RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2011-08-09 meeting 1600 UTC


Please find below the agenda for our next week's conference call. The main point is the Direct Mapping, so ALL, please make sure that you review the current state of the DM Editor's draft and make yourself familiar with the issues around it (see agenda item 3, below).


AGENDA Teleconference
W3C RDB2RDF Working Group telephone conference 2011-08-09
*16:00-17:00 UTC*
Local time:

Bridge US: +1-617-761-6200 (Zakim)
Conference code: 7322733# (spells "RDB2RDF")
IRC channel : #RDB2RDF on irc.w3.org:6665 W3C

Chair: Michael
Scribe: Michael

1. Admin

PROPOSAL: Accept the minutes of last meeting http://www.w3.org/2011/08/02-rdb2rdf-minutes.html

2. Current actions

ACTION-149 Nuno Lopes to look into how SQL 2008 handles CAST of user-defined types and constructed types to string

ACTION-150 Richard Cyganiak to come up with a proposal for ISSUE-61 (entity ID look-up table)

3. Direct Mapping (DM)

Preparation: all active WG members to review the current Editor's draft  at http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/directMapping/EGP

The following issues are associated with the DM:

ISSUE-63 Normative expression of the Direct Mapping in Plain English

ISSUE-40 Express Direct Mapping in terms of R2RML

ISSUE-42 How is the direct mapping suppose to handle NULL values wrt Information Preserving

4. AOB

Dr. Michael Hausenblas, Research Fellow
LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
Ireland, Europe
Tel. +353 91 495730

Received on Saturday, 6 August 2011 17:08:28 UTC