svg2: Clarifications for width/height presentation attributes.

changeset: 667:7660e64b1971
user:      Erik Dahlstrom <>
date:      Thu Apr 17 11:54:59 2014 +0200
Clarifications for width/height presentation attributes.


 master/styling.html |  8 ++++++--
 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diffs (62 lines):

diff --git a/master/styling.html b/master/styling.html
--- a/master/styling.html
+++ b/master/styling.html
@@ -1076,17 +1076,17 @@ descendants.</p>
       <td><a>&lt;percentage&gt;</a> | <a>&lt;length&gt;</a> | auto</td>
       <td>Applies to:</td>
-      <td>all elements but non-replaced inline elements, table rows, and row groups, in SVG: the <a>'foreignObject'</a> element</td>
+      <td>all elements but non-replaced inline elements, table rows, and row groups, in SVG: the <a>'foreignObject'</a> and <a>'svg'</a> elements</td>
       <td>refer to width of containing block</td>
@@ -1123,17 +1123,17 @@ descendants.</p>
       <td><a>&lt;percentage&gt;</a> | <a>&lt;length&gt;</a> | auto</td>
       <td>Applies to:</td>
-      <td>all elements but non-replaced inline elements, table columns, and column groups, in SVG: the <a>'foreignObject'</a> element</td>
+      <td>all elements but non-replaced inline elements, table columns, and column groups, in SVG: the <a>'foreignObject'</a> and <a>'svg'</a> elements</td>
       <td><a href="">see prose</a></td>
@@ -1155,16 +1155,20 @@ descendants.</p>
   <p class="note">
     Except for any additional information provided in this
     specification, the
     <a href="">normative
     definition of the <span class="property-name">'height'</span> property</a> is in CSS 2.1
     ([<a href="refs.html#ref-CSS21">CSS21</a>], section 10.5).
+  <p>For backwards compatibility, when the <a>'width'</a> or <a>'height'</a> properties are specified as a presentation attributes, only the
+  values that match the <a>&lt;length&gt;</a> production shall be mapped to CSS. Any other value must be treated as <a>invalid</a>.
+  </p>
   <p class="issue">Is there a need to define 'auto' in more detail specifically for svg/foreignObject?</p>
 <p class="issue">As part of unifying HTML's and SVG's
 <span class="element-name">'style'</span> element, we should
 allow and mention scoped style sheets here.</p>
 <h2 id='UAStyleSheet'>User agent style sheet</h2>

Received on Thursday, 17 April 2014 09:58:26 UTC