from April to June 2000
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Starting: Sat, Apr 01 2000
Ending: Fri, Jun 30 2000
- 4.1 Target-Selector
- 405 on checkin
- [Moderator Action] draft-ietf-deltav-versioning-04.8
- A Plea for the workspace header (Was: Why do we need working resource ids ?)
- Activity semantics
- Branching, repositories, and activities
- checkin policy
- Checkin response
- Checkin without becoming default revision
- Collection Fetch/Save proposal
- conflicts-report vs. merge-preview-report
- COPY semantics
- Date props
- DAV:author
- DAV:auto-version
- DAV:compare-report
- DAV:repository-report
- DAV:revision-set
- DAV:revisions property for a workspace resource
- DAV:single-checkout and DAV:linear
- DAV:workspace-url-report
- Defn of versionable
- DeltaV Design Team Meeting
- DeltaV Design Team Meeting 5/24/00
- draft-ietf-deltav-versioning-04.2
- draft-ietf-deltav-versioning-04.4
- draft-ietf-deltav-versioning-05
- draft-ietf-deltav04.5 now available
- Getting rid of "delete" semantics for checkout/checkin
- Getting rid of the "metadata" value for the Workspace header
- href
- I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-deltav-versioning-05.txt
- IETF 47 Delta-V Working Group Notes
- If: header and "parent" resource checking
- Initializing a new workspace using an RSR
- interim DeltaV design meeting
- Issues from the May 25 Design Team meeting
- Keep checked out
- Label subset
- Labels
- LOCK and versioned resources
- Locking
- Locking a workspace
- Locking revisions
- MERGE failure
- Merging
- Minutes: Versioning TeleConf Agenda, 5/1/00 (Monday) 2pm-3pm EST
- modeling RCS style branches with activities
- Mutable revisions
- new "Advanced Versioning Semantics" section
- new working draft (04.8) of versioning protocol available
- New working draft of versioning protocol available
- OPTIONS method
- Parallel development and merging
- Predecessor set
- propfind on a stable URL
- Protocol doc
- protocol-04.8 issues
- Questions on activities
- Re (2): DAV:revisions property for a workspace resource
- Resource vs. Revision Properties
- Review of protocol 04.3
- Review of version 05
- Revision of a stable-URL versioned resource
- Revision-set property: unordered?
- Section 2.2
- Section 5
- Simplifying client access to advanced versioning
- Stable Href's of collections
- stable URL's
- Stable URL's for working resources?
- Stable URLs
- State of versioned resource, history resource
- Target
- The 05 versioning protocol draft
- There's money in them thar links!
- Three questions
- Three questions, and a paean to Perforce
- Unversioned members of versioned collections
- VERSION a null resource
- Versioned colection private members
- Versioned Collections
- Versioning 4.0 review
- Versioning Conf Call 5/8/2000 - Unreserved checkout flag for activities
- Versioning Phone Conference?
- Versioning TeleConf Agenda, 4/10/00 (Monday) 2-3pmEST
- Versioning TeleConf Agenda, 4/17/00 (Monday) 2-3pmEST
- Versioning TeleConf Agenda, 4/24/00 (Monday) *1-2pm*EST
- Versioning TeleConf Agenda, 4/3/00 (Monday) 2-3pmEST
- Versioning TeleConf Agenda, 5/1/00 (Monday) 2pm-3pm EST
- Versioning TeleConf Agenda, 5/15/00 (Monday) 2pm-3pm EST
- Versioning TeleConf Agenda, 5/22/00 (Monday) 2pm-3pm EST
- Versioning TeleConf Agenda, 5/8/00 (Monday) 2pm-3pm EST
- Versioning TeleConf Agenda, 6/12/00 (Monday) 2pm-3pm EST
- Versioning TeleConf Agenda, 6/19/00 (Monday) 2pm-3pm EST
- Versioning TeleConf Agenda, 6/19/00 (Monday) 2pm-3pm EST [resend]
- Versioning TeleConf Agenda, 6/26/00 (Monday) 2pm-3pm EST
- Versioning TeleConf Agenda, 6/26/00 (Monday) 2pm-3pm EST [resend]
- Versioning TeleConf Agenda, 6/5/00 (Monday) 2pm-3pm EST
- versioning-04 review
- WebDAV Versioning Scenarios
- Why do we need working resource ids ?
- working resource DAV:merge-state property?
- Working resource ids
- Working resources in basic versioning
- Workspace resource type
- Workspace/Target-Selector vs. Target-Selector/Request-Target-Selector
- workspaces as collections
- Workspaces as versionable resources
Last message date: Fri, Jun 30 2000
Archived on: Fri, Jun 30 2000 EDT
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