (e.g., <span class="attr-value">MyDrawing.svg#xywh=0,0,100,100</span>),then the initial
   view into the SVG document is established using the view specification attributes 
diff --git a/master/painting.html b/master/painting.html
--- a/master/painting.html
+++ b/master/painting.html
@@ -50,17 +50,17 @@ drawn at their vertices or at other posi
 they describe.  The <a href='#Markers'>Markers</a> section below describes
 how markers can be defined and used.</p>
 <p class="annotation">SVG 2 adds markers on shapes. Resolved at
 <a href="">Tokyo F2F</a>.</p>
 <p>SVG uses the general notion of a <strong>paint server</strong>. Paint
-servers are specified using a <a href="linking.html#IRIReference">IRI reference</a>
+servers are specified using a <a href="linking.html#URLReference">URL reference</a>
 on a <a>'fill'</a> or <a>'stroke'</a> property.
 <a href="pservers.html">Gradients and patterns</a> are just specific types of
 paint servers.</p>
 <h2 id="SpecifyingPaint">Specifying paint</h2>
 <div class="annotation svg2-requirement">
@@ -2483,17 +2483,17 @@ an "in error" / "unsupported" value?</p>
     <th>Lacuna value</th>
     <td><dfn id="HrefAttribute">href</dfn></td>
-    <td><a>&lt;iri&gt;</a></td>
+    <td><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></td>
 <p>When a <a>'marker element'</a> element is being used as a <a>positioned marker</a>,
@@ -2634,17 +2634,17 @@ processed.</p>
 <p>Values have the following meaning</p>
   <dt><span class='prop-value'>&lt;url&gt;</span></dt>
   <dd>Indicates that the <a>'marker element'</a> element referenced
   by the <a>&lt;url&gt;</a> value will be used.
-  If the <a href="linking.html#IRIReference">IRI reference</a> is not valid
+  If the <a href="linking.html#URLReference">URL reference</a> is not valid
   (e.g., it points to an object that is undefined or the object is not
   a <a>'marker element'</a> element), then the marker reference is also not
   <dt><span class='prop-value'>child</span></dt>
   <dd>Indicates that the last child <a>'marker element'</a> element of the
   element where the property is specified will be used.
   If there is no such element, then the reference is not valid.</dd>
diff --git a/master/pservers.html b/master/pservers.html
--- a/master/pservers.html
+++ b/master/pservers.html
@@ -75,17 +75,17 @@ redefine them here. -->
   <p class="caption">Three types of paint servers. From left to right:
     A solid color ("MyLightPurple").
     A linear gradient.
     A pattern.
-  Paint servers are used by including an <a>IRI reference</a> in
+  Paint servers are used by including an <a>URL reference</a> in
   a <a>'fill'</a> or <a>'stroke'</a> property (i.e. fill="url(#MyLightPurple)").
   <a href="styling.html#SVGStylingProperties">Properties</a> inherit
   into a paintserver element from its ancestors;
   properties do <em>not</em> inherit from the element referencing
   the paintserver element.
@@ -516,34 +516,34 @@ in the stops. This is discussed in detai
     <dt id="LinearGradientElementHrefAttribute">
       <span class="adef">xlink:href</span>
-        An <a>IRI reference</a> to a
+        An <a>URL reference</a> to a
         different <a>'linearGradient'</a> or
         <a>'radialGradient'</a> element within the current SVG
         document fragment. Any <a>'linearGradient'</a> attributes
         which are defined on the referenced element which are not
         defined on this element are inherited by this element. If this
         element has no defined gradient stops, and the referenced
         element does (possibly due to its own <a>'xlink:href'</a>
         attribute), then this element inherits the gradient stop from
         the referenced element.  Inheritance can be indirect to an
         arbitrary level; thus, if the referenced element inherits
         attribute or gradient stops due to its own <a>'xlink:href'</a>
         attribute, then the current element can inherit those
         attributes or gradient stops.
       <dl class="attrdef-svg2">
-	<dt>Value</dt>                <dd><a>&lt;iri&gt;</a></dd>
+	<dt>Value</dt>                <dd><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></dd>
 	<dt><a>Lacuna value</a></dt>  <dd>empty</dd>
 	<dt><a>Animatable</a></dt>    <dd>yes</dd>
 <h4 id="LinearGradientNotes">Notes on linear gradients</h4>
@@ -896,38 +896,38 @@ shows how to fill a rectangle by referen
 <!--	<dt>Value</dt>                <dd>pad | reflect | repeat</dd> -->
 	<dt><a>Lacuna value</a></dt>  <dd>pad</dd>
 	<dt><a>Animatable</a></dt>    <dd>yes</dd>
     <dt id="RadialGradientElementHrefAttribute">
       <span class="adef">xlink:href</span> =
-      "<span class="attr-value"><a>&lt;iri&gt;</a></span>"
+      "<span class="attr-value"><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></span>"
-        An <a>IRI reference</a>
+        An <a>URL reference</a>
         to a different <a>'linearGradient'</a> or
         <a>'radialGradient'</a> element within the current SVG
         document fragment. Any <a>'radialGradient'</a> attributes
         which are defined on the referenced element which are not
         defined on this element are inherited by this element. If this
         element has no defined gradient stops, and the referenced
         element does (possibly due to its own <a>'xlink:href'</a>
         attribute), then this element inherits the gradient stop from
         the referenced element.  Inheritance can be indirect to an
         arbitrary level; thus, if the referenced element inherits
         attribute or gradient stops due to its own <a>'xlink:href'</a>
         attribute, then the current element can inherit those
         attributes or gradient stops.
       <dl class="attrdef-svg2">
-<!--	<dt>Value</dt>                <dd><a>&lt;iri&gt;</a></dd> -->
+<!--	<dt>Value</dt>                <dd><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></dd> -->
 	<dt><a>Lacuna value</a></dt>  <dd>empty</dd>
 	<dt><a>Animatable</a></dt>    <dd>yes</dd>
 <div class="annotation svg2-requirement">
@@ -1640,32 +1640,32 @@ and <em>n</em>.</p>
         paint is applied).
     <dt id="PatternElementHrefAttribute"><span class="adef">xlink:href</span></dt>
-	An <a href="linking.html#IRIReference">IRI reference</a> to a
+	An <a href="linking.html#URLReference">URL reference</a> to a
         different <a>'pattern'</a> element within the current SVG
         document fragment. Any attributes which are defined on the
         referenced element which are not defined on this element are
         inherited by this element. If this element has no children,
         and the referenced element does (possibly due to its
         own <a>'xlink:href'</a> attribute), then this element inherits
         the children from the referenced element. Inheritance can be
         indirect to an arbitrary level; thus, if the referenced
         element inherits attributes or children due to its
         own <a>'xlink:href'</a> attribute, then the current element
         can inherit those attributes or children.
       <dl class="attrdef-svg2">
-	<dt>Value</dt>                <dd><a>&lt;iri&gt;</a></dd> 
+	<dt>Value</dt>                <dd><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></dd> 
 	<dt><a>Lacuna value</a></dt>  <dd>empty</dd>
 	<dt><a>Animatable</a></dt>    <dd>yes</dd>
     <dt id="PatternElementPreserveAspectRatioAttribute"><span class="adef">preserveAspectRatio</span></dt>
@@ -2031,32 +2031,32 @@ for each possible integer value of <em>m
 	Changed name from 'angle' to 'rotate' at Tokyo F2F.
     <dt id="HatchElementHrefAttribute"><span class="adef">xlink:href</span></dt>
-	An <a href="linking.html#IRIReference">IRI reference</a> to a
+	An <a href="linking.html#URLReference">URL reference</a> to a
         different <a>'hatch'</a> element within the current SVG
         document fragment. Any attributes which are defined on the
         referenced element which are not defined on this element are
         inherited by this element. If this element has no children,
         and the referenced element does (possibly due to its
         own <a>'xlink:href'</a> attribute), then this element inherits
         the children from the referenced element. Inheritance can be
         indirect to an arbitrary level; thus, if the referenced
         element inherits attributes or children due to its
         own <a>'xlink:href'</a> attribute, then the current element
         can inherit those attributes or children.
       <dl class="attrdef-svg2">
-	<dt>Value</dt>                <dd><a>&lt;iri&gt;</a></dd> 
+	<dt>Value</dt>                <dd><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></dd> 
 	<dt><a>Lacuna value</a></dt>  <dd>empty</dd>
 	<dt><a>Animatable</a></dt>    <dd>yes</dd>
diff --git a/master/script.html b/master/script.html
--- a/master/script.html
+++ b/master/script.html
@@ -160,24 +160,24 @@ If the <a>SVG user agent</a> does not su
         <th>Lacuna value</th>
         <td><dfn id="ScriptElementHrefAttribute">href</dfn></td>
-        <td><a>&lt;iri&gt;</a></td>
+        <td><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></td>
-    An <a href="linking.html#IRIReference">IRI reference</a> to an external
+    An <a href="linking.html#URLReference">URL reference</a> to an external
     resource containing the script code.
 <h2 id="EventHandling">Event handling</h2>
 <p>Events can cause scripts to execute when either of the following has
diff --git a/master/struct.html b/master/struct.html
--- a/master/struct.html
+++ b/master/struct.html
@@ -576,17 +576,17 @@ If so, then it should say that.</p>
 <edit:elementsummary name='g'/>
 <h2 id="Head">Defining content for reuse, and the <span class='element-name'>'defs'</span> element</h2>
 <h3 id="Overview">Overview</h3>
 <p>SVG allows graphical objects to be defined for later reuse.
-To do this, it makes extensive use of <a>IRI references</a>
+To do this, it makes extensive use of <a>URL references</a>
 [<a href="refs.html#ref-RFC3987">RFC3987</a>] to these other objects.
 For example, to fill a rectangle with a linear gradient, you first
 define a <a>'linearGradient'</a> element and give it an ID, as in:</p>
 <pre class='xml'><![CDATA[
 <linearGradient id="MyGradient">...</linearGradient>
@@ -635,17 +635,17 @@ Note, however, that the descendants of a
 always present in the source tree and thus can always be
 referenced by other elements; thus, the value of the <a>'display'</a>
 property on the <a>'defs'</a> element or any of its descendants does not
 prevent those elements from being referenced by other elements.</p>
 <p>To provide some SVG user agents with an opportunity to
 implement efficient implementations in streaming environments,
 creators of SVG content are encouraged to place all elements
-which are targets of local IRI references within a <a>'defs'</a>
+which are targets of local URL references within a <a>'defs'</a>
 element which is a direct child of one of the ancestors of the
 referencing element. For example:</p>
 <p class="issue">Is this really about efficiency of implementations?
 If anything, it looks like it is ensuring progressively rendered
 documents don't make forward references that would otherwise
 cause an incorrect rendering before the referenced element is loaded.</p>
@@ -714,25 +714,25 @@ are, and an IDL interface needs to be wr
         <th>Lacuna value</th>
         <td><dfn id="DiscardElementHrefAttribute">href</dfn></td>
-        <td><a>&lt;iri&gt;</a></td>
+        <td><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></td>
-      An <a>IRI reference</a>
+      An <a>URL reference</a>
       that identifies the <a href="animate.html#TargetElement">target element</a>
       to discard.  See the definition of
       <a href="animate.html#HrefAttribute"><span class="attr-name">'href'</span></a>
       on <a>animation elements</a> for details on identifying a target
       Note that if the target element is not part of the
@@ -787,17 +787,17 @@ are, and an IDL interface needs to be wr
   must remove the target node as well as all of its attributes and descendants.
   After removal of the <a href="animate.html#TargetElement">target element</a>,
   the <a href="#DiscardElement"><span class="element-name">'discard'</span></a>
   element is no longer useful. It must also be discarded following the
   target element removal. If the
   <a href="struct.html#DiscardElementHrefAttribute"><span class="attr-name">'href'</span></a>
-  attribute has an <a>invalid</a> IRI reference
+  attribute has an <a>invalid</a> URL reference
   (the target element did not exist, for example),
   the <a href="#DiscardElement"><span class="element-name">'discard'</span></a>
   element itself must still be removed following activation.
   <a href="">Seeking backwards</a>
   in the timeline ([<a href="refs.html#ref-SMIL">SMIL</a>], section 5.4.5)
   must not re-insert the discarded elements. Discarded elements are intended to
@@ -1351,24 +1351,24 @@ href="#Head">References and the <span cl
         <th>Lacuna value</th>
         <td><dfn id="UseElementHrefAttribute">href</dfn></td>
-        <td><a>&lt;iri&gt;</a></td>
+        <td><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></td>
-    <p>An <a href="linking.html#IRIReference">IRI reference</a> to the
+    <p>An <a href="linking.html#URLReference">URL reference</a> to the
     element/fragment within an SVG document to be cloned for
 <h2 id="ConditionalProcessing">Conditional processing</h2>
@@ -1486,17 +1486,17 @@ element whether to render the element or
 <h3 id="ConditionalProcessingRequiredExtensionsAttribute">The <span class='attr-name'>'requiredExtensions'</span> attribute</h3>
 <p>The <a>'requiredExtensions'</a>
 attribute defines a list of required language extensions.
 Language extensions are capabilities within a user agent that
 go beyond the feature set defined in this specification. Each
 extension is identified by an <a
-href="linking.html#IRIReference">IRI reference</a>.</p>
+href="linking.html#URLReference">URL reference</a>.</p>
 <dl class="attrdef-list">
     <table class="propdef attrdef">
         <th>Lacuna value</th>
@@ -1507,42 +1507,42 @@ href="linking.html#IRIReference">IRI ref
     <p>The value is a list of <a
-    href="linking.html#IRIReference">IRI reference</a>s which
+    href="linking.html#URLReference">URL reference</a>s which
     identify the required extensions, with the individual
     values separated by white space. Determines whether all of
     the named <em>extensions</em> are supported by the user
     agent. If all of the given extensions are supported, then
     the attribute evaluates to true; otherwise, the current
     element and its children are skipped and thus will not be
-<p>If a given <a href="linking.html#IRIReference">IRI
+<p>If a given <a href="linking.html#URLReference">URL
 reference</a> contains white space within itself, that white
 space must be escaped.</p>
 <p>If the attribute is not present, then its implicit return
 value is "true". If a null string or empty string value is
 given to attribute <a>'requiredExtensions'</a>, the attribute
 returns "false".</p>
 <p><a>'requiredExtensions'</a> is often
 used in conjunction with the <a>'switch'</a> element. If the <a>'requiredExtensions'</a> is used in other
 situations, then it represents a simple switch on the given
 element whether to render the element or not.</p>
-<p>The IRI names for the extension should include versioning
+<p>The URL names for the extension should include versioning
 information, such as "",
 so that script writers can distinguish between different
 versions of a given extension.</p>
 <h3 id="ConditionalProcessingSystemLanguageAttribute">The <span class="attr-name">'systemLanguage'</span> attribute</h3>
 <p id="SystemLanguageAttribute">The attribute value is a comma-separated list of language
 names as defined in <a href="">BCP 47</a>
@@ -1672,24 +1672,24 @@ section.  We should just describe this o
         <th>Lacuna value</th>
         <td><dfn id="XMLBaseAttribute">xml:base</dfn></td>
-        <td><a>&lt;iri&gt;</a></td>
+        <td><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></td>
-    <p>Specifies a base IRI other than the base IRI of the
+    <p>Specifies a base URL other than the base URL of the
     document or external entity. Refer to the <a href=""><cite>XML Base</cite></a>
     specification [<a href="refs.html#ref-XML-BASE">XML-BASE</a>].</p>
 <p class="issue">Are we happy to keep promoting the use of <span class="attr-name">'xml:base'</span>?
 Is it a use case worth trying to include a more HTML-like syntax for – the <span class="element-name">'base'</span>
 element?  We anyway need to define somewhere what effect the HTML <span class="element-name">'base'</span>
@@ -2513,17 +2513,17 @@ Corresponding size of a screen pixel alo
 <dd class="attribute">
 The initial view (i.e., before magnification and panning) of 
 the current innermost SVG document fragment can be either the 
 "standard" view (i.e., based on attributes on the <a>'svg'</a> 
 element such as <a>'svg/viewBox'</a>) or to a "custom" view (i.e., a
 hyperlink into a particular <a>'view'</a> or other element - see 
 <a href="linking.html#LinksIntoSVG">Linking into SVG content:
-IRI fragments and SVG views</a>). If the initial view is the
+URL fragments and SVG views</a>). If the initial view is the
 "standard" view, then this attribute is false. If the initial
 view is a "custom" view, then this attribute is true.
 <dt id="__svg__SVGSVGElement__currentView" class="attribute"><b>currentView</b><span class="idl-type-parenthetical"> (readonly <a class="idlinterface" href="types.html#InterfaceSVGViewSpec">SVGViewSpec</a>)</span></dt>
 <dd class="attribute">
diff --git a/master/text.html b/master/text.html
--- a/master/text.html
+++ b/master/text.html
@@ -4973,17 +4973,17 @@ swash forms, old-style figures etc. whil
 <edit:with element='textPath'>
     In addition to text drawn in a straight line, SVG also includes
     the ability to place text so that it follows the path in
     a <a>'path'</a> element.  To specify that a block of text is to be
     rendered along the shape of a <a>'path'</a>, include the given
     text within a <a>'textPath'</a> element which includes
-    an <a>'xlink:href'</a> attribute with an <a>IRI reference</a> to
+    an <a>'xlink:href'</a> attribute with an <a>URL reference</a> to
     a <a>'path'</a> element, or a <a>'d'</a> attribute that specifies
     the path data directly.
     Text on a path is conceptional like a single line
     of <a href="text.html#TextLayoutPre">pre-formatted</a> text that
     is then transformed to follow the path. Except as indicated, all
@@ -5144,27 +5144,27 @@ swash forms, old-style figures etc. whil
 	<dt><a>Animatable</a></dt>    <dd>yes</dd>
     <dt id="TextPathElementHrefAttribute"><span class="adef">xlink:href</span></dt>
-        An <a href="linking.html#IRIReference">IRI reference</a> to
+        An <a href="linking.html#URLReference">URL reference</a> to
         the <a>'path'</a> element onto which the glyphs will be
-        rendered. If &lt;iri&gt; is an invalid reference (e.g., no
+        rendered. If &lt;url&gt; is an invalid reference (e.g., no
         such element exists, or the referenced element is not
         a <a>'path'</a>), then the <a>'textPath'</a> element is in
         error and its entire contents shall not be rendered by the
         user agent.
       <dl class="attrdef-svg2">
-	<dt>Value</dt>                <dd><a href="types.html#DataTypeIRI">&lt;iri&gt;</a></dd>
+	<dt>Value</dt>                <dd><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></dd>
 	<dt><a>Lacuna value</a></dt>  <dd>See above.</dd>
 	<dt><a>Animatable</a></dt>    <dd>yes</dd>
@@ -6349,28 +6349,28 @@ style="font-weight:bold; color:green">tr
 <h4 id="AltGlyphAttributes">Attributes</h4>
   <dl class="attrdef-list-svg2">
     <dt id="AltGlyphElementHrefAttribute"><span class="adef">xlink:href</span></dt>
-	An <a href="linking.html#IRIReference">IRI reference</a>
+	An <a href="linking.html#URLReference">URL reference</a>
         to an <a>'altGlyphDef'</a> element.
         If an appropriate set of alternate glyphs is located from
         processing the <a>'altGlyphDef'</a> element, then those
         alternate glyphs are rendered instead of the character(s) that
         are inside of the <a>'altGlyph'</a> element.
       <dl class="attrdef-svg2">
-	<dt>Value</dt>                <dd><a href="types.html#DataTypeIRI">&lt;iri&gt;</a></dd>
+	<dt>Value</dt>                <dd><a>&lt;url&gt;</a></dd>
 	<dt><a>Lacuna value</a></dt>  <dd></dd>
 	<dt><a>Animatable</a></dt>    <dd>no</dd>
     <dt id="AltGlyphElementGlyphRefAttribute"><span class="adef">glyphRef</span></dt>
diff --git a/master/types.html b/master/types.html
--- a/master/types.html
+++ b/master/types.html
@@ -374,21 +374,21 @@ attributes, including presentation attri
     <a>property</a>, the range for an &lt;integer&gt; encompasses (at a
     minimum) -2147483648 to 2147483647.</p>
     <p>Within the SVG DOM, an &lt;integer&gt; is represented as a
     <span class="DOMInterfaceName">long</span> or an
-  <dt id='DataTypeIRI'>&lt;IRI&gt;</dt>
+  <dt id='DataTypeURL'>&lt;url&gt;</dt>
-    <p>An Internationalized Resource Identifier (see <a>IRI</a>).
-    For the specification of <a>IRI</a> references in SVG, see
-    <a href="linking.html#IRIReference">IRI references</a>.</p>
+    <p>An Internationalized Resource Identifier (see <a>URL</a>).
+    For the specification of <a>URL</a> references in SVG, see
+    <a href="linking.html#URLReference">URL references</a>.</p>
   <dt id="DataTypeLength">&lt;length&gt;</dt>
     <p>A length is a distance measurement, given as a number along with a unit
     which may be optional. Lengths are specified in one of two ways depending
     upon whether they are used in CSS <a>property</a> syntax or SVG
     <a>presentation attribute</a> syntax:</p>
@@ -467,17 +467,17 @@ attributes, including presentation attri
 list-of-strings ::= string
                     | string <a href='#WSP'>wsp</a>+ list-of-strings
 string          ::= [^#x9#x20#xA#xC#xD]*
   <dt id='DataTypeList'>
-    <span id='DataTypeListOfIRI'>
+    <span id='DataTypeListOfURL'>
       <span id='DataTypeNumbers'>
         <span id='DataTypeLengths'>
           <span class='SVG-Term'>&lt;list-of-<var>T</var>s&gt;</span>

Received on Friday, 20 June 2014 13:48:44 UTC