from August 2011 by subject

ACTION-141 - Create a SQL/XSD data dataype mapping

Addressing ISSUE-64 and ISSUE-65

Comments and suggestions regarding the 'A Direct Mapping of Relational Data to RDF'

Datatype handling added to R2RML spec (ISSUE-29, ISSUE-48, ISSUE-51)

Datatypes (ISSUE-48)

Direct Mapping Spec - Comments

Editorial comments on DM draft

Fwd: Join the W3C Workshop on Data and Services Integration (Call for Participation)

ISSUE-48 (was: Re: ACTION-141) Create a SQL/XSD data dataype mapping

ISSUE-57: Ok to go to Last Call with this text?

ISSUE-63 (dm-english): Normative expression of the Direct Mapping in Plain English [Direct Mapping]

ISSUE-64: Predicate IRI design for foreign key does not handle common cases where same column sequence may be used for multiple foreign key constraints [Direct Mapping]

ISSUE-65: For uniformity and performance, "literal" triples must be always generated for each child table column in a foreign key

ISSUE-66: Translation Scheme as proposed seems too complicated for the simple task of mapping <DB value(s), RDF term>

Join the W3C Workshop on Data and Services Integration (Call for Participation)

LC deadline

Minutes of 2011-08-02 telecon

Minutes of 2011-08-09 telecon

Minutes of 2011-08-16 telecon

Minutes of 2011-08-23 telecon

Minutes of 2011-08-30 telecon

More Comments on the Direct Mapping Specification

New section on translation schemes in R2RML spec

New section on translation schemes in R2RML spec (ISSUE-61)

Non-Turtle mapping documents (ISSUE-57)

Please review: syntactic sugar and polishing (ISSUE-54, ISSUE-56, ISSUE-59, ISSUE-60)

Process: ISSUE-61 (translation schemes) and ISSUE-49 (SQL terminology)

PROPOSAL for always creating literal triples for each of the columns that is included in a foreign key

PROPOSAL for Direct Mapping predicate IRI design for foreign-key

Proposal for ISSUE-65

Proposal for lookup tables in R2RML, based on SKOS

Proposal for the Direct Mapping

Raising issues/actions for Souri's comments

rdb2rdf test cases reports

RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2011-08-02 meeting 1600 UTC

RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2011-08-09 meeting 1600 UTC

RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2011-08-16 meeting 1600 UTC

RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2011-08-23 meeting 1600 UTC

RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2011-08-30 meeting 1600 UTC

Remaining R2RML issues for Last Call (ISSUE-55, ISSUE-57, ISSUE-58)

Status of the R2RML document and going last call

Substantial comments on the DM Mapping

Why don't we have referencing subject/predicate/graph maps?

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 August 2011 14:37:46 UTC