Agenda, 5 June 2014 SVG WG / WebAppSec WG telcon

Hello SVG WG and WebAppSec WG,

I'd like to welcome the WebAppSec WG to tomorrow's SVG WG call, to start  
the discussion on how SVG and CSP can play nicely together.

Time and date:
Phone: +1 617-761-6200 (US) or (SIP)
Conference code: SVG1# (7841#)
IRC for minutes/discussion: #svg on, port 6665
Agenda requests:


* How can SVG and CSP play nicely together? (WebAppSec WG)
* Resolve exact dates for London F2F (Cameron)
* Sydney F2F (early 2015) (ed)
* Should we use unrestricted double for SVGLength, SVGNumber, SVGAngle and  
all attributes? DOMPoint, DOMRect, DOMMatrix do already. (krit)
* Missing 'turn' unit in SVGAngle, see CSS3 Values and Units (ed)

Erik Dahlstrom, Web Technology Developer, Opera Software
Co-Chair, W3C SVG Working Group

Received on Wednesday, 4 June 2014 07:37:24 UTC